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Fly pollination and pollinator sharing in two synchronopatric species: Cordia multispicata (Boraginaceae) and Borreria alata (Rubiaceae) 88
The floral biology of Cordia multispicata (Boraginaceae) and Borreria alata (Rubiaceae) was studied in natural populations in a fragment of the Atlantic forest in Pernambuco, northeastern Brazil. Both species flower during almost the whole year. Cordia multispicata is a shrubby species with white, distylous and tubular flowers. Borreria alata is a herbaceous species. Its flowers are whitish, tubular and have a polymorphism in relation to the size of their style. Floral anthesis in both species begins at 6:00 a.m. Sugar concentration in the nectar was about 16% in C. multispicata and 30% in B. alata. Nine species of flies, mainly of the genus Palpada (Syrphidae), were observed visiting flowers of the two species. Seven of them were observed visiting and...
Tipo: Info:eu-repo/semantics/article Palavras-chave: Fly-pollination; Heterostyly; Atlantic forest; Cordia; Borreria.
Ano: 2000 URL:
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