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Analyse typologique des activités de pêche de la flottille des côtes-d'Armor ArchiMer
Berthou, Patrick; Chevaillier, P; Jezequel, Michele.
Introduction: Setting up a policy of coastal fisheries management goes through a preliminary stage of understanding the dynamics of the fishing fleets as much as their tactics. Small fleets, such as those of the Côtes d'Armor, are characterised by: - the boats' home ports are scattered widely, - the heterogeneousness of the types of vessels and fishing gear used, - the versatility of the fishing units, - the plurispecificity of the exploited resource, - the flexibility of operating strategies, that is, the fishing owners' ability to change occupation. However, this flexibility is limited by the availability of the resource, by the market, by the investments granted (boats, fishing materiel), as well as by "cultural" context and know-how. This...
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Saint Brieux Bay; Fishery management; Typology; Fishing vessel.
Ano: 1990 URL:
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Synthese des activites des navires de peche par quartier maritime, 2005 ArchiMer
Leblond, Emilie; Merrien, Claude; Berthou, Patrick; Demaneche, Sébastien; Rostiaux, Emilie.
This document is created within the framework of IFREMER's programme, "Information system, economy and diagnostics of the exploitation and evolution of resources". This programme brings together projects that have ambitions specific to each. The "Halieutic Information System" (SIH) has as its goal to build the observation network of halieutic resources and associated uses. It is mainly in charge of developing indicators about fishing fleets and their output in the form of summaries to the various actors in the fishing industry (from research to professionals and managers) and the public. This type of output is created thanks to the implementation of a standard methodology of monitoring the activities of ships, and to the existence since 2001 of a network...
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Fishing harbour; Fishing gear; Fishing zone; Metier; France; Administrative district; Fishing fleet; Fishing vessel; Port de pêche; Engins de capture; Zone de pêche; Metier; France; Quartier maritime; Flottille; Navire de pêche.
Ano: 2007 URL:
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