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A new approach to feed frequency studies and protein intake regulation in juvenile pirarucu 42
ABSTRACT This study aimed to investigate pirarucu's (Arapaima gigas) ability to trigger a self-feeding system to regulate protein intake between two standard diets that contained 39% and 49% of crude protein. The same system allowed the evaluation of daily feeding and locomotor activity rhythms. Eighteen fish (654.44±26.85g) were distributed into six 250 L tanks (3 fish/tank). Fish had free access to both diets (39% vs. 49% protein) by feeders (2 per tank), adapted to be activated by fish themselves. This system was connected to a computer system. After an adaptation period, fish learned to activate feeders and the mean food intake recorded was 2.14% of their body weight on a daily basis. Fish showed feeding (72.48%) and locomotor (72.49%) activity...
Tipo: Info:eu-repo/semantics/article Palavras-chave: Arapaima gigas; Feeding behavior; Protein intake; Self-feeding.
Ano: 2017 URL:
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Alimentary canal and reproductive tract of Hypothenemus hampei (Ferrari) (Coleoptera: Curculionidae, Scolytinae) 82
Rubio G.,José D.; Bustillo P.,Alex E.; Vallejo E.,Luis F.; Acuña Z.,José R.; Benavides M.,Pablo.
The alimentary canal and the reproductive tract of males and females of Hypothenemus hampei Ferrari are described. The alimentary canal of H. hampei showed the crop with several spine-like structures and the midgut with few gastric caeca. We evidenced for the first time that adult females need to feed on coffee in order to produce viable eggs before and during oviposition period. The presence of air bubbles inside the anterior midgut may be due to starvation rather than the response of the environment during flying as previously reported. Two ovaries and the same structures and arrangements common to individuals of the Curculionidae beetles composed the female reproductive system. The male reproductive tract showed a significant difference with respect to...
Tipo: Info:eu-repo/semantics/article Palavras-chave: Coffee Berry Borer; Internal morphology; Feeding behavior; Reproduction.
Ano: 2008 URL:
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Associative learning in wild Anastrepha obliqua females (Diptera, Tephritidae) related to a protein source 76
Cresoni-Pereira,Carla; Zucoloto,Fernando S..
The aim of the present study was to determine whether wild adult Anastrepha obliqua (Macquart, 1835) females are able to associate a compound (quinine sulphate - QS) not related to their habitual diet with a protein-enriched food. Females were first fed on diets based on brewer yeast and sucrose containing or not QS. The groups were then allowed to choose between their original diets and a diet with or without QS, depending on the previous treatment, and between a diet based on agar and a diet containing agar and QS. When the nutritional value of the diets was adequate, the females did not show any preference for the diet with or without QS. With respect to the agar diet and the agar + QS diet, females previously fed on a nutritive diet containing QS...
Tipo: Info:eu-repo/semantics/article Palavras-chave: Associative learning; Fruit flies; Anastrepha obliqua; Protein; Feeding behavior.
Ano: 2006 URL:
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Bat necrophagy by a whip-spider (Arachnida, Amblypygi, Phrynidae) in a cave in the eastern Brazilian Amazon 36
PROUS,Xavier; PIETROBON,Thadeu; RIBEIRO,Mariane S.; ZAMPAULO,Robson de A..
ABSTRACT Amblypygids are among the main predators in the ferriferous caves in Carajás National Forest, state of Pará (Amazon region of Brazil). One of the most common amblypygid species in this region is Heterophrynus longicornis (Butler 1873), and its most frequent prey are crickets of the family Phalangopsidae, which are abundant in the caves of Pará. Because they are primarily predators, necrophagy by amblypygids is not frequent in nature, and there are only two literature records of necrophagy of bats by Amblypygi. On December 11th, 2013, we observed an individual H. longicornis eating a bat carcass in a Pará ferriferous cave. The amblypygid exhibited considerable interest in the bat’s carcass, and it did not interrupt its meal even when lamps or a...
Tipo: Info:eu-repo/semantics/report Palavras-chave: Heterophrynus longicornis; Chiroptera; Cave; Feeding behavior.
Ano: 2017 URL:
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Biology and nutrition of Spodoptera frugiperda (Lepidoptera: Noctuidae) fed on different food sources 63
Silva,Débora Mello da; Bueno,Adeney de Freitas; Andrade,Karine; Stecca,Cristiane dos Santos; Neves,Pedro Manuel Oliveira Janeiro; Oliveira,Maria Cristina Neves de.
