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A non-digging zoobenthivorous fish attracts two opportunistic predatory fish associates 83
Sazima,Cristina; Grossman,Alice.
Following behaviour among reef fishes involves mostly a digging nuclear species while foraging, which attracts opportunistic followers preying on the exposed organisms. The flying gurnard Dactylopterus volitans preys on benthic animals, mostly crustaceans and small fishes, scratching and probing the bottom with the inner rays of its pectoral fins. We recorded the flying gurnard being followed by two opportunistic predators, the yellow jack Caranx bartholomaei and the coney Cephalopholis fulva at Fernando de Noronha, off northeast Brazil. Albeit not actually digging the substrate, the flying gurnard acts as a nuclear species by exploring algae tufts and by its wandering near the boulders and ledges, disturbing and flushing out hidden animals which thus...
Tipo: Info:eu-repo/semantics/article Palavras-chave: Nuclear forager; Following behaviour; Foraging association; Reef fishes; Equatorial West Atlantic.
Ano: 2005 URL:
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Feeding association between benthic and nektonic Neotropical stream fishes 83
Teresa,Fabrício Barreto; Carvalho,Fernando Rogério.
Following behaviour among Neotropical stream fishes have been scarcely reported. This type of feeding association was observed in a small stream in the upper rio Paraná system between the catfish, Aspidoras fuscoguttatus, acting as a nuclear species, and Knodus moenkhausii, Poecilia reticulata, and Astyanax altiparanae as follower species. Aspidoras fuscoguttatus individuals dug in the bottom during feeding, causing sediment suspension. Their followers picked food items in the "cloud" of suspended particles. Food items of sediment are no longer consumed by the catfish when in suspension, but are still available for K. moenkhausii, P. reticulata and A. altiparanae. Following behaviour is an alternative feeding tactic for these species, which reinforces the...
Tipo: Info:eu-repo/semantics/article Palavras-chave: Aspidoras fuscoguttatus; Feeding strategies; Interspecific interaction; Following behaviour; Southeastern Brazil.
Ano: 2008 URL:
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