Registros recuperados: 63 | |
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Zuanon,Jansen; Bockmann,Flávio A.; Sazima,Ivan. |
We studied a specialised assemblage of sand-dwelling fish species from a streamlet in central Amazonia. The five sanddwelling species comprised 15.2 % of the total number in the streamlet (33 species). Two of the sand-dwellers are daytime foragers, Characidium cf. pteroides (Crenuchidae) and Stauroglanis gouldingi (Trichomycteridae), whereas three ones are night-time foragers, Gymnorhamphichthys rondoni (Rhamphichthyidae), "Imparfinis" pristos and Mastiglanis asopos (Heptapteridae). With the exception of C. cf. pteroides, the remainder species bury in the sand during their resting period. All five species bear a cryptic, sand-colour pattern, and some are translucent, traits which we regard as advantageous both for evasion from predators and for approaching... |
Tipo: Info:eu-repo/semantics/article |
Palavras-chave: Forest streams; Fish diversity; Phylogeny; Feeding behaviour; Drift-trap net. |
Ano: 2006 |
URL: http://www.scielo.br/scielo.php?script=sci_arttext&pid=S1679-62252006000100012 |
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Garcia de la Rosa, S.B.; Sánchez, M.F.. |
The spiny dogfish, Squalus acanthias is an euribatic, euritermic and cosmopolitan specie. In the Argentine Sea it consumes diversity of preys, characteristic of a generalist and oportunist feeder, butits principal food items are ctenophores, fishes and cephalopods.Diet overlap between sexes was found between 34°-37°S and 101-150 m,where males principally feed on fishes, squid and polichaetes,sharing only ctenophores and hake consumption with the females. Near 62 cm TL there is a shift in the diet, due to an increment of argentine hake Merluccius hubbsi and squid Illex argentinus predation and a diminution in ctenophores Pleurobrachia pileus eating. Feeding shows an increment from north to south, its mode on 42°-43°S.Argentine hake is an important prey... |
Tipo: Journal Contribution |
Palavras-chave: Feeding behaviour; Predation; Stomach content; Trophic relationships; Feeding behaviour; Predation; Http://aims.fao.org/aos/agrovoc/c_10778; Http://aims.fao.org/aos/agrovoc/c_6162. |
Ano: 1997 |
URL: http://hdl.handle.net/1834/1938 |
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Vergani, M.. |
The yellowtail kingfish, Seriola lalandi, Carangidae (Valenciennes, in Cuvier y Valenciennes, 1833) is a pelagic, schooling fish, with gregarious behaviour. It is a circumglobal species from tropical and temperate waters. Adult S. lalandi migrate to Argentine waters (SW Atlantic) during summer months (January-April). They have been reported from Argentine waters in depths of 20-36 m between 36°S and 38° and, as reported elsewhere in the world, are often associated with rocky reefs. Samples of S. lalandi were caught using trolling lines during daytime around rocky reefs at 35° 52'-35° 58'S and 54° 45'-54° 48'W, on February 15-22, 2002. Sixty-six adult S. lalandi were analyzed, with specimens measured (LT) and weighted (WT). The length-weight relationship... |
Tipo: Theses and Dissertations |
Palavras-chave: Feeding behaviour; Feeding migrations; Nursery grounds; Stomach content; Taxonomy; Length-weight relationships; Feeding behaviour; Taxonomy; Nursery grounds; Http://aims.fao.org/aos/agrovoc/c_10778; Http://aims.fao.org/aos/agrovoc/c_7631; Http://aims.fao.org/aos/agrovoc/c_25438. |
Ano: 2005 |
URL: http://hdl.handle.net/1834/2561 |
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Piñero, R.A.. |
La costa patagónica y en especial el golfo San Jorge (Mar Argentino, Atlántico sudoccidental), son zonas de gran interés pesquero, destacándose este último por poseer una de las especies de mayor valor comercial del Mar Argentino: el langostino patagónico Pleoticus muelleri. En un nuevo concepto de análisis integrado, se estudia la relación de los recursos con su ambiente. En el caso particular del langostino, dado su hábito bentónico, resulta de importancia acceder al conocimiento sobre las distintas especies que conforman las comunidades bentónicas y sus interrelaciones. El estudio de las comunidades bentónicas del Golfo San Jorge ha sido realizado por Roux et al. (1995, 1997) consistiendo principalmente en la confección de un amplio inventario... |
Tipo: Theses and Dissertations |
Palavras-chave: Geographical distribution; Taxonomy; Benthos; Ecological associations; Abundance; Feeding behaviour. |
Ano: 2001 |
URL: http://hdl.handle.net/1834/5031 |
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Giménez, E.; Anderes, B.; Moreno, V.; Burgos, R.. |
