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Alkalmazkodás a klímaváltozáshoz 31
Gazdag, Laszlo.
A várható változásokkal szemben nem védekezni kell, hanem alkalmazkodni. A klímaváltozás is ilyen kihívást jelent. Aki gyorsan és jól alkalmazkodik, az előnybe kerül másokkal szemben. Be kell rendezkednünk a növekvő időjárási amplitúdók, a szélsőséges körülmények közötti eredményes gazdálkodásra. Az első lépés az érdekviszonyok radikális átalakítása! Előnyben részesíteni mindazon technikai-technológiai fejlesztéseket, amelyek a sikeres alkalmazkodást szolgálják. Eltörölni mindenfajta vízdíjat és hasonló költségnövelő tényezőt, amit az öntözési és/vagy halastavi célú felhasználásra vet ki az állam. Kamatkedvezménnyel és más úton ösztönözni az öntözési infrastruktúra fejlesztését, az öntözési tevékenység végzését. A komplex megoldások preferálása, melyek...
Tipo: Journal Article Palavras-chave: Érdekeltség; Alkalmazkodás; Komplexitás; Rugalmasság; Technológia; Interest; Adaptation; Complexity; Flexibility; Technology; Agricultural and Food Policy; Environmental Economics and Policy; Production Economics.
Ano: 2009 URL:
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An updated assessment of Symbiodinium spp. that associate with common scleractinian corals from Moorea (French Polynesia) reveals high diversity among background symbionts and a novel finding of clade B 5
Rouze, Heloise; Lecellier, Gael J.; Saulnier, Denis; Planes, Serge; Gueguen, Yannick; Wirshing, Herman H.; Berteaux-lecellier, Veronique.
The adaptative bleaching hypothesis (ABH) states that, depending on the symbiotic flexibility of coral hosts (i.e., the ability of corals to “switch” or “shuffle” their algal symbionts), coral bleaching can lead to a change in the composition of their associated Symbiodinium community and, thus, contribute to the coral’s overall survival. In order to determine the flexibility of corals, molecular tools are required to provide accurate species delineations and to detect low levels of coral-associated Symbiodinium. Here, we used highly sensitive quantitative (real-time) PCR (qPCR) technology to analyse five common coral species from Moorea (French Polynesia), previously screened using only traditional molecular methods, to assess the presence of...
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Corals; French polynesia; Clade B; Symbiodinium; QPCR; Flexibility; Generalist; Faithful clade.
Ano: 2017 URL:
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Beyond group ranch subdivision: collective action for livestock mobility, ecological viability, and livelihoods 31
BurnSilver, Shauna; Mwangi, Esther.
This paper leverages datasets and results from two separate studies carried out across eight Kajiado group ranches and offers a unique opportunity to look at emergent pre- and post-subdivision trends from an interdisciplinary framework that combines ecological, political, and human-ecological research perspectives. It provides insights into the following issues: the loss of flexibility and mobility for Maasai herders’ dues to subdivision, the nature of collective activities that individuals pursue after subdivision, and the emergence of pasture sharing arrangements. NDVI profiles show that forage options for individual herders decrease dramatically under privatization, but rebound somewhat when parcels are shared between households located adjacent to each...
Tipo: Journal Article Palavras-chave: Kajiado; Mobility; Flexibility; Pastoralism; Collective Action; Subdivision; Group Ranches; Livestock Production/Industries.
Ano: 2007 URL:
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Comparison among the Consumption Structures of Different Income Groups of Urban Residents in Guangxi Based on ELES Model 31
Han, Zhi-cheng; Li, Xiao-xiang; Li, Zhi-xian.
According to the household consumption data of urban residents in Guangxi Statistical Yearbook in the year 2009, the ELES (Extended Linear Expenditure System) is used to analyze the consumption structure, the propensity to consume, and the consumer flexibility of urban residents in Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region of China in the year 2008. Result shows that urban residents in Guangxi has relatively low propensity to consume. And their consumption, especially the middle and low-income families, is mostly concentrated in food, cloth, lodging and other basic necessities of life, which account for more than a half of their income. Based on this, corresponding suggestions are put forward to enlarge the consumption demand of urban residents in Guangxi, such as...
Tipo: Journal Article Palavras-chave: Consumption structure; ELES Model; Propensity to consume; Flexibility; China; Agribusiness.
Ano: 2011 URL:
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Conceptualisation of family farms’ flexibility 31
Renner, Swetlana; Pieniadz, Agata.
Agricultural enterprises in transition countries face dynamic changes in the prevailing economic, legal and political conditions. The success of an enterprise depends on its ability to adjust its farming system in response to these changing conditions. To meet this challenge, flexible and adaptable production technology is required. Thus, the farm’s choice of technology is an important decision which determines its future performance. Although the concept of a firm’s flexibility is widely analysed in microeconomics literature, there is no comprehensive framework to facilitate the analysis of family farms’ flexibility, especially considering market imperfections and other obstacles associated with the transition process. In this paper we formulate the...
