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A Real Options Approach to Forest-Management Decision Making to Protect Caribou under the Threat of Extinction Ecology and Society
Morgan, Don G.; British Columbia Ministry of Forests and Range;
Uncertainty is a dominant feature of decision making in forestry and wildlife management. Aggravating this challenge is the irreversibility of some decisions, resulting in the loss of economic opportunities or the extirpation of wildlife populations. We adapted the real options approach from economic theory to develop a methodology to evaluate a resource management decision to stop timber harvesting when a woodland caribou (Rangifer tarandus caribou) population becomes threatened with extinction. In our study area of central Labrador, Canada, both caribou and timber harvesting are valued ecosystem services. By using a decision rule, which incorporates future developments, the real options approach provides a technique to incorporate ecological and social...
Tipo: Peer-Reviewed Reports Palavras-chave: Decision support; Real options; Forest planning; Wildlife management; Caribou; Labrador.
Ano: 2008
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Feasibility of wood production according to productivity class and rotation criteria PAB
Castro,Renato Vinícius Oliveira; Ataíde,Glauciana da Mata; Castro,Ana Flávia Neves Mendes; Araújo Júnior,Carlos Alberto; Santos,Rosimeire Cavalcante dos; Costa,Lidiomar Soares da.
Abstract: The objective of this work was to evaluate the effect of forest rotation on the technical and economic feasibility of eucalyptus wood production for charcoal, in different productivity classes. Data came from Eucalyptus stands whose area was stratified into three classes of productivity: high, medium, and low. To each class, a different criterion of forest rotation was applied, as follows: age of maximum productivity, economic rotation age, single harvest age, and no technical parameter. Analyses of economic feasibility and production were performed for a 21-year planning horizon. For rotation without a technical parameter, a simulation by the Monte Carlo method was performed. For all rotation criteria, feasibility was observed for high- and...
Tipo: Info:eu-repo/semantics/article Palavras-chave: Forest economics; Forest planning; Harvest age.
Ano: 2019 URL:
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Forest Management Zone Design with a Tabu Search Algorithm AgEcon
Krcmar, Emina; Mitrovic-Minic, Snezana; van Kooten, G. Cornelis; Vertinsky, Ilan.
Increased conflicts between timber production and environmental protection led some analysts to advocate land-use segregation, often referred to as forest management zoning. The objective of zoning is to create ecologically desirable non-fragmented forest reserves and group timber production areas. We formulate an integer programming model of forest zoning that explicitly addresses clustering of spatial units allocated to timber production and reserve zones while also promoting separation of these zones. A tabu search algorithm is developed, implemented and tested using a case study. The case study results indicate that up to 5% of the net financial return is sacrificed with a 'satisfactory' grouping of units within each zone. A 'good' separation between...
Tipo: Working or Discussion Paper Palavras-chave: Forest planning; Integer programming; Reserves; Tabu search; Timber production; Zoning; Environmental Economics and Policy; Land Economics/Use; Resource /Energy Economics and Policy; C60; Q23; R14.
Ano: 2005 URL:
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Forest regulation comparison of forest outgrower schemes projects with own areas of forestry companies PFB - Pesquisa Florestal Brasileira
Rode, Rafael; Leite, Helio Garcia; Oliveira, Marcio Leles Romarco; Binoti, Daniel Henrique Breda; Ribeiro, Carlos Antonio Alvares Soares; Souza, Agostinho Lopes; Silva, Márcio Lopes; Cosenza, Diogo Nepomuceno.
This study compared the forest planning of outgrower schemes projects with own areas of forestry companies’ areas. The total area of the companies was 41,178 ha distributed in 299 stands, and the outgrower areas were 2,445 ha distributed in 144 properties. The planning involved linear programming of areas in order to maximize the equivalent annuity (EA), under the condition (constraints) of a regulated structure at the end of planning. Two scenarios were evaluated: a) individual model – areas of outgrower schemes and companies in separate models, and b) single model – areas of outgrower schemes and companies in the same programming model. The EA difference of the individual to the single model was unfavorable to outgrowers, since it reduced its value by...
Tipo: Info:eu-repo/semantics/article Palavras-chave: Forest planning; Management regimes; Forest optimization; Rural properties Engenharia Florestal Planejamento florestal; Regimes de manejo; Otimização florestal; Propriedades rurais.
