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11 Verduras para Diversificar la Dieta Peruana Organic Eprints
Ugas, Roberto; Loayza, Sara; Chang, Agusto.
Los peruanos debemos comer más verduras. Estos alimentos son fuentes esenciales de vitaminas, minerales, antioxidantes y fibra alimentaria y la ciencia muestra día a día su contribución a la prevención de enfermedades. Para tener un estilo de vida saludable es necesario comer diariamente cinco porciones de frutas y verduras y hacer ejercicio físico regularmente. Aquí presentamos una lista corta de once hortalizas de hoja, algunas son yuyos de uso tradicional en el campo peruano, otras son verduras nuevas o de uso muy reducido.
Tipo: Newspaper or magazine article Palavras-chave: Food security; Food quality and human health.
Ano: 2013 URL:
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4. Internationale Tagung: Ökologische Schweinehaltung – Nische oder Wegweiser? Organic Eprints
Inhaltsverzeichnis . - Bestimmungen und Tendenzen der EG-Öko-VO im Schweinebereich - Versuchsergebnisse 100% Biofütterung aus Süd - Untersuchungen an zwei Sauengrundlagen eines ökologischen Praxisbetriebs - Stand der Diskussion zur 100%-Biofütterung in Dänemark - Stand der Diskussion zur 100%-Biofütterung in der Schweiz - Stand der Diskussion zur 100 % Biofütterung in Österreich - Situation der Schweinegesundheit im Ökologischen Landbau in Deutschland - Strategisches Gesundheitsmanagement in der dänischen Bioschweineerzeugung - Gesundheitsmanagement in der Praxis - Nachhaltige Organisation der Öko-Jungsauen- und Ferkelerzeugung - Praxisbeispiele für die Anpassung von Schweineställen an die EU-Öko-VO - Best practice in der Öko-Schweinehaltung –...
Tipo: Proceedings Palavras-chave: Food security; Food quality and human health Markets and trade Values; Standards and certification Pigs Health and welfare Feeding and growth.
Ano: 2005 URL:
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5. Internationale Tagung: Ökoschweine im Visier Organic Eprints
Inhaltsverzeichnis - Nationaler Bewertungsrahmen Tierhaltungsverfahren – Konsequenzen für die ökologische Schweinehaltung - Schweinehaltungs-Hygieneverordnung - Betriebszweigabrechnung (BZA) Schwein – wo stehen unsere Betriebe? (BZA Ferkelerzeuger, BZA Mastschweinehalter) - Perspektive 2010 – was muss passieren? - Abferkeln im Öko-Außenklimastall? Ergebnisse aus einem Praxisbetrieb und Folgerungen - Ökologische Schweineproduktion in mittel- und osteuropäischen Ländern - Ein System für eine ökologische Jungsauenvermehrung - Ökologische Jungsauenerzeugung für Qualitätsfleisch - Gesundheitsmanagement und Arbeitsaufwand in der Schweinemast - Gesunde Haltung für die Qualitätsfleischerzeugung - Empfehlungen für die Freilandhaltung -...
Tipo: Proceedings Palavras-chave: Food security; Food quality and human health Markets and trade Values; Standards and certification Pigs Health and welfare Feeding and growth.
Ano: 2006 URL:
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5th Food Safety and Security Symposium: food and health Ciênc. Tecnol. Aliment.
NITZKE,Julio Alberto; CLADERA,Florencia; THYS,Roberta; DA CRUZ,Fabiana Thomé; MARTINELLI,Sônia.
Abstract The 5º Simpósio de Segurança Alimentar (5th Food Safety and Security Symposium) was held in May, 2015, in Bento Gonçalves, RS, Brazil with the objective of discussing the interrelation between food and health, in various perspectives. This paper reviews the state of the art regarding all the issues discussed during the Symposium, connecting them with the lectures presented at the conference. As final remarks, it was perceived that the interrelation between food and health is growing stronger and cannot be discussed without involving the different areas involved.
Tipo: Info:eu-repo/semantics/article Palavras-chave: Food safety; Food security; Food and health.
