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Geophysical characterization of bottom simulating reflectors in the Fairway Basin (off New Caledonia, Southwest Pacific), based on high resolution seismic profiles and heat flow data 5
Nouze, Herve; Cosquer, Emmanuel; Collot, Julien; Foucher, Jean-paul; Klingelhoefer, Frauke; Lafoy, Yves; Geli, Louis.
High-resolution reflection and refraction seismic data were collected in 2004 to investigate, in further detail than allowed by pre-existing low resolution seismic data, the nature of a Bottom Simulating Reflector (BSR) that extends over a broad area of the Fairway Basin, a rifted, continental structure located on the eastern flank of the Lord Howe Rise, to the southwest of New Caledonia. Two main reflectors are documented: the shallower (RN) mimics the seafloor and has a negative polarity while the deeper (RP) does not always mimic the seafloor and has a positive polarity. Using the existing regional seismic lines, we can show that reflector RN can be continuously followed up to DSDP 208 drill hole site. Reflector RP is discontinuous and cannot be traced...
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Stratigraphy; Gas hydrates; Geophysics; Southwest Pacific; Fairway Basin; BSR.
Ano: 2009 URL:
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Mesozoic history of the Fairway-Aotea Basin: Implications for the early stages of Gondwana fragmentation 5
Collot, Julien; Herzer, R.; Lafoy, Y.; Geli, Louis.
The Fairway Ridge is a buried continental structure that separates the Fairway Basin from the New Caledonia Basin. The proposed Cretaceous age of the Fairway Basin has remained highly hypothetical to date. Deep offshore petroleum exploration wells revealed well-dated Mesozoic carbonaceous sedimentary rocks in the Taranaki Basin at the southern end of the Aotea Basin. In this paper we use geophysical data to confirm the continuity of the 2000 km long Fairway-Aotea Basin connecting New Caledonia to New Zealand and prove its early Late Cretaceous age. Analysis of seismic reflection profiles together with newly compiled gravity and magnetic maps reveals Late Cretaceous NE–SW trending lineaments projecting northeastward from major Tasman Sea fracture zones and...
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Aotea Basin; Fairway Basin; Southwest Pacific.
Ano: 2009 URL:
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Neogene-Quaternary architecture and sedimentary processes on an isolated carbonate-fed deep-water basin (Fairway Basin, Southwest Pacific) 5
Pattier, France; Etienne, S.; Collot, J; Patriat, Martin; Tournadour, Elsa; Roest, Walter; Rouillard, P..
The Fairway Basin is an intracratonic deep-water basin inherited from cretaceous rifting, perched between the Lord Howe Rise and the New Caledonia Basin in the Southwest Pacific. Its originality lies in its atypical present-day physiography and its carbonate-dominated sedimentary setting since the Miocene. Although very limited well controls are available, its overall structure, seismic stratigraphy and architecture are relatively well known. However, little is known on the detailed sedimentary processes controlling its recent infill. Its remote location from any major clastic sediment sources provides a great setting to study deep-water carbonate sedimentary processes. In this paper, we propose a detailed analysis of surface morphologies based on existing...
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Deep-water carbonates; Submarine landslides; Turbidites; Polygonal faulting; Fluid escape; Fairway Basin.
Ano: 2019 URL:
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