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A balança comercial do agronegócio brasileiro de 1989 a 2005 31
Barros, Geraldo Sant'Ana de Camargo; Silva, Simone Fioritti.
This study aims to analyze the agribusiness contribution to Brazil’s trade balance. A new classification of the agribusiness trade balance was proposed and used to analyze the aspects of the exported products –agricultural products, products of animal origin, industrialized foods and imported inputs – represented by fertilizers. Imports and exports vector autoregression models were used to explain the behavior of these variables. An increase of 1% in the attractiveness – product of the exchange rate by the international prices – boosts immediately the exports of non processed agricultural products by 1.71%, stabilizing at 2% after some trimesters. The attractiveness explains 60 to 74% of the forecast error variances of these exportats. It is noted that an...
Tipo: Journal Article Palavras-chave: Agribusiness trade balance; Agricultural products; Animal products; Food industry; Fertilizers; Economic growth; Attractiveness; Exports; Imports; Productivity.; Political Economy; Q17; Q18..
Ano: 2008 URL:
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A Customer Service Design Case Study: Insights on Customer Loyalty in the Brazilian Food Sector 31
Florencio de Almeida, Ione Lucia; Florencio de Almeida, Luciana.
Marketing managers of local and international food companies have realized that what they offer to customers go well beyond the characteristics and attributes of the products their companies manufacture and market. Service has become an integral part of the offer (Grönroos, 1993); a high service quality improves the company competitiveness, builds customer trust, supports the company brand and other product attributes (Berry & Parasuraman, 1991, p. 12). This paper seeks to investigate whether customer care service perceived quality in the food sector is truly relevant to customer satisfaction and loyalty.
Tipo: Journal Article Palavras-chave: Quality service evaluation; Consumer service; Loyalty; Food industry; Agribusiness; International Relations/Trade.
Ano: 2007 URL:
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Hodina, Peter; Lamfalusi, Ibolya.
A kilencvenes évtized első éveiben a külföldi tőkebefektetés egyik kiemelt cél-pontja az élelmiszeripar volt. A rendkívül gyors vállalat-felvásárlás és a megva-lósított tőkeemelés hatására 1993-ban a (vizsgált) élelmiszeripar összes jegyzett tőkéjének már 43 százaléka volt külföldi tulajdonban. Ez a részesedés 2000-re meghaladta a 60 százalékot. A dinamikusan növekvő tőkebefektetési tendencia 2000 után megtört, s azóta minden évben, kisebb-nagyobb mértékben mind a jegyzett tőke, mind pedig a külföldi tőke csökken az élelmiszeriparban. A 2000. évet megelőző időszakban az élelmiszeriparban jelentkező többletki-bocsátás teljes egészében a külföldi tőkét is működtető vállalkozásokhoz kapcso-lódott. A 2000. évben, illetve utána alapvető változás következett...
Tipo: Journal Article Palavras-chave: Külföldi tőke; Élelmiszeripar; Nyereség¬termelő-képesség; Foglalkoztatás; Termelékenység - foreign capital; Food industry; Profitability; Employment; Productivity; Agribusiness; Agricultural Finance; Industrial Organization.
Ano: 2005 URL:
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Mohtadi, Hamid; Kinsey, Jean D..
Evidence from the Food Supply chain suggests that food retailers often exhibit a reluctance to share information with their suppliers even when this benefits both parties. For example, inventory coordination and reduced costs may be realized by adopting appropriate supply chain management technologies such as cooperative planning, forecasting, and replenishment. This behavior is explained by viewing information as a strategic asset and modeling information exchange and the corresponding adoption of information technologies and analysis as a strategic game, i.e., an economic model where food retailers and their suppliers operate with uncertainty. The game is based on stylized facts from the food industry. Some key results from the game model are: (a) under...
Tipo: Working or Discussion Paper Palavras-chave: Information technology; Supply chain; IT strategy; Food industry; Industrial Organization; Research and Development/Tech Change/Emerging Technologies.
Ano: 2002 URL:
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Agglomeration Effects and Japanese Food Industry Investment in China: Evidence from the Cities 31
Jin, Shaosheng; Tokunaga, Suminori; Akune, Yuko; Kageyama, Masahiro.
