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Constraints on fluid origins and migration velocities along the Marmara Main Fault (Sea of Marmara, Turkey) using helium isotopes ArchiMer
Burnard, P.; Bourlange, S.; Henry, Pierre; Geli, Louis; Tryon, M. D.; Natal'In, B.; Sengor, A. M. C.; Ozeren, M. S.; Cagatay, M. N..
Fluids venting from the submarine portion of the Marmara Main Fault (part of the North Anatolian Fault system, Turkey) were sampled in Ti bottles deployed by submersible. The fluids consist of mixtures of fault derived gases, fault related cold seep fluids, and ambient seawater; these components can readily be distinguished using the isotopes of He and the He/Ne ratios. He-3/He-4 ratios range between 0.03 +/- 0.1 and 4.9 +/- 0.4 Ra, indicating that both crustal and mantle derived sources of helium are sampled by the fault. The dominant gas in all the samples analyzed is methane with the abundance of CO2 below detection (<= 2%) in the mantle rich (high He-3/He-4) fluids. This is in contrast to nearly all mantle derived fluids where the C species are...
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Fluids; Gas emission; Helium; Marmara Sea; North Anatolian Fault.
Ano: 2012 URL:
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Gas emissions and active tectonics within the submerged section of the North Anatolian Fault zone in the Sea of Marmara ArchiMer
Geli, Louis; Henry, P; Zitter, T; Dupre, Stephanie; Tryon, M; Cagatay, M; De Lepinay, B; Le Pichon, X; Sengor, A; Gorur, N; Natalin, B; Ucarkus, G; Oezeren, S; Volker, D; Gasperini, L; Burnard, P; Bourlange, S.
The submerged section of the North Anatolian fault within the Marmara Sea was investigated using acoustic techniques and submersible dives. Most gas emissions in the water column were found near the surface expression of known active faults. Gas emissions are unevenly distributed. The linear fault segment crossing the Central High and forming a seismic gap - as it has not ruptured since 1766, based on historical seismicity [Ambraseys, N.N., and Jackson, J.A., (2000), Seismicity of the Sea of Marmara (Turkey) since 1500, Geophys. J. Int., 141, (3), F1-F6. (doi:10.1046/j.1365-246x.2000.00137.x: Ambraseys, N., (2002), The seismic activity of the Marmara Region over the last 2000 years, Bull. Seism. Soc. Am., 92, 1-18; Parson, T., (2004), Recalculated...
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: North Anatolian Fault; Marmara Sea; Gas emission; Fluids; Seismicity.
Ano: 2008 URL:
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Geological and biological diversity of seeps in the Sea of Marmara ArchiMer
Ondreas, Helene; Olu, Karine; Dupre, Stephanie; Scalabrin, Carla; Alix, Anne-sophie; Garrocq, Clément; Ruffine, Livio.
The Sea of Marmara hosts part of the North Anatolian Fault as an active submarine strike-slip fault. This area has suffered numerous earthquakes and presents a major seismic risk. Although the Sea of Marmara has been studied for many years, the link between geological morphostructures, the nature of fluids and biological communities is still rarely described. During the Marsite cruise (November 2014), dives with Remotely Operated Vehicle (ROV) VICTOR 6000 focused on detailed seafloor explorations of four different areas: the Central and Western highs and the Tekirdağ and Çinarcik basins. Based on 130 h of in situ videos, high-resolution seafloor mapping of seeps was conducted, emphasizing their significant geological and biological diversity from one...
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Sea of Marmara; Cold seeps; Fluids; Seismogenic faults; Chemosynthetic fauna; Methane.
Ano: 2020 URL:
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Slope instabilities from echo-character mapping along the French Guiana transform margin and Demerara abyssal plain ArchiMer
Loncke, L.; Droz, Laurence; Gaullier, V.; Basile, C.; Patriat, Martin; Roest, Walter.
The French Guiana transform margin and Demerara abyssal plain have been recently surveyed in the framework of the EXTRAPLAC French Program of extension of the continental shelf (Guyaplac survey, Ifremer-IFP-SHOM-IPEV). Based on the interpretation of some of the data collected during the Guyaplac survey (Simrad-EM12 multibeam bathymetric data, backscatter imagery, and 3.5 kHz profiles), the area can be divided into three morphostructural domains. (1) The western Guiana margin, including a part of the Demerara plateau, an important bathymetric relief prolonging the continental platform off Guiana and Surinam. This domain is bounded by (1a) the NWSE trending northern border of the Demerara plateau which appears quite steep and corresponds to a transform...
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Structural heritage; Fluids; Creeping; Transform margin; Slope instabilities.
Ano: 2009 URL:
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