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High-resolution dynamics of a deep-sea Hydrothermal mussel assemblage monitored by the EMSO-Açores MoMAR observatory 5
Sarrazin, Jozee; Cuvelier, Daphne; Peton, Loic; Legendre, P.; Sarradin, Pierre-marie.
Although the spatial distribution of hydrothermal vent assemblages in relation to environmental conditions has been assessed in several studies, there is little documented data on the temporal variation of the fauna and corresponding abiotic factors in a vent community. Here, we present one of the longest integrated (faunal and environmental data) time series ever obtained in a hydrothermal ecosystem. The data were acquired using the TEMPO ecological module that was deployed between 2006 and 2008 on the Mid-Atlantic Ridge, providing the first insights into the day-to-day variations in a Bathymodiolus azoricus mussel assemblage from the Lucky Strike vent field for the 48 days during which the video camera operated. The time-series yielded additional...
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Hydrothermal vents; Faunal dynamics; Mid-Atlantic Ridge; Deep-sea observatory; Bathymodiolus azoricus mussel assemblages; Sulphide edifices; Environmental conditions.
Ano: 2014 URL:
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