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Biodiversity Planning Support Programme Integrating Biodiversity into the Forestry Sector : Cameroon Case Study OceanDocs
Foahom, B..
Tropical forest ecosystems have multiple functions and therefore are great significance for the well-being of people. It is widely acknowledged that forests and trees simultaneously provide a wide range of socio-economic and environmental benefits and values to humankind. They deserve conservation and wise use for the benefit of rural people who are dependent on these forests and for the benefit of humanity in general. Unfortunately, the use of tropical forests has been undertaken with little care about their potential to fulfil many functions and also about their future.
Tipo: Working Paper Palavras-chave: Biodiversity; Forestry development; Http://
Ano: 2001 URL:
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Contribuindo para o desenvolvimento sustentável da Amazônia. Infoteca-e
Tipo: Folhetos Palavras-chave: Agroindústria; Brasil; Sustainability; Agricultural development; Agroindustrial complexes; Desenvolvimento Sustentável; Desenvolvimento Agrícola; Desenvolvimento Florestal; Instituição de Pesquisa; Amazonia; Forestry development; Research institutions.
Ano: 2000 URL:
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