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Mammalian Herbivores in the Boreal Forests: Their Numerical Fluctuations and Use by Man 7
Danell, Kjell; Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences;; Willebrand, Tomas; Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences;; Baskin, Leonid; Institute of Ecology and Evolution, Russian Academy of Sciences;
Within the boreal zone, there are about 50 native mammalian herbivore species that belong to the orders Artiodactyla, Rodentia, and Lagomorpha. Of these species, 31 occur in the Nearctic and 24 in the Palaearctic. Only six species occur in both regions. Species of the family Cervidae have probably been, and still are, the most important group for man, as they provide both meat and hides. Pelts from squirrels, muskrats, and hares were commercially harvested at the beginning of the century, but have less value today. The semi-domestic reindeer in the Palaearctic produces meat and hides on a commercial basis. It is also used for milking, to a limited extent, as is the semi-domestic moose in Russia. The Siberian musk deer is used for its musk and is raised in...
Tipo: Peer-Reviewed Reports Palavras-chave: Boreal forests; Conservation; Fluctuations; Herbivores; Human use; Mammals; Management; Populations; Variability..
Ano: 1998
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Neogene evolution of the mixed carbonate-siliciclastic system in the Gulf of Papua, Papua New Guinea 5
Tcherepanov, Evgueni N.; Droxler, Andre W.; Lapointe, Philippe; Dickens, Gerald R.; Bentley, Sam J.; Beaufort, Luc; Peterson, Larry C.; Daniell, James; Opdyke, Bradley N..
This paper outlines the evolution of the late Cenozoic mixed carbonate-siliciclastic depositional system in the Gulf of Papua (GoP), using seismic, gravity, multibeam bathymetry, well data sets, and Landsat imagery. The deposition of the mixed sedimentary sequences was influenced by dynamic interplay of tectonics, eustasy, in situ carbonate production, and siliciclastic sediment supply. The roles of these major factors are estimated during different periods of the GoP margin evolution. The Cenozoic mixed system in the GoP formed in distinct phases. The first phase ( Late Cretaceous-Paleocene) was mostly driven by tectonics. Rifting created grabens and uplifted structural blocks which served later as pedestals for carbonate edifices. Active neritic...
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Great barrier reef; Sea level; Tectonic controls; Ice volume; Platforms; Sedimentation; Fluctuations; Deposition; Australia; Foreland basin.
Ano: 2008 URL:
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Pourquoi et comment l’instabilité est-elle une caractéristique structurelle des marchés agricoles? 31
Boussard, Jean-Marc.
Agricultural price volatility is "bad". But where does it come from? Remedies are completely different for "endogenous" or "exogenous" fluctuations. The recent crisis seems to indicate that exogenous remedies have been applied to endogenous fluctuations.
Tipo: Conference Paper or Presentation Palavras-chave: Instability; Agricultural policy; Development; Fluctuations; Quotas; Cobweb; Insurance.; Agricultural and Food Policy; Industrial Organization; Political Economy; Production Economics; Public Economics; B5; D4; D6; D8; N5; O1..
Ano: 2007 URL:
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