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Damage assessment of the equine sperm membranes by fluorimetric technique BABT
Celeghini,Eneiva Carla Carvalho; Andrade,André Furugen Cesar de; Raphael,Cláudia Fernandes; Nascimento,Juliana; Ticianelli,Janahi Souza; Arruda,Rubens Paes de.
To validate a practical technique of simultaneous evaluation of the plasma, acrosomal and mitochondrial membranes in equine spermatozoa three fluorescent probes (PI, FITC-PSA and MITO) were associated. Four ejaculates from three stallions (n=12) were diluted in TALP medium and split into 2 aliquots, 1 aliquot was flash frozen in liquid nitrogen to induce damage in cellular membranes. Three treatments were prepared with the following fixed ratios of fresh semen: flash frozen semen: 100:0 (T100), 50:50 (T50), and 0:100 (T0). A 150-µL aliquot of diluted semen of each treatment was added of 2 µL of PI, 2 µL of MITO and 80 µL of FITC-PSA; incubated at 38.5ºC/8 min, and sperm cells were evaluated by epifluorescent microscopy. Based in regression analysis, this...
Tipo: Info:eu-repo/semantics/article Palavras-chave: Stallion; Acrosome; Plasma membrane; Mitochondria; Fluorescent probes.
Ano: 2010 URL:
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Utilization of fluorescent probe association for simultaneous assessment of plasmatic, acrosomal, and mitochondrial membranes of rooster spermatozoa Rev. Bras. Ciênc. Avic.
Celeghini,ECC; Arruda,RP; Albuquerque,R; Silva,FHA; Faria,DE; Andrade,AFC; Nascimento,J; Raphael,CF.
This experiment was designed with the objective of developing a simple, practical, and high repeatability technique for the simultaneous evaluation of the integrity of the plasmatic and acrosomal membranes, as well as funcional mitochondria of domestic fowl spermatozoa using an association of fluorescent probes. Four ejaculates (motility > 80% and abnormal morphology < 10%) from each of six Ross male broiler breeder (n=24) were diluted in TALP sperm medium (25x10(6) spermatozoa/mL) and split into two aliquots, and one of these aliquots was flash frozen in liquid nitrogen and thawed to damage all cellular membranes. Three treatments were prepared from these aliquots, with the following ratios of Fresh semen:Flash frozen semen: 100:0 (T100), 50:50...
Tipo: Info:eu-repo/semantics/article Palavras-chave: Fluorescent probes; Membranes; Rooster; Sperm.
Ano: 2007 URL:
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