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Causes of Diversification in Agriculture Over Time: Evidence From Norwegian Farming Sector AgEcon
Culas, Richard J.; Mahendrarajah, Mahen.
Farm planning generally focuses on optimal diversification with respect to risk and uncertainties, where the risk-management strategies combine production, marketing, financial and environmental responses of the production of farm firm. In this study an empirical examination of farm diversification has been carried out from a sample of farms in Eastern Norway in which four measures of diversification (indices) were defined to incorporate the risk and uncertainties in relation to farm production (total) income. Using these four alternative measures of diversification and panel-data techniques, it has been shown that larger farms are more diversified, and when there is productive location and access to labour the farmers have a greater incentive to spread...
Tipo: Conference Paper or Presentation Palavras-chave: Farm diversification; Risk and uncertainty; Environmental management; Panel data; Agribusiness; C23; Q12; Q20.
Ano: 2005 URL:
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Causes of farm diversification over time: an Australian perspective on an Eastern Norway model AgEcon
Culas, Richard J..
Farm planning often focuses on optimal diversification with respect to risk, where the risk-management strategies combine production, marketing, financial and environmental aspects of the farm-firm. In this study an empirical examination of diversification has been carried out using a sample of farms in Eastern Norway. Four measures of diversification (indices) were defined to record the risks in relation to income from farm production. Using these alternative measures of diversification and panel-data, the results show that larger farms are more diversified, and for farms in more favourable locations and access to labour, the farmers have a greater incentive to spread risk. These results suggest that diversification and farm size are positively linked and...
Tipo: Article Palavras-chave: Farm diversification; Causes of farm diversification; Panel data; Farm Management.
Ano: 2006 URL:
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Determinants of farm diversification and interaction with the CAP. An application to FADN of Marche region (Italy) AgEcon
Finocchio, Romina; Esposti, Roberto.
This work analyzes farm diversification activities in an Italian region (Marche). The study examines 387 farms from Farm Accountancy Data Network (FADN) over a six-year period (2000-2005), applying Discrete Choice Models to identify their business. Recognizing the driving forces of such diversification strategy can be useful to better design those agricultural policies explicitly aimed at promoting agricultural multifunctionality as well as social and environmental sustainability. The linkage between diversification choices and CAP payments is thus also investigated.
Tipo: Conference Paper or Presentation Palavras-chave: Farm diversification; Discrete Choice Models; Multifunctionality; Agricultural and Food Policy; Farm Management.
Ano: 2008 URL:
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Direct Selling: a Marketing Strategy to Shorten Distances between Production and Consumption AgEcon
Aguglia, Laura; De Santis, Francesco; Salvioni, Cristina.
Direct sales became in recent years a diversification strategy increasingly used by farms to answer the CAP reform, as well as to react to the continuous price squeeze. Direct sales is in fact a form of marketing that allow farmers to retain a higher share of the final value of products. Far from being a way back to tradition, short chains and direct sales can be seen as strategies to capture new segments of demand interested in local and fresh food, and in more direct contact between consumers and suppliers. The aim of this work is to study the recent evolution of direct selling in Italy and the determinants of the adoption of this marketing strategy. The first part of the paper analyses the evolution of Italian short supply chains and the development of...
Tipo: Conference Paper or Presentation Palavras-chave: Farm diversification; Direct selling; Short supply chain; Periurban agriculture; Discrete choice models; Marketing.
Ano: 2009 URL:
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Diversification as a Survival Strategy for Marginal Farms an Exploratory Research AgEcon
Vernimmen, Tom; Bourgeois, Marie; Van Huylenbroeck, Guido; Meert, Henk; van Hecke, Etienne.
One of the common strategies in rural development programmes is to support the adoption of new on-farm activities. The rationale behind this is that farm diversification is a way to assure an appropriate level of income for the farmers. Through interviews with 49 relatively small farmers, the possibilities for diversification as a survival strategy are assessed. The analysis is mainly based on a classification of development pathways by Bowler (1992). Few forms of diversification appear to be successful as a survival strategy in case of economic problems. Only off-farm employment seems to be effective in this respect. The introduction of new activities on marginal farms is hampered by lack of financial and human capital. On the other hand, diversification...
Tipo: Conference Paper or Presentation Palavras-chave: Farm diversification; Poverty; Farm strategies; Rural development; Farm Management.