Ano: 2016 URL:
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6. Europäische Sommerakademie für Biolandwirtschaft: Tagungsband mit Kurzfassungen der Beiträge Organic Eprints
This document contains the summaries of the papers presented at the 6th Summer Academy in Lednice, Czech Republic, in English, German and in Czech.
Tipo: Proceedings Palavras-chave: Food security; Food quality and human health Pasture and forage crops Vegetables.
Ano: 2006 URL:
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8. Internationale Geflügel-Tagung: Ökologische Geflügelhaltung auf dem Weg Organic Eprints
Inhaltsverzeichnis der in Dateiform vorliegenden Beiträge des Tagungsbands: Programm Exkursionsbetriebe Podiumsdiskussion Perspektive 100 % Bio – was ist zu tun? - 100 % Tiergesundheit (Dr. Wolfgang Kruse) AK I: Tiergesundheit und alternative Heilmethoden - Dauerhafte Erhaltung der Tiergesundheit bei Freilandhaltung – Erfahrungen aus den Niederlanden (Berry Reuvekamp) AK II: Junghennenaufzucht - Hennen selber aufziehen (Dieter Greve, Christiane Keppler) AK V: Kosten und Arbeit richtig einschätzen - Rechnet sich die Mauser? (Jos Fransen) - Betriebszweiganalyse Legehennen (Tanja Schnell) AK VI: Puten- und Hähnchenmast - Bronceputen im kostengünstigen Rundholzstall (Martin Ritter) - Hygiene und Prophylaxe in der biologischen...
Tipo: Proceedings Palavras-chave: Food security; Food quality and human health Poultry Markets and trade Health and welfare Feeding and growth Farm economics.
Ano: 2004 URL:
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9. Internationale Bioland-Geflügeltagung: Bio-Geflügelhaltung - Nische oder Wegweiser im neuen Europa? Organic Eprints
Inhalt: . Begrüßung und Einführungsvorträge - Bio-Geflügelhaltung in Sachsen . Arbeitskreis 1: Stallbaukonzepte - Nationaler Bewertungsrahmen Geflügelställe - was bedeutet das für die Biogeflügelhaltung? (Reinhild Benning, BUND) - Geopathogene Felder u. Elektrosmog im Stall beeinflussen Mensch und Tier (Willy Baumann, ÖkoMarketing GmbH) - PKH Perfektionierte Kleingruppenhaltung für Legehennen (Josef Karner, Landwirt Österreich) . Arbeitskreis 2: Qualitätsmanagement-Systeme - GQS - System für Baden - Württemberg (Vera Kuprat, BÖL Rottenburg) - GQS - System für Baden - Württemberg (Vera Kuprat, BÖL Rottenburg) - Qualitätsmanagement: Was brauchen wir - was hilft uns? (Dr. Thomas Dewes, EcoConcept) - HACCP - Praxisbericht vom Bio-Geflügelhof...
Tipo: Proceedings Palavras-chave: Food security; Food quality and human health Poultry Markets and trade Health and welfare Air and water emissions Feeding and growth.
Ano: 2005 URL:
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9 Schlüsselkonzepte für eine Vielfalt von Lebensmitteln Organic Eprints
Collective publication,.
DIVERSIFOOD ist ein Horizon2020 Projekt, das Landwirtschaft und Lebensmittelproduktion mit neuen Denk- und Sichtweisen weiterentwickeln und fördern will. Ziel ist es, die Kulturpflanzenvielfalt in ein Netzwerk von Nutzerinnen und Nutzern (Züchtung, Produktion, Konsum) einzubetten und so regionale Ernährungssysteme in höchster Qualität zu entwickeln. Durch den Dialog unterschiedlichster Akteure und mit einer transdisziplinären Vorgehensweise, verfolgt DIVERSIFOOD folgende Ziele: - Regional entwickelte und standortgerechte Innovationen - Neue Modelle für das Management der Agrobiodiversität - Neue Ansätze für die Pflanzenzüchtung und Diversität von Nutzpflanzen - Mehr Vielfalt der Nutzpflanzenarten, -sorten und -bestände - Abwechslungsreiche, gesunde...
Tipo: Other Palavras-chave: Food security; Food quality and human health Biodiversity and ecosystem services Breeding; Genetics and propagation.
