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Consumer Acceptance of Genetically Modified Foods in South Korea: Factor and Cluster Analysis 31
Onyango, Benjamin M.; Govindasamy, Ramu; Hallman, William K.; Jang, Ho-Min; Puduri, Venkata S..
This study extends biotechnology discourse to cover South Korea in the Asian sub-continent showing a marked difference in perceptions between traditional and GM foods. Factor analysis suggests South Koreans may treat foods that are locally produced and those with no artificial flavors or colorings preferentially to GM foods. Additionally, South Koreans have concerns about perceived risks related to biotechnology, and, given a choice, they may pay more to avoid GM foods. Cluster analysis results yielded four consumer segments: (a) ardent supporters of the attribute of “naturalness” in foods, (b) those apprehensive about biotechnology, (c) the food adventurous, and (d) information seekers about biotechnology.
Tipo: Journal Article Palavras-chave: Consumer perceptions; Factor and cluster analysis; Food attributes; Genetic modification; Consumer/Household Economics; Food Consumption/Nutrition/Food Safety.
Ano: 2006 URL:
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