ABSTRACT: We studied Spodoptera frugiperda development using different food sources in the laboratory and field. Newly hatched larvae were fed soybean, cotton, maize, wheat, and oat leaves. An artificial diet was used as the control. Duration of pre-pupal, pupal, and larva-adult period, pupal weight, sex ratio, survival, larva feeding preferences, oviposition preferences, and nutritional quality of different hosts were evaluated. Insects fed on wheat showed the shortest larva-adult period. The insects fed on cotton and soybean had longer larval development cycles and pupae of lower weight. Feeding preference was evident for third instar larvae and did not differ between wheat, oat, maize, and soybean, which were the preferred hosts. Moths oviposited to a...
Tipo: Info:eu-repo/semantics/article Palavras-chave: Agricultural entomology; Feeding behavior; Insect-plant interactions.
Ano: 2017 URL:
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Brief daily postpartum separations from the litter alter dam response to psychostimulants and to stress 56
Silveira,P.P.; Benetti,C. da Silva; Portella,A.K.; Diehl,L.A.; Molle,R. Dalle; Lucion,A.B.; Dalmaz,C..
Neonatal handling induces several behavioral and neurochemical alterations in pups, including decreased responses to stress and reduced fear in new environments. However, there are few reports in the literature concerning the behavioral effects of this neonatal intervention on the dams during the postpartum period. Therefore, the aim of the current study was to determine if brief postpartum separation from pups has a persistent impact on the dam's stress response and behavior. Litters were divided into two neonatal groups: 1) non-handled and 2) handled [10 min/day, from postnatal day (PND) 1 to 10]. Weaning occurred at PND 21 when behavioral tasks started to be applied to the dams, including sweet food ingestion (PND 21), forced swimming test (PND 28), and...
Tipo: Info:eu-repo/semantics/article Palavras-chave: Feeding behavior; Neonatal handling; Psychostimulants; Stress response; Dam behavior.
Ano: 2013 URL:
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Cardiovascular responses to locomotor activity and feeding in unrestrained three-toed sloths, Bradypus variegatus 56
Duarte,D.P.F.; Jaguaribe,A.M.; Pedrosa,M.A.C.; Clementino,A.C.C.R.; Barbosa,A.A.; Silva,A.F.V.; Gilmore,D.P.; Da Costa,C.P..
Heart rate (HR) and systolic (SBP), diastolic (DBP) and mean (MBP) blood pressure were recorded by biotelemetry in nine conscious unrestrained sloths for 1 min every 15 min over a 24-h period. The animals were allowed to freely move in an acoustically isolated and temperature-controlled (24 ± 1ºC) experimental room with light-dark cycle (12/12 h). Behavior was closely monitored through a unidirectional visor and classified as resting (sitting or suspended), feeding (chewing and swallowing embauba leaves, Cecropia adenops), or locomotor activity around the tree trunk or on the room floor. Locomotor activity caused statistically significant increases in SBP (+8%, from 121 ± 22 to 131 ± 18 mmHg), DBP (+7%, from 86 ± 17 to 92 ± 10 mmHg), MBP (+8%, from 97 ± 19...
Tipo: Info:eu-repo/semantics/other Palavras-chave: Tree-toed sloth; Heart rate; Blood pressure; Locomotor activity; Feeding behavior.
Ano: 2004 URL:
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Comportamento alimentar do camarão de agua doce, Macrobrachium rosenbergii (De Man) (Crustacea, Palaemonidae) durante a fase larval: análise qualitativa 104
Barros,Helenice P; Valenti,Wagner C.
Feeding behavior of the larvae's prawn, Macrobrachium rosenbergii De Man, 1879, in each stage of development was studied face alArtemia Linnaeus, 1758 nauplii, dry and wet diets. Groups of ten larvae in each stage were placed in 500 ml beakers at 29ºC in filtered brackish water. After the fasting period of acclimatization, the three types of food were offered separately to the larvae and the feeding behavior was observed during 30 min. Feeding perception, capture, grasp and ingestion of food were used to determine feeding pattern. Stage I lawac do not eat. The feeding behavior of larvae was similar on the stages II - XI. The perception in distance does not occur in most individuais; the feeding process generally started with the physrcal contact of food...
Tipo: Info:eu-repo/semantics/article Palavras-chave: Macrobrachium rosenbergii; Larvae; Feeding behavior.
Ano: 1997 URL:
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Comportamento alimentar e dieta da "falsa-coral" Oxyrhopus guibei Hoge & Romano (Serpentes, Colubridae) 104
Andrade,Rogério de Oliveira; Silvano,Renato A. Matias.