This paper uses the data from Chugoku Shinshutsu Kigyou Ichiran 2003-2004 (A View of Japanese Enterprises Investments in China 2003-2004) to study 1ocation choice of Japanese food industry investment in 231 Chinese cities from 1992 to 2001, paying a particular attention to agglomeration effects. A negative binominal model indicates that labor cost (WAGE) is the most important factor that deters Japanese food industry investment. Market size (GDP), raw material (MATER), port (PORT) and policy incentives (POLICY), however, have positive effects in Japanese food industry investment location choice in China. As for the three-tier agglomeration effects' test, the agglomeration effects of Japanese manufactures agglomeration (AG2) and Japanese food manufactures...
Tipo: Conference Paper or Presentation Palavras-chave: Food industry; Agglomeration; Japan; China; FDI; Agribusiness; International Relations/Trade; F21; Q13; Q18.
Ano: 2006 URL:
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Agribusiness Firm Reactions to Regulations: The Case of Investments in Traceability Systems 31
Heyder, Matthias; Hollmann-Hespos, Thorsten; Theuvsen, Ludwig.
The regulatory framework of food production has changed a lot in recent years. As a result, traceability of food products as become mandatory in the European Union, nonetheless leaving room for more advanced solutions. This study answers the question what exactly determines firms’ investments in traceability systems by first developing a theoretical framework—the so‐called Tracking and Tracing Systems Investment Model—and then analyzing empirical data from the German food industry that provide in‐depth insights into companies’ investment behaviour. Altogether, 234 companies representing more than fifteen different sub‐sectors of the food‐processing industry participated in an online survey. The results show that German food firms can be divided into four...
Tipo: Journal Article Palavras-chave: Investment behaviour; Traceability; Tracking and tracing; Agribusiness; Food industry; Agribusiness; Food Consumption/Nutrition/Food Safety; Research Methods/ Statistical Methods.
Ano: 2010 URL:
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Rosario, Joe A..
Exports have been an integral and essential feature of the agriculture and food industry in Alberta. This is a product of the province’s relatively low population and consumption base on the demand side juxtaposed with a large resource base of prime agriculture land for crop production and an abundance of range and pasture for grazing and forage for raising livestock on the supply side. A host of factors influence the disposition of surplus production or exports including global supply/demand balances, relative cost/price relations, structural changes through farm consolidation and scale economies, market access, exchange rates, sanitary and phyto‐sanitary standards and regulations, disease and pest related issues. The inherent nature of agriculture means...
Tipo: Report Palavras-chave: Alberta; Agriculture; Food; Trade; Food trade; Food industry; Commodities; Food production; Policy; Performance; Agricultural and Food Policy; Crop Production/Industries; International Relations/Trade; Public Economics.
Ano: 2009 URL:
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Analysis of Information Sharing Mechanism in the Food Industry Green Supply Chain Management and Operation Process 31
Liu, Ye-ming; Yin, Fang-fang; Fu, Xian-zhi.
In order to effectively address the issues of environmental pollution and food safety in food industry, the green supply chain management should be used in the food industry. However, information sharing is the basis of supply chain management. For this purpose, on the basis of describing the connotation of food industry green supply chain management, the paper introduces the contents and the effects of information sharing mode in detail. It focuses on the barriers of the implementation of information-sharing mechanisms in the food industry green supply chain management and operation process and analyzes the necessity of using information sharing mechanism among the members of the food industry green supply chain management mode by game theory, so as to...
Tipo: Journal Article Palavras-chave: Food industry; Green supply chain management; Information sharing,China; Agribusiness.
Ano: 2011 URL:
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Analysis of Information Sharing Mechanism in the Food Industry Green Supply Chain Management and Operation Process 31
Liu, Ye-ming; Yin, Fang-fang; Fu, Xian-zhi.
In order to effectively address the issues of environmental pollution and food safety in food industry, the green supply chain management should be used in the food industry. However, information sharing is the basis of supply chain management. For this purpose, on the basis of describing the connotation of food industry green supply chain management, the paper introduces the contents and the effects of information sharing mode in detail. It focuses on the barriers of the implementation of information-sharing mechanisms in the food industry green supply chain management and operation process and analyzes the necessity of using information sharing mechanism among the members of the food industry green supply chain management mode by game theory, so as to...
Tipo: Journal Article Palavras-chave: Food industry; Green supply chain management; Information sharing; Agribusiness.
