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SENDIR: répertoire des experts en sciences marines et eaux douces du Sénégal OceanDocs
Keïta, A..
Tipo: Other Palavras-chave: Experts; Oceanography; Physical oceanography; Fishery oceanography; Coastal oceanography; Fishery biology; Marine ecology; Fishery economics; Fishery industry; Fishery sciences; Fresh water; Physical oceanography; Fishery oceanography; Oceanography; Fishery biology; Marine ecology; Http://; Http://; Http://; Http://; Http://
Ano: 2003 URL:
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Un modelo estocástico de pesquerías OceanDocs
Gregorio, C.G.; D'Attellis, C.E..
Based on the Schaefer production model, an stochastic model is described, that is a model in which noises perturbing biomass and measurements are considered, serving to describe random variations in mortality and recruitment as well as some inaccuracies in measurements taken. The model is discrete, linear and adaptable, and the parameters biomass and noises intensities are restimated with each new measurement obtained. The problem of regulation is solved, on the basis of the model described, through fishing effort that should be applied to keep biomasss close to equilibrium. Computer effected simulations are presented.
Tipo: Journal Contribution Palavras-chave: Mathematical models; Fishery sciences; Mathematical models; Http://
Ano: 1979 URL:
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