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Activité et production des navires français – Façade "Manche est" et Façade "Loire-Gironde" 5
Delpech, Jean-paul; Mehault, Sonia; Rostiaux, Emilie; Leaute, Jean-pierre; Leblond, Emilie; Demaneche, Sebastien; Coppin, Franck; Mahe, Kelig; Vaz, Sandrine.
This report is a result of a contract between Ifremer and the French Ministry of Industry. The aim was to provide map the fisheries activity and landings for french fishing vessels, located in the Eastern Channel and the Bay of Biscay during the year 2005. Two areas have been selected: - the "Eastern Channel" area, including 7 administrative departments : Nord, Pas-de-Calais, Somme, Seine-Maritime, Eure, Calvados and Manche. - the "Loire-Gironde" area, including 4 administrative departments : Loire-Atlantique, Vendée, Charente-Maritime and Gironde.
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Fishing fleets; Fishing gears; Bay of Biscay; Eastern Channel; Mapping; Landings; Fisheries activity; Flottilles; Pêche; Engins; Golfe de Gascogne; Manche est; Cartographie; Production; Activité halieutique.
Ano: 2007 URL:
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Etudes des activites de peche dans le golfe du Morbihan, peche professionnelle 5
Peronnet, Isabelle; Talidec, Catherine; Daures, Fabienne.
The objective of the study is to improve knowledge of coastal fishing activity in the halieutic and economic spheres. It consists of three sections: On-board professional fishing, professional shellfish gathering, and leisure fishing, this last one being the subject of an independent report (Lesueur and Drouot). The methodology applied is based on implementation of specific surveys about the ships that frequented the Gulf of Morbihan in 2001. The emphasis was placed on identifying the occupations practiced in this zone, on describing these activities and their intensity as well as on analysing the economic performance of these fleets. The management methods, regulation of shellfish gathering on listed sites as well as their impacts on the environment are...
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Urshin; Clams; Shellfish; Fleets; Metiers; Fishing activities; Bay of Morbihan; Brittany; Structure de cout; Oursin; Palourde; Bivalves; Typologie; Flottilles; Metiers; Indicateurs; Activités de peche; Golfe du Morbihan.
Ano: 2003 URL:
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La flotte de pêche commerciale bretonne 5
Talidec, Catherine; Berthou, Patrick; Jezequel, Michele; Lespagnol, Patrick.
The annual activity calendars of the 2,000 Breton fishing boats registered in the national POP file (with the exception of seafaring ships: 35 ocean-going tuna boats and 2 ships from Saint-Malo) were reconstituted for the year 1994 through surveys of the owners of these ships. Resorting to this method was necessary to overcome the weak statistical coverage of coastal fishing activity that is practiced within the 12 miles of territorial waters. This collection of information made it possible to build a database that contains, for each boat, the various trades practiced during the year 1994 and, if applicable, the periods of inactivity. By "trade", we mean the putting to use of a fishing vessel in order to catch one or several target species, in a given...
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Fishing gear; Database; Survey; Fishing fleet; Metier; Commercial fishing; Brittany; Engins de capture; Flottilles; Bases de données; Enquêtes; Metier; Pêche commerciale; Bretagne.
Ano: 1999 URL:
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La mytiliculture en Hollande et en Espagne 5
Antona, Martine; Paquotte, Philippe.
This article is the second part of an analysis of mussel-farming sectors in France, Holland and Spain. The first part, devoted to France, addressed the national offering's stresses of adapting to changes in the mussel market. From the viewpoint of questions raised within the profession while preparing the French mussel-farming sector for the regulatory and economic environment of 1992, Spain and Holland offer benchmarks in terms of structuring the offer and planning markets. This article presents the mussel-farming business in Spain and Holland from these two angles.
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Economic evaluation; Urshin; Clams; Shellfish; Fleets; Metier; Fishing activities; Bay of Morbihan; Brittany; SEM; Cout; Indicateurs economique; Palourde; Oursin; Bivalves; Typologie; Flottilles; Metier; Activités de pêche; Golfe du Morbihan.
Ano: 1990 URL:
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La pêche aux petits metiers en Languedoc-Roussillon en 2000 - 2001 5
Guillou, Alain; Lespagnol, Patrick; Ruchon, François.
"Small trades" refers to the body of fishing boats, excepting the trawlers, which have a trawling license and the tuna/sardine boats, which have a pelagic fishing license. The ships that fish for small pelagic fish by using a lamp are only included for the other trades they ply, if applicable. Whereas certain "small trades" work offshore, the majority of them exploit the lagoons and coastal area. The importance of the coastal areas in general, where a large number of biological and ecological processes are being developed, need no longer be demonstrated: A large part of primary and secondary production takes place in these areas, which host moreover many reproduction and nursery sites for a great many species. "Small trade" fishing is one of the main...
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Fleets; Surveys; Coastal fishing; Small metiers; South of France; Languedoc Roussillon; Mediterranean; Lamparo; Enquêtes; Flottilles; Pêche côtière; Petits métiers; Zones côtières; Languedoc Roussillon; Méditerranée.
Ano: 2002 URL:
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Le renouvellement des flottilles en France de 1945 à 1983 : discours, contexte et réalisations 5
Meuriot, Eric.
This study recounts the policies on fishing fleet renewal in France from 1945 to 1983. The views held by sector professionals and the public authorities on the role of fleet renewal in fisheries economy are put into context in terms of stock abundance, access to fishing grounds, the state of the market, etc. The consequences of the lack of consistent guidelines for distributing the resources between competing fleets, foreign or national, are presented. The limits of the stances held on technical "progress" and "reasonable" management of resources are discussed. Other, complementary lines of research to undertake are proposed as a conclusion. Many tables and figures illustrate the text.
