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A financial analysis of the effect of the mix of crop and sheep enterprises on the risk profile of dryland farms in south-eastern Australia AgEcon
Hutchings, Timothy R.; Nordblom, Thomas L..
This study analyses the financial risk faced by representative mixed-enterprise farm businesses in four regions of south-eastern Australia. It uses discrete stochastic programming to optimise the ten-year cash flow margins produced by these farms, operating three alternative farming systems. Monte Carlo simulation analysis is used to produce a risk profile for each scenario, derived from multiple runs of this optimised model, randomised for commodity prices and decadal growing season rainfall since 1920. This analysis shows that the performance of the enterprise mixes at each site is characterised more by the level of variability of outcomes than by the mean values of financial outputs. It demonstrates that relying on mean values for climate and prices...
Tipo: Article Palavras-chave: Farm management; Financial risk; Climate risk; Price risk; Variability; Farm Management.
Ano: 2011 URL:
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A Whole Farm Analysis of the Influence of Auto-Steer Navigation on Net Returns, Risk, and Production Practices AgEcon
Shockley, Jordan M.; Dillon, Carl R.; Stombaugh, Timothy S..
A whole farm economic analysis was conducted to provide a detailed assessment into the economic, risk, and production implications due to the adoption of auto-steer navigation. It was determined that auto-steer navigation was profitable for a grain farmer in Kentucky with net returns increasing up to 0.90% ($3.35/acre). Additionally, the technology could be used in reducing production risk. Adoption of the technology also alters production practices for optimal use.
Tipo: Journal Article Palavras-chave: Economics; Farm management; Mean-variance; Precision agriculture; Simulation; Farm Management; Risk and Uncertainty; C61; C63; D81; Q12; Q16.
Ano: 2011 URL:
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Accreditation in Australian agriculture – on the right track or are farmers lost in the maze? AgEcon
Richards, Christine L.; Morgan, Christopher K.; Baldwin, Basil J..
The practices products and resource management of Australia’s farm managers and their environmental consequences are being closely scrutinised by the community. Accreditation is an approach increasingly being used to monitor these matters across agricultural industries. Quality Assurance and Environmental Management Systems have gained prevalence as a means of validating activity and providing evidence of meeting stewardship responsibilities. This paper reviews the range of programs and systems available to primary producers across Australia. In this review it is argued that the growth of these accreditation systems has given rise to confusion, duplication, and increased management and industry costs, with limited assurances to customers and the community...
Tipo: Article Palavras-chave: Accreditation; Quality assurance; Environmental management systems; Farm management; Australian agriculture; Farm Management.
Ano: 2006 URL:
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Adjustment and Differences in Farm Performance - a Farm Management Perspective from the Netherlands AgEcon
Poppe, Krijn J.; van Meijl, Hans.
There are differences in performance between farmers. In the Netherlands this has been a major topic of research for at least 30 years. Research has shown that the managerial capacities of farmers play a major role in differences in economic and environmental performance. Management can be measured and the optimal level is not the maximum level. Farmers differ in their objectives, competences and local external situation and therefore their strategies. These strategies can be identified. In recent years strategic management has become more important and this can be supported with consultancy. Farmers also differ in their adoption and innovation behaviour. These micro economic results, that correlate with large differences in income and high prices of fixed...
Tipo: Conference Paper or Presentation Palavras-chave: Adjustment; Income differences; Innovation; Farm management; Performance; Farm Management.
Ano: 2004 URL:
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Adoption of Information Technology for Farm Management, A Case Study AgEcon
Gal, Bracha; Gal, Yoav; Gelb, Ehud M..
Ma'ayan is a software package developed by the Israeli extension service. The package was developed under the assumption that extension has a comparative advantage in bridging the gap between farmers' need for innovative farm management practice, managerial information and software to support it. Farmers producing a wide range of products adopted Ma'ayan. In many cases the adoption process had to overcome various barriers such as: insufficient knowledge using a PC, conservatism, cost benefit considerations, etc.. This review details the results of successful implementation of Ma'ayan as a case study of adoption of a software package for farm-management.
Tipo: Conference Paper or Presentation Palavras-chave: Information Quality; Managerial Processes; Farm management; Farm Management.
Ano: 2003 URL:
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Giupponi, Carlo.
