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Speaking Stata: How to face lists with fortitude AgEcon
Cox, Nicholas J..
Three commands in official Stata, foreach, forvalues, and for, provide structures for cycling through lists of values (variable names, numbers, arbitrary text) and repeating commands using members of those lists in turn. All these commands may be used interactively, and none is restricted to use in Stata programs. They are explained and compared in some detail with a variety of examples. In addition, a self-contained exposition is given on local macros, understanding of which is needed for use of foreach and forvalues.
Tipo: Journal Article Palavras-chave: Foreach; Forvalues; For; Lists; Local macros; Substitution first; Research Methods/ Statistical Methods.
Ano: 2002 URL:
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Speaking Stata: How to repeat yourself without going mad AgEcon
Cox, Nicholas J..
This column will focus on how to improve your fluency in Stata. Over the next issues we will look at Stata problems of intermediate size which turn out to be soluble with a few command lines. As an introduction, systematic ways of repeating the same or similar operations are surveyed to give one overview of the territory to be covered.
Tipo: Journal Article Palavras-chave: Append; By; Collapse; Contract; Do-files; Egen; For; Foreach; Forvalues; Log files; Merge; Naming conventions; Programs; Repetition; Reshape; Statsby; Subset or group structure; Tabulations; Research Methods/ Statistical Methods.
Ano: 2001 URL:
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Speaking Stata: On structure and shape: the case of multiple responses AgEcon
Cox, Nicholas J.; Kohler, Ulrich.
A frequent problem in data management is that datasets may not arrive in the best structure for many analyses, so that it may be necessary to restructure the data in some way. The particular case of multiple response data is discussed at length, with special attention to different possible structures; the generation of new variables holding the data in different form; valuable inbuilt string and egen functions; using foreach and forvalues to loop over lists; and the use of the reshape command. Tabulations and graphics for such data are also reviewed briefly.
Tipo: Journal Article Palavras-chave: Composite variables; Concatenation; Egen; Foreach; Forvalues; Graphics; Indicator variables; Multiple responses; Reshape; Split; String functions; Tabulations; Research Methods/ Statistical Methods.
Ano: 2003 URL:
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Speaking Stata: Problems with lists AgEcon
Cox, Nicholas J..
Various problems in working through lists are discussed in view of changes in Stata 8. for is now undocumented, which provokes a detailed examination of ways of processing lists in parallel with foreach, forvalues, and other devices, including new, concise ways of incrementing and decrementing macros and evaluating other expressions to do with macros in place. New features for manipulating lists held in macros and the new levels command are also reviewed.
Tipo: Journal Article Palavras-chave: Lists; For; Foreach; Forvalues; Levels; Macros; Tokenize; Research Methods/ Statistical Methods.
Ano: 2003 URL:
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