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: France; Gestion rationnelle; Progrès techniques; Flottilles; Politique économique; Pêche; Economie.
Ano: 1985 URL:
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Les pêcheries artisanales de Manche Est. Flottilles et ressources halieutiques 5
Lemoine, Michel; Giret, Marc.
From Normandy to Belgium bordary, the coastal fishery became during the ten last years a significant social and economic actor, which mostly lives by predominant exploitation of eastern Channel. Recently discovering a situation of resource overexploitation and a difficult cohabitation between "métiers", these coastal fleets are in the heart of various preoccupations of managment at regional, national and european levels. Since 1985, a coordinated programme including Boulogne and Ouistreham allowed to progress in the knowledge of complex fisheries through: improvement of statistics, characterisation of coastal fleets and their activity, assessment of the knowledge on the resources. This synthesis describes, for 1987-88, the quality of the regional landings...
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Typologie; Pêcheries artisanales; Flottilles; Ressources; Manche Est; Métiers; Typology; Fisheries; Fleets; Living resources; Channel; "Métiers".
Ano: 1990 URL:
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Les zones de pêche des chalutiers bigoudens 5
Pichon, Jacques.
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: North East Atlantic; Brittany; France; Fishing fleet; Halieutics; Economic analysis; Fishing zones; SEM; Analyse économique; Flottilles; Production; Finistère; Halieutique; Topographie; Zone pêche.
Ano: 1992 URL:
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Scénarios d'aménagement des activités de pêche dans la bande cotière bretonne : rapport 2001 5
Talidec, Catherine; Boncoeur, Jean; Alban, Frédérique; Curtil, Olivier; Le Floc'H, Pascal; Le Gallic, Bertrand; Pennanguer, Stéphane; Berthou, Patrick; Fifas, Spyros; Latrouite, Daniel.
This document is the 2001 activity report delivered by IFREMER, CEDEM (IUEM, UBO) and ENSA of Rennes for a co-financed study by the Brittany region within the framework of the XII CPER. This report is composed of: - an IFREMER study on the historical evolution of the Breton fleet created using data from the "halieutic observations system" (SIH) and surveys on the economic activity of fishing ships. The study is most interested in the Mor Braz and the Sea of Iroise sites. - an analysis by CEDEM of the legal and economic aspects of fishing along the coastal strip through two case studies: A seasonal break from bottom trawling and the diversification of professional fishing towards tourist and recreational economic activities. - a study by ENSA of Rennes on...
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Recreative fishing; Professionnal fishing; Breton fisheries; Survey; Data collection; Fishing fleet; Metier; Fishing activites; Brittany; Golfe du Morbihan; Mer d'Iroise; Mor Braz; Reglementation; Pêche de loisir; Pêche professionnelle; Pêcherie bretonne; Enquêtes; Collectes de données; Flottilles; Metier; Opérations de pêche; Bretagne.
Ano: 2002 URL:
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Scénarios d'aménagment des activités de pêche dans la bande cotière bretonne, rapport 2005 5
Berthou, Patrick; Boncoeur, J.; Boude, Jp; Mettouchi, M.; Le Gallic, B.; Thebaud, Olivier.
This document is the joint activity report of IFREMER, CEDEM (University of Western Brittany) and Agrocampus-Rennes for the fifth year of the interdisciplinary research programme "Scenarios for Development of Fishing Activities in the Breton Coastal Strip", co-financed by the Brittany region within the framework of the XII State/Regional Planning Contract. It is made up of two parts: - the return of the international workshop on regulating access to living marine resources, - a summary on the management of Breton coastal fisheries by licensing systems.
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Fleets; Aquaculture; Fishiung licence; Breton fisheries; Fishing assessment; Brittany; CPER; Flottilles; Aquaculture; Licence de pêche; Droits de pêche; Pêcheries bretonnes; Gestion de la peche; Bretagne.
Ano: 2006 URL:
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Synthèse des flottilles de pêche 2007 - Flotte Mer du Nord - Manche-Atlantique 5
Leblond, Emilie; Daures, Fabienne; Berthou, Patrick; Merrien, Claude; Pitel, Mathilde; Jezequel, Michele.
Le présent document, sixième édition d'une série lancée en 2000, réactualise la Synthèse des flottilles 2006, publiée en 2008. Il ne prétend pas rendre compte de l'ensemble des données collectées depuis cette précédente édition. Cependant, il a pour ambition de présenter de manière synthétique, l'activité et la situation économique de la flotte de pêche française métropolitaine (façades mer du Nord Manche, Atlantique et Méditerranée), à destination d'un public très large. La Synthèse des flottilles de pêche 2007 est une compilation de fiches synthétiques, chacune d'entre elles étant construite sur le même format. : - La fiche de synthèse France Métropolitaine Elle décrit la flotte des façades Mer du Nord Manche, Atlantique et Méditerranée. Elle propose en...
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Marins; Navires; Situation économique; Peche; Activité; Flottilles; Méditerranée; Atlantique; Mer du Nord; Manche.
Ano: 2009 URL:
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Typologies et composantes des flottilles du sud du Golfe de Gascogne en 1986 - de Noirmoutier à Bayonne 5
Decamps, Philippe; Leaute, Jean-pierre.
This document presents an analysis of the fishing fleet operating in the Southern Bay of Biscay, based on vessel characteristics and records of fishing activities during 1986, using multivariate ordination techniques. It reveals groups of vessels having similar fishing patterns with regard to utilization of various gears, areas fished and species caught. The results have potential interest for fisheries biologists, and also for economists and regional or national managers.
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Typologie; Composantes; Flottilles; Golfe de Gascogne.
Ano: 1991 URL:
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