The feeding behavior and constriction pattern of adults and juveniles Oxyrhopus guibei Hoge & Romano, 1978 preying on rodents and lizards are described. An analysis of stomach contents of snakes preserved in collections was made to study its diet. The results indicate that this snake constricts prey with right to left side movements, horizontal position and with the dorsal portion of its body. Rodents were constricted by adult snakes whereas lizard were swallowed alive. The diet is composed of lizards and rodents, with an ontogenetic shift from lizards to rodents.
Tipo: Info:eu-repo/semantics/article Palavras-chave: Serpentes; Colubridae; Oxyrhopus guibei; Feeding behavior.
Ano: 1996 URL:
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Comportamento alimentar e dieta de Phrynops hilarii (Duméril & Bibron) em cativeiro (Reptilia, Testudines, Chelidae) 104
Molina,Flavio de Barros; Rocha,Mario Borges da; Lula,Luiz Antônio Beserra de Mello.
Since 1985 the biology and behavior of Phrynops hilarii (Duméril & Bibron, 1835) at São Paulo Zoo is being studied. Feeding behavior is divided in five phases (foraging, approach, capture, dilaceration and ingestion), but not necessarily all of them happen. During phase 1 the food or prey seems to be visually located. During phase 2 the food itens and stationaty preys are approached and examined by olfaction. Moving preys are pursued and there is no olfactory examination. During phase 3 the food is captured by suction. When food is bigger than turtle mouth it is dilacerated by one or both forefeet used alternately (phase 4). Ingestion is accomplished by gradual suction (phase 5). Intra and inter-specific cleptoparasitism was observed. Success in...
Tipo: Info:eu-repo/semantics/article Palavras-chave: Testudines; Chelidae; Phrynops hilarii; Spotted-bellied side-necked turtle; Feeding behavior; Cleptoparasitism.
Ano: 1998 URL:
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Comportamiento alimenticio y composición trófica de aves insectívoras en un bosque de Pinus cembroides (Zucc.). 32
Ugalde Lezama, Saúl.
De enero a octubre de 2008, la coexistencia trófica de aves insectívoras fue estudiada en dos zonas de P. cembroides localizadas en el Área Natural Protegida Peña Alta (ANPPA): una de Bosque con Dosel Cerrado (BDC; semiconservado) y otra con Bosque de Dosel Abierto (BDA; perturbado). Se emplearon las metodologías de Línea de Canfield (hábitat); Cuadros Empotrados y Cuadrantes con Punto Central (vegetación); Corte y Sacudida de Ramas (insectos); Búsqueda Intensiva y Captura por Redes de Niebla Mediante Esfuerzo Constante (aves); Whitaker (excretas). Se determinaron (mediante Análisis de Componentes Principales [ACP], Regresión Poisson [ARP] y Regresión Logística Multinomial [ARLM]) las variables ambientales y del hábitat que tuvieron efecto sobre la...
Palavras-chave: Bosque semiconservado y perturbado; Coexistencia trófica; Aves insectívoras; Insectos presa; Comportamiento alimenticio; Uso de sustratos; Variables morfológicas y del hábitat; Semiconservatively and disturbed forest; Coexistence trophic; Insectivorous birds; Insect prey; Feeding behavior; Use of substrates; Morphological; Habitat variability; Doctorado; Ganadería.
Ano: 2010 URL:
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Comportamiento alimenticio y composición trófica de aves insectívoras en un bosque de Pinus cembroides (Zucc.). 32
Ugalde Lezama, Saúl.
De enero a octubre de 2008, la coexistencia trófica de aves insectívoras fue estudiada en dos zonas de P. cembroides localizadas en el Área Natural Protegida Peña Alta (ANPPA): una de Bosque con Dosel Cerrado (BDC; semiconservado) y otra con Bosque de Dosel Abierto (BDA; perturbado). Se emplearon las metodologías de Línea de Canfield (hábitat); Cuadros Empotrados y Cuadrantes con Punto Central (vegetación); Corte y Sacudida de Ramas (insectos); Búsqueda Intensiva y Captura por Redes de Niebla Mediante Esfuerzo Constante (aves); Whitaker (excretas). Se determinaron (mediante Análisis de Componentes Principales [ACP], Regresión Poisson [ARP] y Regresión Logística Multinomial [ARLM]) las variables ambientales y del hábitat que tuvieron efecto sobre la...
Palavras-chave: Bosque semiconservado y perturbado; Coexistencia trófica; Aves insectívoras; Insectos presa; Comportamiento alimenticio; Uso de sustratos; Variables morfológicas y del hábitat; Semiconservatively and disturbed forest; Coexistence trophic; Insectivorous birds; Insect prey; Feeding behavior; Use of substrates; Morphological; Habitat variability; Doctorado; Ganadería.
