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Durst, Ron L.. |
The current $2.5-million income cap on eligibility for farm program payments affects only a small number of farm program payment recipients each year. A reduction in the cap to $200,000 would affect a larger number of farm households but still only a small share of recipients. Based on IRS tax data for 2004, about 1.2 percent of all farm sole proprietors and about 2 percent of crop share landlords would be potentially subject to the proposed lower adjusted gross income (AGI) cap. ARMS survey data suggest a similar share of farm sole proprietors (1.1 percent) could be affected. When partnerships and farm corporations are included, about 1.5 percent of all farm operator households could be affected because a larger share of farm partnerships (2.5 percent)... |
Tipo: Report |
Palavras-chave: Farm program payments; Adjusted gross income; Farm typology; Tax data; AGI cap; Farm households; Agricultural Resource Management Survey; Farm Management. |
Ano: 2007 |
URL: http://purl.umn.edu/59027 |
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Johnson, James D.; Perry, Janet E.; Korb, Penelope J.; Sommer, Judith E.; Ryan, James T.; Green, Robert C.; Durst, Ron L.; Monke, James D.. |
Family farms vary widely in size and other characteristics, ranging from very small retirement and residential farms to establishments with sales in the millions of dollars. The farm typology developed by the Economic Research Service (ERS) categorizes farms into groups based primarily on occupation of the operator and sales class of the farm. The typology groups reflect operators' expectations from farming, position in the life cycle, and dependence on agriculture. The groups differ in their importance to the farm sector, product specialization, program participation, and dependence on farm income. These (and other) differences are discussed in this report. |
Tipo: Report |
Palavras-chave: Agricultural Resource Management Study (ARMS); Family farms; Farm businesses; Farm financial situation; Farm operator household income; Farm operators; Farm structure; Farm typology; Female farm operators; Government payments; Spouses of farm operators; Taxes; Agricultural Finance; Farm Management. |
Ano: 2001 |
URL: http://purl.umn.edu/33707 |
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FASIABEN, M. do C. R.; ALMEIDA, M. M. T. B.; MAIA, A. G.; OLIVEIRA, O. C. de; COSTA, F. P.; BARIONI, L. G.; DIAS, F. R. T.; MOREIRA, J. M. M. A. P.; SENA, A. L. dos S.; SANTOS, J. C. dos; LAMPERT, V. do N.; OLIVEIRA, P. P. A.; ABREU, U. G. P. de; GREGO, C. R.. |
Abstract - Beef production in Brazil is based on a great diversity of production systems. Despite the increasing in recent years, productivity is still low, giving space to technological intensification. The present study used special tabulations of Brazilian Census of Agriculture - 2006 to describe the predominant beef cattle systems, with emphasis on technological variables. Factor analysis and clustering techniques were used together, by biome, covering a universe of 124 thousand farms, 94 million heads of cattle and 86 million hectares of pasture. The results highlight the productivity differences among regions and farms, outlining the farm profiles per biome. Such results can be helpful to support research and technologies transfer, as well as public... |
Tipo: Livros |
Palavras-chave: Bioma; Análise multivariada; Análise fatorial; Análise de cluster; Produção de bovinos; Tipificação de municípios; Sistemas de produção; Tipologia de fazendas; Factorial analysis; Farms and Farming Systems; Farming systems; Farm typology; Multivariate analysis; Cluster analysis. |
Ano: 2020 |
URL: http://www.infoteca.cnptia.embrapa.br/infoteca/handle/doc/1127930 |
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