Results of stomach contents analysis of 855 red grouper specimens (Epinephelus morio) caught in Campeche Bank are presented. Individual length composition ranged from 25 to 89 cm fork length (Lf). Fishes (28%), crabs (43%), and shrimps (18%) integrated the main feeding groups in the stomach contents, with no preferential prey-feeding pattern observed. Crabs (33%) are the preferred prey for fish smaller than 55 cm Lf. From this size on fishes (42%) become the most represented items. A significant difference was found in the frequency distributions of preys by regions, with the central region showing the highest abundance. No significant differences in the prey frequency distributions by depth were observed. Feeding activity occurs all around the year, with... |
Tipo: Journal Contribution |
Palavras-chave: Feeding behaviour; Feeding behaviour; Http://aims.fao.org/aos/agrovoc/c_10778. |
Ano: 2001 |
URL: http://hdl.handle.net/1834/3679 |
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Criales, M.M.; Corredor, L.. |
Por medio de buceos diurnos y nocturnos con equipo SCUBA, se hicieron observaciones de campo sobre la otología de los camarones limpiadores de peces presentes en la Bahía de Santa Marta (Colombia) y en Young Islatid Channel (Isla de Saint Vincent, Antillas Menores), desde enero hasta septiembre de 1976. Se tomaron notas detalladas del comportamiento de limpieza de dos especies de camarones de actividad diurna y de tres especies nocturnas, y de la frecuencia de las limpiezas de las especies particulares de peces. Los camarones diurnos mostraron preferencia por limpiar la. boca y las branquias de sus clientes y los camarones nocturnos por limpiar la superficie corporal de los mismos. Las poses adoptadas por los peces durante el día y la noche, sugieren un... |
Tipo: Journal Contribution |
Palavras-chave: Marine crustaceans; Feeding behaviour; Shrimp fisheries; Feeding behaviour; Http://aims.fao.org/aos/agrovoc/c_10778. |
Ano: 1977 |
URL: http://hdl.handle.net/1834/3903 |
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Matabos, Marjolaine; Cuvelier, D.; Brouard, J.; Shillito, B.; Ravaux, J.; Zbinden, M.; Barthelemy, D.; Sarradin, Pierre-marie; Sarrazin, Jozee. |
Identifying the factors driving community dynamics in hydrothermal vent communities, and in particular biological interactions, is challenged by our ability to make direct observations and the difficulty to conduct experiments in those remote ecosystems. As a result, we have very limited knowledge on species’ behaviour and interactions in these communities and how they in turn influence community dynamics. Interactions such as competition or predation significantly affect community structure in vent communities, and video time-series have successfully been used to gain insights in biological interactions and species behaviour, including responses to short-term changes in temperature or feeding strategies. In this study, we combined in situ and ex situ... |
Tipo: Text |
Palavras-chave: Abyss Box; Biological interactions; Deep-sea observatory; Eiffel Tower edifice; Feeding behaviour; Experimental research; Video imagery; Time series; Lucky Strike; Mid-Atlantic Ridge; 37 degrees 17 ' N; 32 degrees 16.3 ' W. |
Ano: 2015 |
URL: https://archimer.ifremer.fr/doc/00266/37714/35732.pdf |
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Burel, Christine; Robin, Jean; Boujard, Thierry. |
The capability of turbots to use self-feeders was studied using 3 groups of 100 juveniles. Feeding activity reached a plateau after 20 days. Almost all feeding activity was observed during the photophase, and the acrophase was associated with dawn. The proportion of nocturnal demands was the highest in the replicate with the lowest feed efficiency, suggesting that feed waste was mainly occurring during nocturnal feeding activity. During the last 30 days of the experiment, demands were only rewarded during two periods of 2.5 h.day(-1). Feed efficiency was improved and was homogeneous between the three tanks, but the voluntary feed intake was reduced. It is concluded that turbots are able to use self-feeders but they do not adapt quickly, and they are not... |
Tipo: Text |
Palavras-chave: Turbot; Self-feeders; Feeding behaviour; Feeding rhythms. |
Ano: 1997 |
URL: http://archimer.ifremer.fr/doc/00335/44652/57339.pdf |
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González Ovando, L.P.. |
Mytilus chilensis, Venus antiqua, Mulinia edulis y Tagelus dombeii son moluscos bivalvos filtradores que habitan diferentes niveles de la planicie mareal de la bahía de Yaldad, Sur de Chile. El primero es un organismo de la epifauna mientras que las demás especies pertenecen a la infauna. Estas especies adoptan diferentes estrategias, como ser el desarrollo de sistemas de filtración y estructuras de selección de partículas, las que son usadas para aprovechar al máximo el alimento disponible en el medio. Con el fin de conocer y comparar la capacidad de alimentación en especies filtradoras de la infauna y epifauna se hicieron determinaciones fisiológicas (tasa de aclaramiento y tasa de ingestión), mediciones morfológicas de sus sistemas de filtración... |
Tipo: Theses and Dissertations |
Palavras-chave: Marine molluscs; Feeding behaviour. |
Ano: 2003 |
URL: http://hdl.handle.net/1834/4919 |
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Registros recuperados: 63 | |