Ano: 2011 URL:
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ATP - bioluminescence as a technique to evaluate the microbiological quality of water in food industry 52
Costa,Patrícia Dolabela; Andrade,Nélio José de; Passos,Frederico José Vieira; Brandão,Sebastião César Cardoso; Rodrigues,Carolina Gonçalves Freire.
ATP-bioluminescence was used to evaluate the microbiological quality of water samples collected from the water supply, the water treatment system and from a dairy plant, including ammonia-cooling water and industrial water. For industrial water, there was relation between the ATP-bioluminescence technique and microbial count. There were no differences (p>0.05) between water supply and ammonia-cooling water samples for total and free ATP concentrations nor for the microbial counts. Different microbial ATP concentrations were found for these water samples. The results suggested that the physical chemical quality of ammonia cooling water decreased the RLU measurements slightly. It could be concluded that the total ATP concentration was the most effective...
Tipo: Info:eu-repo/semantics/article Palavras-chave: Water quality; ATP-bioluminescence measurement; Food industry.
Ano: 2004 URL:
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Az élelmiszer-ipari vállalkozások környezeti teljesítménye és a pénzügyi eredmények 31
Deak, Zsuzsanna; Hajdu, Istvanne.
Kutatásunk célja fényt deríteni arra, hogy a vállalkozások környezeti teljesítménye befolyásolja-e pénzügyi teljesítményüket, továbbá az, hogy milyen szerepet játszik ebben a média, hogyan változott az elmúlt időszakban a vállalkozások zöld erőfeszítéseinek megítélése? Megállapítható, hogy azokban a vállalkozásokban, amelyekben a média és a befektetők környezeti teljesítményüket kedvezően ítélik meg, magasabbak a megtérülési (ROE) mutatók, mint azokban, amelyeknek környezeti teljesítményét nem ítélik meg pozitívan. A magyarországi társadalomban a nem anyagi értékek iránti érzékenység és a környezettudatosság alacsony szintű. A társadalmi értékrendben alárendelt szerepet játszó környezetvédelmi gondolkozásra – reklámérték híján – a média mérsékelten hat. Ez...
Tipo: Article Palavras-chave: Környezet; Élelmiszeripar; Média; Imázs; Environmental; Food industry; Media; Environmental Economics and Policy; Marketing.
Ano: 2011 URL:
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Branchenspezifische Besonderheiten im Innovationsverhalten des Ernährungsgewerbes: Eine empirische Analyse des Mannheimer Innovationspanels 31
Kubitzki, Sabine; Anders, Sven M..
The article’s aim is to conduct a comparative cross-section analysis of the innovative behaviour of the German manufacturing industry. The peculiarities of the food industry are tested in a combined analysis based on both input and output indicators. Linear and logistic regressions are used to investigate the differences between the food industry and other branches of the manufacturing industry. In comparison to other branches, the food industry has lower research & development (R&D) expenditures whereas the import of research from more technology intensive sectors is high. Most of the released new products are improvements and imitations. Market novelties are rare. The development time for new products is relatively short compared to other...
Tipo: Journal Article Palavras-chave: Food industry; Innovation; Innovation behaviour; Innovation measurement; Input indicators; Output indicators; ZEW Innovation Panel; Agribusiness; Research and Development/Tech Change/Emerging Technologies.
Ano: 2005 URL:
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Poole, Nigel D..
Tipo: Conference Paper or Presentation Palavras-chave: Food industry; European Union; Market convergence; Agribusiness.
Ano: 1997 URL:
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Co-innovation: what are the success factors? 31
Bremmers, Harry J.; Sabidussi, Anna.
The problem we address in this paper is that in projects focusing on public-private cooperation to stimulate innovation in the Netherlands, initiatives often lack continuation after the study-phase. We extracted possible influencing variables from business and (transaction) cost economic theorizing, stakeholder and capability theory. Moreover, we used measures for classifying projects with respect to financial interdependencies between participants. We supposed that project characteristics influence managerial behavior to continue or stop. We studied 28 projects (20 supply chain projects and 8 biological product development projects). Our aim was to explore the barriers and success factors for these co-innovation projects: innovation as a cooperative...
Tipo: Journal Article Palavras-chave: Agribusiness; Agricultural and Food Policy; Agricultural Finance; Marketing; Co-innovation; Food industry; Supply chains; Investments.
