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Essai et mise au point d'un chalut de fond à grande ouverture verticale (gov) OceanDocs
Bdioui, M.; M’rabet, R.; Ben Naceur, L..
The main object of this study is to develop a big vertical opening bottom trawl (GOV) adapted to the Tunisian fisheries. Two models of trawls were tested. One for a trawler with 600 horse power engine and another model for a trawler with 900 horse power engine. The obtained results in this study show that the two models of trawls tested are efficient, especially in the areas where we found benthic and pelagic species together. Further more, the yield of these trawls is higher than that of the shrimp’s trawl, the most gear used in Tunisian water.
Tipo: Journal Contribution Palavras-chave: Chalut de fond; Fisheries technologies; Technique de pêche; Bottom trawl; Trawls.
Ano: 2003 URL:
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