AGeNDA is an Italian acronym which stands for Analysis and Integrated Management of the Farm (Analisi e GEstione iNtegrata Dell'Azienda agraria). It denominates a new software developed by a research project carried out at the Department of Agronomy, Environment and Crop Production (DAAPV, University of Padova) in collaboration with the Environmental Protection Agency of the Veneto Region (ARPAV). Although developed from scratch, the software originates from a past joint research carried out by the two above mentioned institutions in collaboration with the Department of Agricultural Economics and the Center for Farm Financial Management (CFFM) of the University of Minnesota. The joint research started in the early 1990's, focussing on the Planetor...
Tipo: Working or Discussion Paper Palavras-chave: Farm management; Agri-environmental policy; Software; Environmental Economics and Policy; Farm Management.
Ano: 2002 URL:
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Aligning Incentives for Accelerated Heifer Growth in Custom Heifer Growing Contracts AgEcon
Olynk, Nicole J.; Wolf, Christopher A..
Dairy managers today are faced with the decision to either raise their own replacements on the dairy farm or send heifers to a custom heifer grower. The largest potential challenge of contracting out the heifer raising enterprise revolves around the potential for a moral hazard problem because of hidden action on the part of the custom heifer grower. A principal-agent framework was used to elicit contract terms which provide incentives for the custom heifer grower to perform accelerated growth without heifers becoming over-conditioned. In order to provide incentives to custom growers, heifers returned to the dairy farm should be compared in performance to other heifers of similar age. We solve for the price paid per pound of gain, price paid for inch...
Tipo: Conference Paper or Presentation Palavras-chave: Farm management; Production economics; Contracts; Heifer growth; Moral hazard; Livestock Production/Industries.
Ano: 2008 URL:
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Balanced Scorecard em uma Propriedade Pecuária AgEcon
Brisolara, Claudio Silveira.
A crescente exposição das empresas agropecuárias aos riscos do ambiente externo, que se somam aos riscos climáticos e biológicos, tem suscitado a utilização de novos sistemas de gerenciamento nas empresas rurais. A premência da modernização das técnicas de gestão, por meio da utilização ferramentas simples e efetivas de controle e planejamento dos empreendimentos, foi a motivação principal desse estudo. Foi desenvolvida uma pesquisa exploratória, por meio de um estudo de caso, visando propor um sistema gerencial para uma propriedade dedicada à bovinocultura de corte no Rio Grande do Sul, a partir do referencial metodológico do Balanced Scorecard – BSC. Os resultados encontrados mostraram que há viabilidade de adaptação do BSC às empresas pecuárias, tendo...
Tipo: Conference Paper or Presentation Palavras-chave: Balanced Scorecard; Bovinos de corte; Administração Rural; Balanced Scorecard; Beef cattle; Farm management; Environmental Economics and Policy; Farm Management.
Ano: 2008 URL:
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Boas práticas agropecuárias: bovinos de corte. Infoteca-e
VALLE, E. R. do (Ed.)..
Gestão econômica e financeira. Função social do imóvel rural. Responsabilidade social. Gestão ambiental. Instalações rurais. Manejo pré-abate e bons tratos na produção animal. Formação e manejo de pastagens. Suplementação alimentar. Identificação animal e rastreamento. Controle sanitário. Manejo reprodutivo. Fones consultadas. Anexo1. Exemplo de cálculo d GUT e FEE para o Estado de Mato Grosso do Sul. Anexo2. Leis ambientais mais importantes ligadas à produção agropecuária. Anexo 3. Normas para trânsito de animais vivos suscetíveis à febre aftosa entre os diferentes Estados da Federação. Anexo 4. Objetivos e introções para preenchimento da lista de verificações. Formulário de identificação da propriedade. Lista de verificações. Formulário de identificação...
Tipo: Livros Palavras-chave: Bovino de corte; Husbandry; Administração Rural; Manejo; Produção; Beef cattle; Farm management.
Ano: 2006 URL:
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Carbon Footprint: A New Farm Management Consideration in the Southern High Plains AgEcon
Weinheimer, Justin; Rajan, Nithya; Johnson, Phillip N.; Maas, Stephan.
As concerns continue to mount regarding man induced impacts to the global climate, the SHPT region could be faced with a unique scenario in which the net carbon balance should be considered in the producer’s enterprise selection and production systems. Currently, the SHPT produces nearly one third of the U.S. cotton crop. Under a potential cap and trade system the challenge for the agricultural industry in the SHPT may be how to sustain the region’s economic base and production capabilities. Thus, the objective of this study was to measure the net carbon relationships between irrigated cotton and irrigated corn production systems on the SHPT using data from the Texas Alliance for Water Conservation (TAWC, 2009). Due to the unique management and production...
