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Influence of Prolonged Salting on the Physicochemical Properties of Duck Egg White 52
ABSTRACT Salted duck eggs are unique among the important authentic foods of Thailand. They are mainly produced in Chaiya district, Surat Thani province, in the southern part of Thailand. The egg whites of salted duck eggs are normally unusable due to heavily salty taste upon prolonged storage. The present study was aimed to examine the foaming characteristics of egg white after being cured for a prolonged period (30 days). At 5-day intervals the egg whites were measured for salt, moisture, water activity, hydrophobicity, pH, zeta potential, particle size, SH groups, surface tension and foaming properties (index of whipping, foam durability, specific density, overrun, air phase and yield stress). The results showed that prolonged curing significantly...
Tipo: Info:eu-repo/semantics/article Palavras-chave: Duck egg; Salting; Egg white; Storage; Foaming properties.
Ano: 2018 URL:
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