Ano: 2002 URL:
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Diversification choices in agriculture: a Choice Modelling case study of sugarcane growers AgEcon
Windle, Jill; Rolfe, John.
Growers in the sugarcane industry have been struggling under financial pressure for several years. One option to improve farm viability might be to diversify farm enterprise income. Choice Modelling, an economic valuation technique, was used to explore the trade-offs growers make between different attributes of diversification, and how their choices may be related to certain socio-economic characteristics. Application of the technique involved surveys of cane growers in three regions of Central Queensland. This is a novel approach to assessing grower intentions that has the potential to reveal detailed information about influences on grower choices.
Tipo: Article Palavras-chave: Choice modelling; Farm diversification; Sugarcane growers; Farm Management.
Ano: 2005 URL:
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Educational Function of Agriculture and Farm Diversification: Evidence from Dairy Farming Experience Services in Japan AgEcon
Ohe, Yasuo.
To promote multifunctional activity, it is crucial to clarify how jointness is formed in connection with farm structure. This paper examines the relationship between multifunctional activity and farm structure by focusing on the educational function of dairy farming, i.e., farming experience services, in Japan. The main findings were as follows. First, from our conceptual consideration we can say that the educational function is determined by technical and institutional jointness and there is a U-shaped relationship between farm diversification and provision of farming experience services. In addition, the national program aimed at promoting this educational function was effective in enhancing this function. Second, however, from the empirical evaluation...
Tipo: Conference Paper or Presentation Palavras-chave: Multifunctionality; Educational function; Farm diversification; Environmental Economics and Policy; Farm Management; Livestock Production/Industries; Q12; Q26; Q57; C24.
Ano: 2009 URL:
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Evaluating the Diversifying Market for and Viability of Rural Tourism Activity in Japan AgEcon
Ohe, Yasuo.
This paper evaluated diversified rural tourism activities from the perspectives of economic viability and endogenous utilization of rural resources and investigated labour productivity. First, we presented a conceptual framework on how to evaluate economic viability and the endogenous mobilization of rural resources. Second, we empirically evaluated economic viability, the supply shift effect of endogenous utilization of rural resources and labour productivity with regard to rural tourism. The main findings are as follows. First, examination of the three main activities, i.e. accommodation, restaurant operation and direct selling of farm products, showed that both full-time and part-time labour input contribute more effectively to better sales than such...
Tipo: Conference Paper or Presentation Palavras-chave: Rural tourism; Rural resources; Farm diversification; Community/Rural/Urban Development.
Ano: 2008 URL:
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Some factors responsible for reductions in employment on farms in Hungary AgEcon
Feher, Alajos; Czimbalmos, Robert; Kovacs, Gyorgyi; Szepesy, Edit.
A decline in the number of people working on farms and in the Annual Work Units per unit area was typical of the second half of the first decade of the 21st century in the member states of the European Union. Hungary is one of the countries where this reduction is twice as high as the average. This can be attributed to a number of factors. Of these, the present paper is concerned on the one hand with farm concentration, the low level of farm diversification and pluriactivity and the desire of farmers to expand their farms, and on the other hand with various aspects of the support policy in Hungary aimed at the economic competitiveness and the diversification of the rural economy. The database on which the work was based was taken partly from the digital...
Tipo: Journal Article Palavras-chave: On-farm employment; Farm diversification; Farm concentration; Support policy; Agricultural and Food Policy; Farm Management; Labor and Human Capital.
Ano: 2010 URL:
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Tobacco Farmer Interest and Success in Diversification AgEcon
Jones, Alison Snow; Beach, Robert H.; Johnston, Stephen A..
As U.S. farm income from tobacco production has declined in recent years, there has been increased interest in developing alternative sources of farm revenue to replace lost tobacco income, particularly in tobacco-dependent communities of the southeastern United States. The recent end of the tobacco quota program is expected to accelerate the exit of tobacco farmers and has heightened concern regarding the availability of profitable substitutes for tobacco. In this study, we examine the impact of farm, household, and market characteristics on tobacco farmer interest and success in on-farm and off-farm income diversification. Using survey data collected from a panel of North Carolina tobacco farmers in 1997, 1999, 2001, and 2004 combined with market data...
Tipo: Conference Paper or Presentation Palavras-chave: Tobacco; Farm diversification; Household model; Quota buyout.; Farm Management.
Ano: 2005 URL:
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