Ano: 2015 URL:
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Manejo florestal 4.0: calendário preliminar de inventário florestal com aeronaves remotamente pilotadas. Infoteca-e
O objetivo deste trabalho foi propor um calendário preliminar de inventário florestal com uso de RPAs de classe 3, seguindo normas da Agência Nacional de Aviação Civil.
Tipo: Livros Palavras-chave: Forest planning; Manejo forestal; Manejo de precisão; Inventario forestal; Fotografía aérea; Aeronave remotamente pilotada (RPA); Drone; Vehículos aéreos no tripulados; Bosques tropicales; Administração Florestal; Planejamento Florestal; Inventário Florestal; Aerofotogrametria; Floresta Tropical; Forest management; Forest inventory; Aerial photography; Unmanned aerial vehicles; Tropical forests.
Ano: 2018 URL:
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Optimal selective logging regime and log landing location models: a case study in the Amazon forest Acta Amazonica
SILVA,Paulo Henrique da; GOMIDE,Lucas Rezende; FIGUEIREDO,Evandro Orfanó; CARVALHO,Luis Marcelo Tavares de; FERRAZ-FILHO,Antônio Carlos.
ABSTRACT Reduced-impact logging is a well known practice applied in most sustainable forest management plans in the Amazon. Nevertheless, there are still ways to improve the operational planning process. Therefore, the aim of this study was to create an integer linear programming (ILP) to fill in the knowledge gaps in the decision support system of reduced impact logging explorations. The minimization of harvest tree distance to wood log landing was assessed. Forest structure aspects, income and wood production were set in the model, as well as the adjacency constraints. Data are from a dense ombrophylous forest in the western Brazilian Amazon. We applied the phytosociological analysis and BDq method to define the selective logging criteria. Then, ILP...
Tipo: Info:eu-repo/semantics/article Palavras-chave: Forest planning; Reduced-impact logging; Integer linear programming; Sustainable forest management; Liocourt quocient.
Ano: 2018 URL:
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Spatialized forest production by wood assortment PFB - Pesquisa Florestal Brasileira
Sponholz, Isaac Kiszka; Oliveira Filho, Paulo Costa de; De Oliveira, Edilson Batista.
This study presents an alternative to spatial data simulation of forest production by wood assortment, to support in administrative and decision-makers in a forestry company. It was used the open source geo-referenced information processing system –SPRING, developed by the National Institute for Space Research. To simulate the forest production it was used the prognosis system for growth and yield of Pinus plantations, SISPINUS, developed by the Brazilian Agricultural Research Corporation. With the integration of SPRING and SISPINUS it was possible to spatialize the data of growth prognosis and yield output by wood assortment of a forest company until the year 2030, besides the possibility of spatial planning and programming the stands rotation. The...
Tipo: Info:eu-repo/semantics/article Palavras-chave: Geographic information system; Forest planning; Forest simulation Recursos Florestais e Engenharia Florestal; Manejo Florestal Sistema de informação geográfica; Planejamento florestal; Simulação da florestal.
Ano: 2013 URL:
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Sustaining Biodiversity in the Oregon Coast Range: Potential effects of Forest Policies in a Multi-ownership Province Ecology and Society
McComb, Brenda C; Department of Natural Resources Conservation, University of Masschusetts-Amherst;; Spies, Thomas A.; USDA Forest Service Pacific Northwest Research Station, Corvallis, OR;; Olsen, Keith A.; Department of Forest Science, Oregon State University, Corvallis, OR;
To understand the potential effects of forest policies on sustaining biological diversity at broad scales, we used spatial simulation models to evaluate current and potential future habitat availability over 100 yr for three focal species: Pacific Fisher (Martes pennanti), Pileated Woodpecker (Dryocopus pileatus), and Warbling Vireo (Vireo gilvus). The habitats of these species represent a broad range of spatial scales and forest types. Area of habitat for fishers and Pileated Woodpeckers is predicted to increase over time under current forest land management policies. Habitat for Warbling Vireos is predicted to decline. These patterns are consistent with past analyses that predicted declines in diverse early successional forests and hardwood forests and...
Tipo: Peer-Reviewed Reports Palavras-chave: Forest habitat; Forest planning; Habitat scaling; Landscape spatial scale; Wildlife habitat relationships..
Ano: 2007
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