Ano: 2010 URL:
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Diet and ecomorphology of predator fish species of the Amazonian floodplain lakes 49
Cardoso,Diogo Campos; deHart,Pieter; Freitas,Carlos Edwar de Carvalho; Siqueira-Souza,Flávia Kelly.
Abstract: Amazonian floodplain lakes host a high diversity of predatory fish which coexist and exploit the high diversity of available prey. Morphology could be the characteristic most closely associated with their preferred feeding sources (prey). However, it is unclear whether this association is direct or indirect. If it is indirect, swimming performance or preferential position in the water column could be the most evident characteristic. To examine the degree to which fish morphology of predator fish species is correlated to their dietary inputs, we compared the existence of morphological and feeding dissimilarity among eight predator species with the association between predator morphologies and preferred prey. We collected, measured, and sampled the...
Tipo: Info:eu-repo/semantics/article Palavras-chave: Feeding behavior; Morphological Attributes; Predation; Amazonian floodplain lakes.
Ano: 2019 URL:
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Dieta de um grupo de mico-leão-preto, Leontopithecus chrysopygus (Mikan) (Mammalia, Callitrichidae), na Estação Ecológica dos Caetetus, São Paulo 104
Passos,Fernando de Camargo.
In this study carried out in the Caetetus Ecological Station, Sao Paulo, southeastern Brazil, a wild group of black lion tamarins was accompanied during 1989 to 1991, to analyse the dietary habits of the species. The scan sampling method was used to gather data. A total of 961 behaviors were recorded, of which feeding occupied 23.3% of the time involved in the behaviors. The major dietary components observed in the black lion tamarins were fruits, tree exudates and animal preys (67.9%, 22.8% and 8.9% respectively). Fruits varied monthly from 47.4 to 97.1 %, being consumed more during the rainy season, while tree exudates varied from 0 to 54.7%, and were consumed mainly during the dry season. The animal prey accounted for 0 to 15.8% of the diet. The most...
Tipo: Info:eu-repo/semantics/article Palavras-chave: Callitrichidae; Diet; Feeding behavior; Seasonal variation; Black lion tamarin.
Ano: 1999 URL:
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Dietary protein and carbohydrate affect feeding behavior and metabolic regulation in hummingbirds (Melanotrochilus fuscus) 97
The objective of this work was to link hummingbird feeding behavior with metabolic regulation and in addition to assess whether dietary composition would affect entrance into torpor. Hummingbirds were fed a combination of diets with contrasting amounts of protein and carbohydrate. The diets were composed of the following: 2.4 % protein (P) - 12 % sucrose (S) and 0.8 % protein (P) - 36 % sucrose (S). The main findings showed that periods of feeding on each of the diets could be distinguished as separate bouts or feeding events. Hummingbirds presented to high protein-low carbohydrate diets (2.4P-12S) ingested a larger volume of diet, fed for longer (both around 1.7x) and increased the interval between feedings compared with hummingbirds fed diets 0.8P-36S....
Tipo: Journal article Palavras-chave: Hummingbird feeding; Carbohydrate and protein interaction; Unbalanced diet; Feeding behavior; Torpor.
Ano: 2005 URL:
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Effects of betaine on the growth of the fish piauçu, Leporinus macrocephalus 52
Normandes,Edivaldo Bento; Barreto,Rodrigo Egydio; Carvalho,Robson Francisco; Delicio,Helton Carlos.
In this study was tested the effect of betaine on the growth performance of the piauçu fish. For this, twenty-one fish (mean ± SD: body weight: 14.9 ± 1.3 g) were randomly distributed in one out of three experimental treatments (n = 7 each; 1 fish/aquarium): without betaine added in the food (control); 3.6 g betaine/Kg of food; 7.1 g betaine/Kg of food. The fish were exposed to experimental conditions for 60 days. Fish presented significant growth throughout experimentation, but no statistically significant difference was found for any parameter analyzed among the treatments, except for condition factor, which was higher in control group than betaine ones. Accordingly, it was concluded that betaine had no enhancing effect on growth of piauçu.
Tipo: Info:eu-repo/semantics/article Palavras-chave: Growth; Betaine; Fish; Feeding behavior.