Ano: 2017 URL:
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A agroecologia promovendo a segurança alimentar: um estudo de caso no semi-árido brasileiro. Organic Eprints
Branco, Telma Castello; Marra, José Felipe.
A experiência da família do Sr. Antônio Santino de Freitas, 59 anos, e de sua mulher Maria de Zé Arcanjo, 50 anos, demonstra como a proposta de trabalho com a agroecologia pode contribuir para criar uma situação de disponibilidade de alimento suficiente, de boa qualidade e diversificado.
Tipo: Journal paper Palavras-chave: Food security; Food quality and human health.
Ano: 2004 URL:
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A collective mark for Peruvian non-certified organic products: smallholder market differentiation and product development Organic Eprints
Quispe, Moisés; Van den Eeckhout, Hannes; Ugás, Roberto.
In order to enhance the integration of non-certified smallholders into improved short value chains, the AGROECO Project supported the National Association of Ecological Farmers of Peru (ANPE PERU) to develop its “Frutos de la tierra” (Fruits of the earth) brand into a multi-product collective mark. The development process and bottlenecks are analyzed as well as suggestions presented.
Tipo: Conference paper, poster, etc. Palavras-chave: Food security; Food quality and human health Consumer issues Produce chain management.
Ano: 2014 URL:
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A comparative study of the implementation of organic food in school meal systems in four European countries Organic Eprints
Nielsen, Thorkild; Nölting, Benjamin; Kristensen, Niels Heine; Løes, Anne-Kristin.
Based on national reports from Denmark, Finland, Italy and Norway, describing the school meal systems and to which extent organic food is integrated there, this report identifies differences between the four countries and experiences made with organic food procurement and the dissemination of organic ingredients in school meals. Such knowledge will help to understand the possibilities and restrictions for increasing organic food in school meal systems, and to reveal the room of manoeuvre for public organic food procurement for youth in each country. In the report, similarities and differences of the national school meal systems in general are first discussed, because this context determines the scope of organic food procurement. The history and current...
Tipo: Report Palavras-chave: Food security; Food quality and human health Social aspects Produce chain management.
Ano: 2009 URL:
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A decision network for inspections in organic farms in Italy Organic Eprints
Gambelli, Danilo; Zanoli, Raffaele; Solfanelli, Francesco.
Inspections in organic farming systems are the key tool to assure reliability of the organic business and detection of non-compliant operators. Supporting control bodies in the inspection procedure can increase the efficiency and competitiveness of the sector. Here we propose a decision support system for inspections based on Bayesian networks. Our model is based on statistical information taken from the archives of main Italian control body, and considers decision strategies according to the maximization of expected utility based on risk minimization. © 2012 The authors and IOS Press.
Tipo: Journal paper Palavras-chave: Food security; Food quality and human health Values; Standards and certification.
Ano: 2014 URL:
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A Diagnostic Perspective Assessment of the Production and Marketing System for Mangoes in the Eastern Caribbean AgEcon
Hrapsky, Alan; Weber, Michael T.; Riley, Harold.
The objective of this research was to provide USAID with a diagnostic-prescriptive assessment of the mango commodity system that would be useful in the design and management of USAID’s project portfolio. A secondary objective was to demonstrate how a market-guided food systems approach could be applied to a particular commodity, thus facilitating coordination of vertical stages in the agricultural production and marketing system. The food systems approach begins with identification of consumer requirements in terms of product specifications and volume flows, examines the production changes necessary to achieve these requirements, then systematically diagnoses constraints at each stage in the production/marketing chain, and prescribes realistic...
Tipo: Report Palavras-chave: Food security; Food policy; Marketing systems; Crop Production/Industries; Marketing; Downloads July 2008 - June 2009: 7; Q13.
Ano: 1985 URL:
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A Disponibilidade de Produtos e o Poder de Compra dos Consumidores: Farinhas de Milho e Arroz AgEcon
SIMA, Technical Team.
Resultados das investigações do Projecto de Segurança Alimentar em Moçambique MAP-Direcção de Economía-Dpto. Estatística
Tipo: Report Palavras-chave: Food security; Food policy; Mozambique; Crop Production/Industries; Food Consumption/Nutrition/Food Safety; Q18.
