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Bell, Caroline D.; Roberts, Roland K.; English, Burton C.; Park, William M..
This study determines the likely effect of cost-share incentives on participation in the Tennessee Forest Stewardship Program and identifies other factors that may contribute to participation. A random utility model is used to determine the probability that a landowner will choose to participate in the program. A binary choice model is specified to represent the dichotomous decision and a logit procedure is used to fit the model. Data are obtained from mail surveys of 4,000 randomly selected landowners. Results indicate that attitudes and knowledge of forestry programs may be more influential in a landowner's decision to participate than monetary incentives.
Tipo: Journal Article Palavras-chave: Cost-share incentive; Stewardship Incentive Program; Logit; Nonindustrial private forest; NIPF; Participation; Forestry; Trees; Resource /Energy Economics and Policy.
Ano: 1994 URL:
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A Multisector Framework for Assessing Community-Based Forest Management: Lessons from Madagascar Ecology and Society
Raik, Daniela B; Cornell University;; Decker, Daniel J; Cornell University;
Community-based forest management has proliferated throughout Africa as national governments have decentralized the administration of public forestry. Community-based forestry has taken multiple forms, depending on the assortment of land-tenure systems, forest-use norms, wood demand, and social organization, among others factors. Nature, Wealth, and Power is an analytical framework that has been developed from experiences in natural resource management in Africa. In this paper, we amend the framework to People, Nature, Wealth, and Power (PNWP), and propose it as an analytical lens for community-based forest management initiatives. We use the PNWP framework to assess the responsiveness of contractual forest management in the Menabe region of Madagascar to...
Tipo: Peer-Reviewed Insight Palavras-chave: Community-based forest management; Decentralization; Forestry; Madagascar.
Ano: 2007
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Afforestation and Timber Management Compliance Strategies in Climate Policy. A Computable General Equilibrium Analysis AgEcon
Michetti, Melania; Nunes Rosa, Renato.
This paper analyzes the role of afforestation-reforestation and timber management activities, and their major and secondary economic effects in stabilizing climate during the first commitment period of the Kyoto Protocol. In particular, with a Computable General Equilibrium framework, the ICES model, it is inferred how forest carbon sequestration fits within the European domestic portfolio of a 2020-20 and 2020-30 climate stabilization policy. Afforestation and land use are accounted for by introducing their effects in the model. This is done by relying on carbon sequestration curves provided by Sohngen (2005), which describe the average annual cost of sequestration for selected world regions. Results show that afforestation and timber management could...
Tipo: Working or Discussion Paper Palavras-chave: Climate Change; General Equilibrium Modelling; Forestry; Afforestation; Environmental Economics and Policy; D58; Q23; Q24; Q52; Q54.
Ano: 2011 URL:
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Algarobeira: uma alternativa para a região Semi-Árida. Infoteca-e
Quebra da dormência das sementes, semeadura, plantio no campo e vantagens da algarobeira.
Tipo: Folhetos Palavras-chave: Quebra de dormência; Nordeste; Região semi-árida; Dormancy breking; Seed; Algaroba; Floresta; Semente; Leguminosa; Prosopis Juliflora; Forestry.
Ano: 1992 URL:
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Analyse ausgewählter internationaler Studien und Dokumente in Hinblick auf Kosten und Potentiale der Minderung von Treibhausgasemissionen sowie des Aufbaus und der Erhaltung von C-Senken im deutschen Agrar- und Forstsektor AgEcon
Osterburg, Bernhard; Roder, Norbert; Elsasser, Peter; Dieter, Matthias; Krug, Joachim.
Zusammenfassung: In dieser Studie werden Dokumente der Europäischen Kommission zur künftigen Klimaschutzstrategie, eine Studie von McKinsey sowie ein UNFCCC-Papier in Hinblick auf Aussagen zu Klimaschutzmaßnahmen im Agrar- und Forstbereich untersucht. Die EU-Dokumente lassen einen steigenden politischen Handlungsbedarf für den Klimaschutz auch außerhalb des Treibhausgasemissions-Handelssystems (EU-ETS) erwarten. Die anderen beiden Dokumente geben Einschätzungen zu weltweiten Klimaschutzpotentialen wieder, und die Ergebnisse sind nur sehr eingeschränkt auf Deutschland anwendbar. In Kapitel 3 werden erste Ergebnisse einer Literaturanalyse zu Potentialen und Kosten von Maßnahmen im Agrarbereich dargestellt. Die Literaturanalyse ergab keine umfassenden, für...
Tipo: Report Palavras-chave: Klimaschutz; Treibhausgase; Kosten; Landwirtschaft; Forstwirtschaft; Climate protection; Greenhouse gases; Cost; Agriculture; Forestry; Environmental Economics and Policy; Land Economics/Use; Resource /Energy Economics and Policy; Q1 (Q18); Q2 (Q23); Q5 (Q51; Q 52; Q 54).
Ano: 2009 URL:
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Aproximaciones de la definición de un plan integral hidro-florestal para el Nordeste brasileño. Infoteca-e
Apresenta um plano de desenvolvimento destacando a importancia do setor florestal do Nordeste.
Tipo: Folhetos Palavras-chave: Socio-economia; Intervencao; Projeto; Recursos naturais; Floresta; Biomassa; Conservação; Hidrologia; Planejamento; Silvicultura; Forestry.