Ano: 2006 URL:
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Effects of temperature on the feeding behavior of Alabama argillacea (Hübner) (Lepidoptera: Noctuidae) on Bt and non-Bt cotton plants 42
ABSTRACT The host acceptance behavior and environmental factors as temperature affect the feeding behavior of Lepidoptera pests. Thus, they must be considered in studies about the risk potential of resistance evolution. The current study sets the differences in the feeding behavior of neonate Alabama argillacea (Hübner) (Lepidoptera: Noctuidae) larvae exposed to Bt and non-Bt cotton plants, under different temperatures and time gap after hatching. Two cotton cultivars were used: the Bt (DP 404 BG - bollgard) and the non-transformed isoline, DP 4049. We found that the feeding behavior of neonate A. argillacea is significantly different between Bt and non-Bt cotton. Based on the number of larvae with vegetal tissue in their gut found on the plant and in the...
Tipo: Info:eu-repo/semantics/article Palavras-chave: Cotton leafworm; Feeding behavior; Transgenic cotton; Blended seed refuge.
Ano: 2017 URL:
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Effects of the buriti (Mauritia flexuosa L.) oil supplementation on crossbred lactating goats: behavioral, physiological, and hematological responses 96
Lima,Lucas Almeida; Silva,Aderbal Marcos de Azevêdo; Bezerra,Leilson Rocha; Morais,Jasiel Santos de; Araújo,Marcos Jácome de; Oliveira,Ronaldo Lopes; Silva,Tairon Pannunzio Dias e; Pereira,Elzânia Sales.
ABSTRACT This study aimed to evaluate the buriti oil (Mauritia flexuosa L.) inclusion levels (0, 15, 30, and 45 g kg−1 in dry matter) replacing ground corn on the feeding behavior, as well as physiological and hematological variables of crossbred lactating Anglo Nubian goats. Eight Anglo Nubian goats were used, which were distributed in a double 4 × 4 Latin square experimental design (four periods and four levels of buriti oil) replacing corn in the total dry matter. For the evaluation of feeding behavior, single animals were observed every ten minutes for 24 h on three days. Respiratory rate (RR), heart rate (HR), rectal temperature (RT), and sweating rate (SR) of the animals were evaluated in the morning (09:00 h) and in the afternoon (15:00 h). Blood...
Tipo: Info:eu-repo/semantics/article Palavras-chave: Adaptive capability; Feeding behavior; Goat; Lipid source.
Ano: 2018 URL:
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Feeding associations between capybaras Hydrochoerus hydrochaeris (Linnaeus) (Mammalia, Hydrochaeridae) and birds in the Lami Biological Reserve, Porto Alegre, Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil 104
Tomazzoni,Ana C.; Pedó,Ezequiel; Hartz,Sandra M..
Feeding associations between capybaras Hydrochoerus hydrochaeris (Linnaeus, 1766) and some bird species were registered in the Lami Biological Reserve, southern Brazil, through observations in a set of transects established in the five major vegetation types of the study area: shrubby and herbaceous swamps, wet grasslands, sandy grasslands and forests. Data included: date and time, vegetation type, bird species, number of individuals (birds and capybaras), type of prey consumed, foraging strategy of the birds and the behavior of the capybaras in relation to the presence of birds. Five species of birds were registered: Caracara plancus (Miller, 1777), Furnarius rufus (Gmelin, 1788), Machetornis rixosus (Vieillot, 1819), Milvago chimachima (Vieillot, 1816)...
Tipo: Info:eu-repo/semantics/article Palavras-chave: Bird-mammal interaction; Feeding behavior; Foraging.
Ano: 2005 URL:
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Feeding ecology in the small neotropical amphisbaenid Amphisbaena munoai (Amphisbaenidae) in southern Brazil 76
Bernardo-Silva,Jorge S.; Von-Mühlen,Eduardo M.; Di-Bernardo,Marcos; Ketterl,Jochen.
We analyzed the alimentary tract of 66 specimens of Amphisbaena munoai Klappenbach, 1969 from the Serra do Sudeste, state of Rio Grande do Sul, southern Brazil. Forty specimens (60.6%) had prey items in their gut. The diet consisted mainly of small invertebrate prey, such as termites, insect larvae and ants. The most abundant prey item was termites, found in 62.5% of the non empty stomachs. The high number of individual prey items in the majority of stomachs, the small size of the regular prey items, and the absence of gut content in specimens of A. munoai kept alive for about two days, indicate that this species forages very frequently. The predominance of fossorial prey items and the occasional records of nomadic ants lead us to suggest that A. munoai...
Tipo: Info:eu-repo/semantics/article Palavras-chave: Amphisbaena munoai; Diet; Feeding behavior; Natural history; Southern Brazil.
Ano: 2006 URL:
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