Tipo: Conference Paper or Presentation Palavras-chave: Cape and Trade; Carbon; Farm management; Environmental Economics and Policy; Farm Management; Q18; Q28; Q54; Q56.
Ano: 2010 URL:
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Changing business environment: implications for farming AgEcon
Malcolm, Bill.
The natural, technological, economic, political and social environment in which farmers farm constantly changes. History has lessons about change in agriculture and about farmers coping with change, though the future is unknowable and thus always surprising. The implication for farm operation is to prepare, do not predict.
Tipo: Article Palavras-chave: Preparation; Prediction; Farm management; Uncertainty; Farm Management.
Ano: 2012 URL:
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Moffitt, L. Joe.
Restrictions on the hyperbolic trigonometric (HT) transformation are imposed to guarantee that a probability density function is obtained from the maximum likelihood estimation. Performance of the restricted HT transformation using data generated from normal, beta, gamma, logistic, log-normal, Pareto, Weibull, order statistic, and bimodal populations is investigated via sampling experiments. Results suggest that the restricted HT transformaltion is sufficiently flexible to compete with the actual population distributions in most cases. Application of the restricted HT transformation is illustrated by characterizing uncertain net income per acre for community-supported agriculture farms in the northeastern United States.
Tipo: Journal Article Palavras-chave: Farm management; Hyperbolic trigonometric transformation; Uncertainty; Farm Management; C2; Q1.
Ano: 2002 URL:
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Choice of Optimal Planting and Marketing Decisions for Fresh Vegetable Producers: A Mathematical Programming Approach AgEcon
Vassalos, Michael; Dillon, Carl R.; Coolong, Tim.
This study combines whole farm economic analysis with biophysical simulation techniques in order to achieve a twofold objective. First, the study seeks to develop a multiple enterprise vegetable farm model with a production and marketing decision interface and, second, to determine optimal production practices for Kentucky vegetable growers. Three vegetable crops are examined: tomatoes, bell peppers and sweet corn. The findings indicate that the risk associated with vegetable production can be significantly mitigated with diversification of production mix and with a greater number of transplanting dates. However, this reduction in risk comes at a high cost in terms of expected net returns.
Tipo: Presentation Palavras-chave: Vegetable production; Mean-variance; Biophysical simulation; Farm management; Farm Management; C61; C63; D81.
Ano: 2012 URL:
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Climate Change Impacts on Investment in Crop Sowing Machinery AgEcon
Kingwell, Ross S.; Farre, Imma.
Down-scaled global circulation modelling is combined with wheat growth simulation modelling to generate yield responses to times of sowing under current and projected climatic conditions for several locations in the grainbelt of Western Australia. A model for investment in crop sowing machinery draws on these simulated yield relationships at each location and is used to determine a farmer’s optimal investment in crop sowing work rate capacity under current and projected climate regimes. The key finding is that at most locations the projected change in climate has marked impacts on profit distributions from grain production, yet mostly modest changes in the farmer’s investment in machinery work rate form part of the profit-maximising response to climate...
Tipo: Conference Paper or Presentation Palavras-chave: Climate change; Farm machinery; Farm management; Machinery investment; Environmental Economics and Policy; Farm Management.
Ano: 2008 URL:
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Amponsah, William A..
The extent of information use by farmers for farm management is tracked in terms of computer adoption and usefulness, and the use of professional providers of information services. The study is based on a survey conducted in 1991, on North Carolina, as part of a regional project involving about fourteen states. The results revealed a low rate of computer adoption by the farmers surveyed. However, computer adoption and usefulness were explained by farm size, educational attainment and farm income. Also farmers' use of professional services, such as that provided by tax preparers and extension agents were positively influenced by farm size, age and educational level.
Tipo: Journal Article Palavras-chave: Computer adoption; Farm information system; Information services; Farm management; Research and Development/Tech Change/Emerging Technologies.