Tipo: Conference Paper or Presentation Palavras-chave: Flexibility; Output price risk; Family farms; Farm Management.
Ano: 2008 URL:
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Decoupling Farm Payments: Experience in the U.S., Canada, and Europe 31
Ogg, Clayton W.; van Kooten, G. Cornelis.
Commodity payments in Europe and North America are production based, encouraging greater chemical use and cropping area. Thus, each region undermines the other’s price supports at the expense of the environment. Countries can, however, sever the link between yield levels and payments. Allowing farmers to exit agriculture poses challenges for the US, but perhaps not for Canada and the EU.
Tipo: Working or Discussion Paper Palavras-chave: Decoupling; Liberalizing trade; Environment; Flexibility; Agricultural and Food Policy; Farm Management; Q15; Q17.
Ano: 2004 URL:
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Determinación del efecto de las importaciones en precios internos de granos básicos utilizando un sistema inverso de demanda 32
Hernández Ortiz, Juan.
Con la entrada en vigor del TLCAN las importaciones de granos básicos en México han crecido sustancialmente, a raíz de este fenómeno mucho se ha comentado sobre la conveniencia o no del Tratado de Libre Comercio y sus efectos en la agricultura, derivados del crecimiento de las importaciones de dichos productos, sin embargo, no existen estudios donde se cuantifique la magnitud del impacto en la agricultura nacional. Por esta razón en este trabajo se aborda el efecto que tienen las importaciones de granos básicos en los precios internos de México, utilizando para ello un sistema inverso de demanda casi ideal; como resultado se obtienen flexibilidades menores que 1 en valor absoluto lo cual significa que los precios son inflexibles al cambio en...
Tipo: Tesis Palavras-chave: Flexibilidades; IAIDS; Importaciones; Homogeneidad; Simetría; TLCAN; Precios internos; Doctorado; Economía; Flexibility; Homogeneity; Imports; Symmetry; NAFTA; Domestic price.
Ano: 2007 URL:
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Die Berücksichtigung von Unsicherheit und Flexibilität in der Investitionsplanung – dargestellt am Beispiel einer Vertragsinvestition für Roggen 31
Musshoff, Oliver; Hirschauer, Norbert.
Investment decisions are, as a rule, characterized by uncertainty, irreversibility and flexibility. Simple net present value calculations will not account for these features. In many situations even flexible investment planning with decision trees, which represents the most advanced method of traditional investment appraisal, does not have the capacity to solve practical decision problems adequately. One handicap is a realistic and manageable representation of stochastic variables. It has long been known that stochastic simulation procedures offer a nearly unlimited capacity to represent distributions and stochastic processes. However, a standard simulation will not allow for the consideration of flexibility. The problem is that with a simple forward...
Tipo: Journal Article Palavras-chave: Investment; Uncertainty; Flexibility; Stochastic simulation; Dynamic programming; Sales contracts with fixed prices; Farm Management; Research Methods/ Statistical Methods; Risk and Uncertainty.
Ano: 2004 URL:
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Effect of frequency of static stretching on flexibility, hamstring tightness and electromyographic activity 56
Marques,A.P.; Vasconcelos,A.A.P.; Cabral,C.M.N.; Sacco,I.C.N..
We compared the effect of the number of weekly repetitions of a static stretching program on the flexibility, hamstring tightness and electromyographic activity of the hamstring and of the triceps surae muscles. Thirty-one healthy subjects with hamstring tightness, defined as the inability to perform total knee extension, and shortened triceps surae, defined by a tibiotarsal angle wider than 90° during trunk flexion, were divided into three groups: G1 performed the stretching exercises once a week; G2, three times a week, and G3, five times a week. The parameters were determined before and after the stretching program. Flexibility improved in all groups after intervention, from 7.65 ± 10.38 to 3.67 ± 12.08 in G1, from 10.73 ± 12.07 to 0.77 ± 10.45 in G2,...
Tipo: Info:eu-repo/semantics/other Palavras-chave: Electromyography; Flexibility; Muscle stretching exercises; Range of motion.
Ano: 2009 URL:
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Flexible quota constraints in positive mathematical programming models 31
Buysse, Jeroen; Van der Straeten, Bart; Claeys, Dakerlia; Lauwers, Ludwig H.; Marchand, Fleur L.; Van Huylenbroeck, Guido.