Ano: 1997 URL:
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A Disponibilidade de Produtos e o Poder de Compra dos Consumidores: Grãos de Milho e Arroz AgEcon
SIMA, Technical Team.
Resultados das investigações do Projecto de Segurança Alimentar em Moçambique MAP-Direcção de Economía-Dpto. Estatística
Tipo: Report Palavras-chave: Food security; Food policy; Mozambique; Crop Production/Industries; Food Consumption/Nutrition/Food Safety; Q18.
Ano: 1997 URL:
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A Economia Agrícola do Norte de Moçambique: Desenvolvimentos Recentes e Perspectivas AgEcon
Arlindo, Pedro; Santos, Ana Paula; Abdula, Danilo Carimo; Tschirley, David L..
Resultados das investigações do Departamento de Análise de Políticas MADER-Direcção de Economía
Tipo: Report Palavras-chave: Food security; Food policy; Mozambique; International Development; Q18.
Ano: 2001 URL:
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A Evoluçao da Economía Rural no Periodo Pos-Guerra: Liçoes duma Missao de Sondeio no Distrito de Monapo na Provincia de Nampula AgEcon
Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development, Directorate of Economics, Republic of Mozambique
Tipo: Working or Discussion Paper Palavras-chave: Food security; Food policy; Mozambique; Rapid appraisal; Community/Rural/Urban Development; Food Security and Poverty; Q18.
Ano: 1994 URL:
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A Farm Gate-to-Consumer Value Chain Analysis of Kenya’s Maize Marketing System AgEcon
Kirimi, Lilian; Sitko, Nicholas J.; Jayne, Thomas S.; Karin, Francis; Muyanga, Milu; Sheahan, Megan; Flock, James; Bor, Gilbert.
Based on the findings of this study, the following actions are proposed for consideration by the Government of Kenya: 1. Raise public investment in maize seed breeding and agronomic research to make it possible for improvements in smallholder crop productivity. Based on research evaluating the returns to alternative investments in agriculture, public expenditures in maize seed breeding and agronomy may constitute the single most important investment to promote broad-based productivity growth and poverty reduction in Kenya. 2. Explore options for improving public and private extension programs to enable farmers to adopt improved farm technologies generated from point 1. 3. Examine options for bringing more land in Kenya under potential cultivation by...
Tipo: Working or Discussion Paper Palavras-chave: Kenya; Maize; Marketing; Food security; Agricultural and Food Policy; Food Security and Poverty.
Ano: 2011 URL:
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A global perspective on water scarcity and poverty: achievements and challenges for water resource management AgEcon
Barker, Randolph; van Koppen, Barbara; Shah, Tushaar.
Tipo: Book Palavras-chave: Water scarcity; Poverty; Water resources development; Groundwater management; Food security; Irrigated farming; Agricultural production; Tube well irrigation; Sustainability; Agricultural and Food Policy; Agricultural Finance; Crop Production/Industries; Food Consumption/Nutrition/Food Safety; Food Security and Poverty; Production Economics; Resource /Energy Economics and Policy.
Ano: 2000 URL:
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A influência da adubagem orgânica e mineral e da adição de preparado biodinâmico na produtividade, qualidade e armazenamento de batatas Organic Eprints
Schulz, Dr. D.G.; Gmelin, C.; Mehrens, A.; Sabiwalsky, B.; Köpke, Prof. U..
O aumento da concentração de adubo apresentou os efeitos esperados. Comprovou-se uma alterção significativa das propriedades aqui estudadas através do uso de preparado biodinâmico, aplicado separadamente ou combinado em forma de preparado composto ou irrigado. Não fica claro porém em quais circustâncias ele atua e porque em certos casos a sua influência é contraditória. No projeto aqui apresentado encontram-se ainda em processo de análise outros parâmetros destes dois últimos anos de colheita, como concentração de nutrientes ( por exemplo ácido ascórbico, nitrato, minerais). Espera-se que após a análise do conjunto de variáveis dos cinco anos de plantio previstos seja possível estabelecer parâmetros para o aprimoramento da qualidade da batata proveniente...
Tipo: Journal paper Palavras-chave: Food security; Food quality and human health Root crops.
Ano: 1995 URL:
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