Ano: 1995 URL:
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Controlpec 1.0: controle financeiro simplificado para a fazenda de pecuária de corte. Infoteca-e
A maioria dos produtores de gado de corte não realiza adequadamente o controle de receitas e despesas de sua atividade. Como a lucratividade da pecuária de corte tem se reduzido pela queda no preço de seus produtos e pela alta nos custos de produção, tal função tornou-se crucial para aqueles que querem se manter no negócio. Para atender essa demanda, a Embrapa Gado de Corte desenvolveu, em ambiente Excel, o Controlpec 1.0, uma ferramenta simples e de fácil utilização pelos produtores. Com base no movimento financeiro da fazenda são gerados relatórios que consolidam despesas, receitas e margens econômicas da atividade, tendo em conta o plano de contas definido pelo usuário. Os resultados são expostos para cada mês do ano e para todo o ano.
Tipo: Folhetos Palavras-chave: Bovino de corte; Controle; Brasil; Zootechny; Farm systems; Simulation; Control; Costs; Administração Rural; Análise Econômica; Custo; Planejamento; Programa de Computador; Zootecnia; Beef cattle; Brazil; Computer software; Economic analysis; Farm management; Planing.
Ano: 2006 URL:
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Defining and Characterizing Approaches to Farm Management AgEcon
McBride, William D.; Johnson, James D..
Exploratory factor analysis was used to identify approaches to farm management based on a list of management questions posed to a sample of U.S. cash-grain farmers. Three approaches were identified by the factor analysis: price negotiation, long-term cost control, and input adjustment. Estimated factor scores regressed against farm and operator characteristics indicate a profile of producers using each approach that is closely related to stage-of-life of the farm operator and farm business. In addition to operator age and planning horizon, operator risk preference and farm organization and location were other important determinants of the approach to management.
Tipo: Journal Article Palavras-chave: Cash-grain farms; Factor analysis; Farm management; Latent variables; Management approach; Crop Production/Industries; Farm Management; Labor and Human Capital; Q12; Q10; D21; C40.
Ano: 2006 URL:
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Development of a cost calculation model and cost index for sheep production R. Bras. Zootec.
Raineri,Camila; Stivari,Thayla Sara Soares; Gameiro,Augusto Hauber.
ABSTRACT The objective of this study was to develop a model for calculation and analysis of production costs of lamb and, from that, to elaborate a production cost index. Panel meetings were held in five regions of the state of São Paulo, Brazil, to define technical features of representative properties of lamb production, taken as a basis for the preparation of the cost calculation model. Then the model for production cost calculation was built. The third step consisted of monitoring prices of inputs used, calculating production costs along the studied period, and generating the cost index, by the Laspeyres model. Lastly, questionnaires were applied to sheep producers, to validate the cost index. The model for production cost calculation was planned to be...
Tipo: Info:eu-repo/semantics/article Palavras-chave: Agribusiness; Economy; Economic indicator; Farm management; Lamb.
Ano: 2015 URL:
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Do Management Profiles Matter? An Analysis of Belgian Dairy Farmers AgEcon
Vandermersch, Mieke; Mathijs, Erik.
To assess the performance of a farmer and to identify best practice among a group of farmers, the assumption is often made that all farmers maximize profits and thus share the same business goals. However, performance differs due to personal characteristics, objectives and strategies. A survey carried out among 73 Belgian dairy farmers revealed that for only 34% of the farmers "profit maximization" is a primary objective. A regression analysis revealed that self-declared profit maximizers only obtained a higher farm income per liter, not per labour unit. Through cluster analysis, four main groups of farmers were found with similar objectives and management ideas: (A) risk-taking and progressive cow farmers, (B) riskaverse and progressive labour savers, (C)...
Tipo: Conference Paper or Presentation Palavras-chave: Farm management; Farmers' objectives; Farm performance; Dairy; Extension; Farm Management.
Ano: 2002 URL:
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Economics of the Variable Rate Technology Investment Decision for Agricultural Sprayers AgEcon
Mooney, Daniel F.; Larson, James A.; Roberts, Roland K.; English, Burton C..
Producers lack information about the profitability of variable rate technology (VRT) for agricultural sprayers. An economic framework was developed to evaluate the returns required to pay for VRT investments. Payback variables included input savings, yield gains, and reduced application costs. We illustrate the framework with two example investment scenarios.
Tipo: Conference Paper or Presentation Palavras-chave: Capital budgeting; Decision aid; Farm management; Precision agriculture; Map-based; Sensor-based; Site-specific management; Variable rate technology; Farm Management; Q10; Q16.
Ano: 2009 URL:
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