To explain over- and underuse of available quota, Buysse et al. (2007) have integrated the shadow cost of the quota constraint in a quota flexibility function in a positive mathematical programming model. This method and central hypothesis, formulated and tested for the case of Belgian sugar beet farms, is in current paper extended and confirmed for the cases of Flemish dairy quota and manure emission rights. Despite the different organisation, objectives and implementations of the diverse quota systems, the results are similar. A higher utilisation of quota is significantly driven by the quota rent, but farm characteristics are also important and the effect declines with increasing quota rent. Regardless the quota, the dairy quota flexibility behaviour of...
Tipo: Conference Paper or Presentation Palavras-chave: Quota; Flexibility; Positive Mathematical Programming; Farm model; Common Agricultural Policy; Agricultural and Food Policy; Demand and Price Analysis; Research Methods/ Statistical Methods.
Ano: 2008 URL:
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Forest Management Approaches for Coping with the Uncertainty of Climate Change: Trade-Offs in Service Provisioning and Adaptability 7
Wagner, Sven; Chair of Silviculture, TU-Dresden;; Nocentini, Susanna; Department of Agricultural, Food and Forestry Systems, University of Florence;; Huth, Franka; Chair of Silviculture, TU-Dresden;; Hoogstra-Klein, Marjanke; Forest and Nature Conservation Policy Group, Wageningen University;
The issue of rapid change in environmental conditions under which ecosystem processes and human interventions will take place in the future is relatively new to forestry, whereas the provision of ecosystem services, e.g., timber or fresh water, is at the very heart of the original concept of forest management. Forest managers have developed ambitious deterministic approaches to provide the services demanded, and thus the use of deterministic approaches for adapting to climate change seem to be a logical continuation. However, as uncertainty about the intensity of climate change is high, forest managers need to answer this uncertainty conceptually. One may envision an indeterministic approach to cope with this uncertainty; but how the services will be...
Tipo: Peer-Reviewed Reports Palavras-chave: Climate change; Ecological resilience; Ecosystem services; Forest management strategies; Flexibility; Forest structure; Uncertainty.
Ano: 2014
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Integrating Citizens in Adaptive Management: A Propositional Analysis 7
Shindler, Bruce; Oregon State University;; Aldred Cheek, Kristin; University of Montana;
Lee has advocated for the use of civic science in the implementation of adaptive management experiments, noting that people and political processes are central features of adaptive approaches to land management. This paper explores the growing relationship between the public and forest management agencies, and uses a propositional analysis to guide methods for integrating citizens into adaptive management situations. Important characteristics are organized and discussed in six thematic areas. Citizen-agency interactions are more effective when (1) they are open and inclusive, (2) they are built on skilled leadership and interactive forums, (3) they include innovative and flexible methods, (4) involvement is early and continuous, (5) efforts result in...
Tipo: Peer-Reviewed Reports Palavras-chave: Adaptive management; Citizen-agency interactions; Civic science; Flexibility; Forest management; Inclusion; Innovation; Propositional analysis; Public involvement..
Ano: 1999
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Introduction to the Special Feature: Adaptive Management - Scientifically Sound, Socially Challenged? 7
Johnson, Barry L; USGS, Upper Midwest Enviromental Sciences Center;
Tipo: Peer-Reviewed Reports Palavras-chave: Adaptive management; Decision making; Ecosystem management; Experimentation; Flexibility; Implementation; Management agencies; Resources; Risk; Social aspects; Special feature; Stakeholders..
Ano: 1999
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Investing in Biogas: Timing, Technological Choice and the Value of Flexibility from Inputs Mix 31
Di Corato, Luca; Moretto, Michele.
In a continuous-time framework we study the technology and investment choice problem of a continuous co-digestion biogas plant dealing with randomly fluctuating relative convenience of input factor costs. Input factors enter into the productive process together mixed according to a given initial rule. Being inputs relative convenience stochastically evolving, a successive revision of the initial rule may be desirable. Hence, when the venture starts the manager may or may not install a flexible technology allowing for such option. Investment is irreversible and flexibility is costly. The problem is solved determining in the light of future prospects the optimal revision and then playing backward fixing the investment timing rule.
Tipo: Working or Discussion Paper Palavras-chave: Factor Proportions; Technological Choice; Flexibility; Real Options; Alternative Energy Source; Environmental Economics and Policy; C61; D24; Q42.
Ano: 2009 URL:
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Investment planning under uncertainty and flexibility: the case of a purchasable sales contract 31
Musshoff, Oliver; Hirschauer, Norbert.
Investment decisions are not only characterised by irreversibility and uncertainty but also by flexibility with regard to the timing of the investment. This paper describes how stochastic simulation can be successfully integrated into a backward recursive programming approach in the context of flexible investment planning. We apply this hybrid approach to a marketing question from primary production which can be viewed as an investment problem: should grain farmers purchase sales contracts which guarantee fixed product prices over the next 10 years? The model results support the conclusion from dynamic investment theory that it is essential to take simultaneously account of uncertainty and flexibility.