Ano: 2009 URL:
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Venturini, Luciano.
Tipo: Conference Paper or Presentation Palavras-chave: Food industry; Technology; European Union; Market convergence; Agribusiness.
Ano: 1997 URL:
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Competitiveness in the Food Industry: a CGE Modelling Approach to assess Foreign Direct Investment in Transition Countries 31
Banse, Martin; Gay, Stephan Hubertus; McDonald, Scott; M'Barek, Robert; Swinnen, Johan F.M..
For transition countries, the food industry sector is a key industry in terms of output and employment shares. As a competitive sector that receives substantial foreign direct investments (FDI), it plays an important role as an element in the process of integration in the European and world market. The GLOBE Computable General Equilibrium model is applied to analyse scenarios of alternative development pathways of the food industry sector, taking into account the impact of FDI in the European food industry. The scenario analyses of this study identify that with an enhanced attraction of FDI in the food processing industries in the New Member States (NMS) the integration of the agri-food sectors in the NMS into the Single European Market will become even...
Tipo: Conference Paper or Presentation Palavras-chave: Food industry; Foreign direct investment; CGE; Transition countries; Agribusiness; International Relations/Trade.
Ano: 2007 URL:
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Menrad, Klaus; Gabriel, Andreas; Gylling, Morten.
Paper prepared for presentation at the Fourth International Conference on Coexistence between Genetically Modified (GM) and non-GM based Agricultural Supply Chains (GMCC) Melbourne (Australia), 10th to 12th November 2009
Tipo: Conference Paper or Presentation Palavras-chave: Genetic engineering; GMO; Food industry; Co-existence; Agricultural and Food Policy; L51; O32.
Ano: 2009 URL:
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Costs of Processing Genetically Modified Organisms: Analysis of the Rapeseed and Corn Industries 31
Gawron, Jana-Christina; Theuvsen, Ludwig.
Die zunehmende Verbreitung gentechnisch veränderter Organismen (GVO) wirft die Frage nach möglichen wirtschaftlichen Konsequenzen auf. Die parallele Existenz von GVO- und GVO-freier Ware im Markt kann mit Kosten- und Nutzeneffekten verbunden sein und spielt somit aus betriebswirtschaftlicher Sicht eine wachsende Rolle für die Unternehmen der Ernährungswirtschaft. Vor diesem Hintergrund wurde im Herbst 2006 eine empirische Studie durchgeführt, um am Beispiel Raps und Mais die Strategien deutscher Lebensmittelverarbeiter im Umgang mit GVO sowie mögliche Zusatzkosten, die sich aus der zunehmenden Verbreitung von GVO ergeben können, zu ermitteln.
Tipo: Conference Paper or Presentation Palavras-chave: GMO; Costs of processing; Rapeseed; Corn; Food industry; GVO; GVO-Vermeidungsstrategie; Investitions- und Betriebskosten; Parallelbetrieb.
Ano: 2007 URL:
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Derivados de açúcar: internacionalização na cadeia produtiva do açúcar na segunda metade da década de 1990 31
Alves, Maria Rita Pontes Assumpcao.
This paper identifies a new way of sugar utilization for food industry supplying: the production of specific ingredients. It analyzes the occurrence of association among sugar mills and sugar products manufacturers in the context of productive deregulation and market globalization in the second half of the 90´s. The manufacturers of specific ingredients (sugar products) established associations and joint-ventures with sugar mills in order to guarantee sugar supplying. An important consequence of this process was the internationalization of the section of sugarcane second (and first) agricultural processing by means of those strategic alliances. These companies have the knowledge of productive processes of specific ingredients (based on biotechnology)...
Tipo: Journal Article Palavras-chave: Sugar productive chain; Food industry; Supply chain; Strategic parternships; Market globalization.
Ano: 2004 URL:
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Hirzinger, Tobias; Menrad, Klaus.
Paper prepared for presentation at the Second International Conference on Coexistence between Genetically Modified (GM) and non-GM based Agricultural Supply Chains (GMCC) Montpellier (France), 14th and 15th November 2005
Tipo: Conference Paper or Presentation Palavras-chave: Genetic engineering; Food industry; Germany; Industrial Organization; L51; L66.
Ano: 2005 URL:
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