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Growth Dynamics of Dairy Processing Firms in the European Union AgEcon
Gardebroek, Cornelis; Turi, Kedir N.; Wijnands, Jo H.M..
The structure of the dairy processing industry in the European Union has changed enormously in recent decades. In many countries the industry is characterized by a few large companies with a big market share accompanied by many small processors that often produce for niche markets. This paper investigates which factors relate to growth of dairy processing firms. Using a unique ten-year panel data set and recently developed dynamic panel data estimators, the growth process of dairy processors is investigated for six rather diverse European countries. The data structure and the estimation method allow for dealing with endogeneity issues in an appropriate way. Firm size growth measured in total assets is found to be affected by firm size, firm age and...
Tipo: Conference Paper or Presentation Palavras-chave: EU dairy processing industry; Dynamic panel data; Firm growth; Agribusiness; Agricultural Finance; Industrial Organization.
Ano: 2009 URL:
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The Relationship Between Environmental Efficiency and Manufacturing Firm’s Growth AgEcon
Cainelli, Giulio; Mazzanti, Massimiliano; Zoboli, Roberto.
This paper investigates the empirical link between emission intensity and economic growth, using a very large data set of 61,219 Italian manufacturing firms over the period 2000-2004. As a measure of lagged environmental performance (efficiency) at firm level we exploit NAMEA sector for CO2, NOx, SOx data over 1990-1999. The paper tests the extent to which (past) environmental efficiency/intensity, which is driven by structural features and firm strategic actions, including responses to policies, influences firms growth. Our results show, first, a typical trade off generally appearing for the three core environmental emissions we analyse: lower environmentally efficiency in the recent past allows higher degrees of freedom to firms and relax the constraints...
Tipo: Working or Discussion Paper Palavras-chave: Firm growth; Manufacturing; Emission intensity; Economic performance; Environmental performance; Environmental Economics and Policy; C23; D21; O32; Q55.
Ano: 2008 URL:
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What Does Initial Farm Size Imply About Growth and Diversification? AgEcon
Melhim, Almuhanad; O'Donoghue, Erik J.; Shumway, C. Richard.
Recent consolidation in agriculture has shifted production toward fewer but larger farms, reshaping business relationships between farmers, processors, input suppliers, and local communities. We analyze growth and diversification of U.S. corn, wheat, apple, and beef farms by examining longitudinal changes in 10 size cohorts through three successive censuses. We fail to reject Gibrat’s law in apple and wheat industries and the mean reversion hypothesis in beef and corn industries. Apple and wheat farms diversify over time. The findings suggest that scale economies diminish for large farms across all four industries and scope economies dominate scale economies for large apple and wheat farms.
Tipo: Journal Article Palavras-chave: Diversification; Firm growth; Gibrat’s law; Longitudinal data; Scale economies; Scope economies; Agribusiness; Farm Management; Production Economics; Q12.
Ano: 2009 URL:
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