Tipo: Journal Article Palavras-chave: Dynamic programming; Flexibility; Investment; Sales contract; Stochastic simulation; Uncertainty; Agricultural Finance; Risk and Uncertainty.
Ano: 2008 URL:
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Robison, Lindon J.; Schmid, A. Allan; Siles, Marcelo E..
Social capital in the past two decades has emerged as a dominant paradigm in the various social science disciplines. However, its adoption by the different social science disciplines has led to multiple and often conflicting definitions of social capital. Some differences in the definition of social capital can be explained because scientists have included in the definition expressions of its possible uses, where it resides, and how its service capacity can be changed. This paper defends the social capital metaphor by pointing out that social capital has many important capital-like properties including service potential, durability, flexibility, substitutability, opportunities for decay (maintenance), reliability, ability to create other capital forms,...
Tipo: Working or Discussion Paper Palavras-chave: Social capital; Cultural capital; Human capital; Physical/financial capital; Service potential; Durability; Flexibility; Substitutability; Decay (maintenance); Reliability; Investment (disinvestment); Institutional and Behavioral Economics.
Ano: 1999 URL:
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On Flexibility in the Polish Farming Sector 31
Renner, Swetlana; Hockmann, Heinrich; Pieniadz, Agata; Glauben, Thomas.
This paper investigates the flexibility of the Polish farming sector during a transition period. Flexibility is considered to be a farm’s ability to change output by sustaining average costs. We argue that flexibility is a crucial factor in farmers’ competitive advantage, especially under dynamically changing environmental conditions. We propose a flexibility measure that accounts for both input and output flexibility. This measure is used to empirically investigate the magnitude and sources of flexibility in Polish family farming. We also identify the main factors that explain the proposed flexibility indices. The empirical findings reveal that Polish farms use different technologies regarding their input and output flexibility. While small and...
Tipo: Conference Paper or Presentation Palavras-chave: Flexibility; Family Farm; Poland; Consumer/Household Economics; Production Economics; D24; Q12.
Ano: 2009 URL:
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Privatizing Highways in Latin America: Is It Possible to Fix What Went Wrong? 31
Engel, Eduardo M.R.A.; Fischer, Ronald; Galetovic, Alexander.
This paper reviews the Latin American experience with highway privatization during the last decade. Based on evidence from Argentina, Colombia and Chile, we find that private financing of new highways freed up fewer public resources than expected because public funds were often diverted to bail out franchise holders. Furthermore, many of the standard benefits of privatization did not materialize because of pervasive contract renegotiations. We argue that the disappointing performance of highway privatization in Latin America was due to two fundamental design flaws. First, countries followed a “privatize now, regulate later” approach. Second, most concessions were awarded as a fixed-term franchise, thereby creating a demand for guarantees and contract...
Tipo: Working or Discussion Paper Palavras-chave: Build-operate-and-transfer (BOT); Concessions; Cost-of-funds; Flexibility; Franchising; Government subsidies; Present-value-of-revenue (PVR); Regulation; Renegotiation; Public Economics; H21; L51; L91.
Ano: 2003 URL:
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Qualification of the adaptive capacities of livestock farming systems 96
This paper aims at exploring what is covered by « adapting to last » with a farming systems approach. Long term dynamics can be analysed as adaptive cycles, the system being permanently exposed to disturbances and shocks. Mobilizing the concept of resilience, we analyse the factors that differentiate the principles for long term action the livestock farmers have, principles which give consistency to the family - farms trajectories. With the concept of operational flexibilty, we qualify the sources of flexibility the livestock farmers maintain to cope with hazards. They are internal, related to the production process regulation properties, to the technical (adaptive or rigid) specifications, to the sales policies, or external related to the information and...
Tipo: Info:eu-repo/semantics/article Palavras-chave: Adaptation; Flexibility; Livestock farming systems; Resilience; Room for manoeuvre; System regulations.
Ano: 2009 URL:
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Reale Optionen und Landwirtschaftliche Betriebslehre – oder: Kann man mit der Optionspreistheorie arbitrieren? 31
Odening, Martin; Musshoff, Oliver.
This paper discusses the real options approach to investment. Real options facilitate an analysis of investment under uncertainty explicitly taking into account irreversibility of the investment decision and flexibility with respect to the investment timing. This is achieved by exploiting the analogy between a financial option and an investment project. We pinpoint the relation to traditional methods of capital budgeting as well as the special features of this concept, namely the exclusion of arbitrage opportunities and the independence of individual risk preferences. Analytical and numerical solution procedures for option pricing are presented. An application to investments in hog finishing illustrates the main ideas of the real options approach. It turns...
Tipo: Journal Article Palavras-chave: Real options; Investment under uncertainty; Flexibility; Contingent claim analysis; Hysteresis; Hog finishing; Farm Management; Risk and Uncertainty.
Ano: 2001 URL:
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