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Ender, Judit; Mikaczo, Andrea.
Recently there have been more and more foodborne illnesses being associated with fresh vegetable produce. In response to this, consumer confidence has been lowered with the safety of the vegetable industry. So, many retailers have recently announced programs requiring growers to have independent third-party inspections. The goal with this essay is to introduce a vegetable farm and reveal its food safety procedures from the seeding through shipping,. reviewing, evaluating, and strengthening current good agricultural practices (GAPs) used on the farm and good manufacturing practices (GMPs) used in packing facilities, and the recall system which also can reduce microbial risks.
Tipo: Book Palavras-chave: Foodborne illnesses; Food safety procedure; GAP; Food Consumption/Nutrition/Food Safety; Food Security and Poverty; Marketing.
Ano: 2008 URL:
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Surveillance des risques biologiques liés à la consommation de coquillages en France 5
Vaillant, Véronique; Jourdan-da Silva, Nathalie; Quilici, Marie-laure; Couturier, Elisabeth; Le Guyader, Soizick; Delmas, Gilles; Le Saux, Jean-claude.
Shellfish filter large volumes of water to meet their nutritional requirements and thus ingest phytoplankton, but also concentrate microorganisms naturally present in water (vibrios, phycotoxins) or of fecal origin (enteric viruses, enterobacteria, protozoan). The analysis of data from systems contributing to the surveillance of foodborne illnesses associated with shellfish consumption and from published outbreak investigations shows that, in France, foodborne illnesses associated with shellfish consumption are mainly of viral origin, mostly due to norovirus followed by hepatitis A virus. The risk linked to phycotoxins appears low and the one related to enterobacteria and vibrios very low. The mandatory notification (MN) of foodborne outbreaks remains the...
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Toxi-infections alimentaires; Coquillages; Phycotoxines; Risques biologiques; Surveillance épidémiologique; Déclaration obligatoire; France; Foodborne illnesses; Shellfish; Phycotoxins; Biological risks; Epidemiological surveillance; Mandatory notification; France.
Ano: 2012 URL:
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