Registros recuperados: 58 | |
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Langyintuo, Augustine S.; Setimela, Peter S.. |
The publication describes outcomes of a study to assess the effectiveness of a large-scale crop seed relief effort in Zimbabwe during 2003-07. Aims of the effort, which was supported by the British Department for International Development (DfID) and coordinated by the Food and Agricultural Organization (FAO) regional office in Harare, included broader diffusion of open-pollinated maize varieties (OPVs), as opposed to hybrids. Based on the findings of the study, the authors recommend that, to increase benefits to vulnerable groups, participants in such efforts should effectively disseminate information on selecting and recycling seed, supported by training and field demonstrations, and should target relatively well-endowed farmers initially. Recommendations... |
Tipo: Working or Discussion Paper |
Palavras-chave: Agricultural development; Technical aid; Farm income; Food production; Maize; Open pollination; Hybrids; Zimbabwe; Crop Production/Industries; International Development. |
Ano: 2007 |
URL: http://purl.umn.edu/7655 |
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Perry, Janet E.; Banker, David E.; Green, Robert C.. |
This study provides a comprehensive view of the organization, management, and financial performance of U.S. broiler farms. Using data from USDA's Agricultural Resource Management Study (ARMS, formerly known as the Farm Costs and Returns Survey), we examine farm size, financial structure, household income, management practices, and spousal participation in decision-making. We compare broiler operations with other farming enterprises and their earnings with that of the average U.S. household. Because most of the 7 billion broilers produced in the United States in 1995 were raised under contract, we also explore the use of contracts and the effects of contracting on the broiler sector. |
Tipo: Report |
Palavras-chave: Contracting; Broilers; Poultry; Farm characteristics; Farm income; Farm operator characteristics; Risk management strategies; Livestock Production/Industries. |
Ano: 1999 |
URL: http://purl.umn.edu/33739 |
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Martin, Laura L.; Brown, A. Blake. |
Excessive government losses and pressure from end users of peanuts have increased the likelihood of a peanut support price and quota reduction in the 1995 farm bill. This study analyzes the economic impacts of reducing the national quota support price on North Carolina farm income and rural communities. Effects of policies that reduce quota support price for Virginia-type peanuts from $675 per ton to levels of $600 and $500 per ton are estimated. Reductions in the quota support price have significant impacts on quota owners and peanut producing regions. A 10 percent reduction in quota and a $500 support price would result in a $43 million income reduction to North Carolina. |
Tipo: Journal Article |
Palavras-chave: Peanut production; Peanut policy; Farm income; Agribusiness; Agricultural Finance; Demand and Price Analysis. |
Ano: 1996 |
URL: http://purl.umn.edu/90380 |
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Gaucín Piedra, Salvador Darío. |
Es muy variable la importancia de la actividad agropecuaria como generadora de ingresos en el sector rural, complementada por diversas fuentes. En el presente trabajo, se identifica y analiza la composición y distribución del ingreso bruto en 2004 para una muestra de 1,600 unidades de producción rural, por estrato de productores, región en que se ubican, grado de marginación de la localidad y condición de pobreza. Para el total de la muestra, 69% de los ingresos fueron agropecuarios, 21.6% no agropecuarios ganados (autoempleo y salarios no agropecuarios) y 9.4% no agropecuarios no ganados (remesas y apoyos gubernamentales). Para los estratos de mayores ingresos, así como para las unidades de producción ubicadas en el norte del país, en zonas de baja y muy... |
Tipo: Tesis |
Palavras-chave: Ingreso; Unidad de producción rural; Distribución del ingreso; Maestría; Economía; Farm income; Rural households; Income distribution. |
Ano: 2007 |
URL: http://hdl.handle.net/10521/1677 |
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Swenson, Andrew L.; Gustafson, Cole R.. |
The performance of over 500 North Dakota farms, 1993-1995, is summarized using 16 financial measures. Farms are categorized by geographic region, farm type, farm size, gross cash sales, farm tenure, net farm income, debt-to-asset, and age of farmer to analyze relationships between financial performance and farm characteristics. |
Tipo: Working or Discussion Paper |
Palavras-chave: Farm financial management; Farm management; Farm income; Liquidity; Solvency; Profitability; Repayment capacity; Financial efficiency; Financial benchmarks; Tenure; North Dakota.; Agricultural Finance. |
Ano: 1996 |
URL: http://purl.umn.edu/23187 |
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Swenson, Andrew L.. |
The performance of over 500 North Dakota farms, 1994-1996, is summarized using 16 financial measures. Farms are categorized by geographic region, farm type, farm size, gross cash sales, farm tenure, net farm income, debt-to-asset, and age of farmer to analyze relationships between financial performance and farm characteristics. |
Tipo: Working or Discussion Paper |
Palavras-chave: Farm financial management; Farm management; Farm income; Liquidity; Solvency; Profitability; Repayment capacity; Financial efficiency; Financial benchmarks; Tenure; North Dakota; Agricultural Finance. |
Ano: 1996 |
URL: http://purl.umn.edu/23393 |
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Swenson, Andrew L.. |
The performance of over 550 North Dakota farms, 1995-1997, is summarized using 16 financial measures. Farms are categorized by geographic region, farm type, farm size, gross cash sales, farm tenure, net farm income, debt-to-asset, and age of farmer to analyze relationships between financial performance and farm characteristics. There was severe deterioration of financial performance in 1997 because of poor crop profitability. Livestock farm performance was weak, but improved from 1996. Median net farm income was $14,290 in 1997 compared to $31,603 in 1996. Three out of ten farms had negative net farm income and 57 percent of all farms were not able to make scheduled term debt payments. |
Tipo: Working or Discussion Paper |
Palavras-chave: Farm financial management; Farm management; Farm income; Liquidity; Solvency; Profitability; Repayment capacity; Financial efficiency; Financial benchmarks; Tenure; North Dakota; Agricultural Finance. |
Ano: 1998 |
URL: http://purl.umn.edu/23200 |
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Swenson, Andrew L.. |
The performance of over 530 North Dakota farms, 1996-1998, is summarized using 16 financial measures. Farms are categorized by geographic region, farm type, farm size, gross cash sales, farm tenure, net farm income, debt-to-asset, and age of farmer to analyze relationships between financial performance and farm characteristics. There was severe deterioration of financial performance in 1997. Financial performance in 1998, although the second lowest in the 1991-1998 period, improved because strong crop yields and emergency federal aid helped offset low crop and livestock prices. Median farm net income was $19,491 in 1998, $14,290 in 1997 and $31,603 in 1996. One-fourth of farms had negative net farm income and 51 percent of farms were not able to make... |
Tipo: Working or Discussion Paper |
Palavras-chave: Farm financial management; Farm management; Farm income; Liquidity; Solvency; Profitability; Repayment capacity; Financial efficiency; Financial benchmarks; Tenure; North Dakota; Agricultural Finance. |
Ano: 1999 |
URL: http://purl.umn.edu/23233 |
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Registros recuperados: 58 | |