Ano: 1983 URL:
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Arboretos. Infoteca-e
Tipo: Folhetos Palavras-chave: Brasil; Roraima; Arboreto; Mata; Brazil; Arboreta; Forestry.
Ano: 1998 URL:
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Australian tree species selection in China AgEcon
McKenney, Daniel W..
The Australian Centre for International Agricultural Research (ACIAR), through collaborative projects with the Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation (CSIRO), Australia, and the Chinese Academy of Forestry (CAF), has been involved in tree species selection trials in southern China since 1984. The trials were aimed at identifying fast-growing species of Eucalyptus, Acacia and Casuarina. The Chinese have been planting Australian tree species for more than 100 years, but before the ACIAR project there had been little progress in determining which species and provenances would be best for the local climate and soils. This paper presents an assessment of the economic impact of research undertaken under two ACIAR-supported projects....
Tipo: Book Palavras-chave: China; Australia; CSIRO; Tree; Eucalyptus; Casuarina; Acacia; Plantation; Forestry; Agribusiness; Crop Production/Industries; Environmental Economics and Policy; International Development; Production Economics.
Ano: 1998 URL:
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Avaliação do uso dos recursos florestais em imóveis rurais na região de Ouricurí- PE. Infoteca-e
Aplicaram-se questionarios aos agricultores de 53 imoveis rurais na regiao de Ouricuri, PE, a fim de identificar o uso de recursos florestais de forma qualitativa e quantitativa. Os resultados obtidos evidenciaram uma utilizacao bastante diversificada destes recursos: producao de lenha e carvao, cercas, construcoes rurais, carpintaria, artesanato e exploracao de especies forrageiras. As especies usadas com mais frequencia na construcao das cercas foram o angico Anadenanthera macrocarpa (Benth) Brenan, a aroeira Astronium urundeuva (Fr.All) Engl., o marmeleiro Croton sonderianus Muell. Org. e o quebra-faca Croton sp. O consumo medio anual de lenha obtido por propriedade foi de 51 esteroas. A producao media anual de carvao foi estimada em 7,7 m3 por...
Tipo: Folhetos Palavras-chave: Pernambuco; Recursos naturais; Natural resource; Caatinga; Floresta; Ouricuri; Recurso Florestal; Silvicultura; Vegetação; Forest resources; Forestry.
Ano: 1986 URL:
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Biodiversidade e produção sustentável de alimentos e fibras nos Cerrados: anais. Infoteca-e
O Brasil e um dos paises com maior diversidade genetica, respondendo por cerca de 30% das plantas e especies animais que ocorrem no mundo. Dentre os diferentes biomas brasileiros, os Cerrados, com seus 207 milhoes de hectares, apresenta uma grande diversidade faunistica e floristica em suas diferentes fisionomias vegetais. Ate meados deste seculo esta regiao era considerada como marginal para producao agricola, no entanto, devido ao desenvolvimento da pesquisa e de tecnologias agricolas que viabilizaram sua utilizacao em bases economicas, hoje ela e responsavel pela producao de cerca de 35% de graos e carnes do pais. O modelo de ocupacao da terra utilizado, baseado no uso intensivo de insumos e maquinas pesadas, se de um lado, no ultimos vinte anos,...
Tipo: Anais e Proceedings de eventos Palavras-chave: Agricultura sustentada; Fibres; Sustainability; Plant production; Feed crops; Socioeconomic organization; Brasil; Japão; BIBJICACPAC; Alimento; Cerrado; Fertilidade do Solo; Fibra; Floresta; Manejo do Solo; Melhoramento Vegetal; Pastagem; Planta Forrageira; Produção; Produção Animal; Produção Vegetal; Recurso Natural; Silvicultura; Cooperação Internacional; Pesquisa; Biodiversidade; Desenvolvimento Socio-Econômico; Animal production; Biodiversity; Food production; Forestry; Natural resources; Pastures; Plant breeding; Savannas; Silviculture; Soil fertility; Soil management.
Ano: 1996 URL:
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Biodiversity Planning Support Programme Integration of Biodiversity into National Forest Planning Programmes: The Case of Gabon OceanDocs
Nasi, R..
With a very high forest cover (over 80%) and low population density (below 5 inhbts/km2), Gabon is still a forest biodiversity rich country. Gabon's forests are amongst the richest in Africa in terms of botanical diversity and endemism for example, 22% of plants described in the Flora of Gabon are endemic and the forests of Gabon have more plant species (estimated at 8000 species) than all of the forests of West Africa combined. The fauna is also rich, estimated at more than 190 mammal species, including at least 20 species of monkeys, more than 600 species of birds, 70 species of reptiles and 100 species of amphibians. About 35,000 gorillas and 64,000 chimpanzees dwell in Gabon forests and elephants number between 60,000 and 74,000 individuals. The...
Tipo: Working Paper Palavras-chave: Biodiversity; Forestry; Http://; Http://
Ano: 2001 URL:
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Biotechnology's Potential Contribution to Global Wood Supply and Forest Conservation AgEcon
Sedjo, Roger A..
Over the past 30 years, industrial plantation forests have become a major supplier of industrial wood. There are several reasons for this, including the improved economics of planted forests due to biotechnological innovations, the increases in natural forest wood costs due to increasing inaccessibility, and rising wood costs from natural forests due to new environmental restrictions related to logging. Forestry today is on the threshold of the widespread introduction of biotechnology into its operational practices. In many cases, the biotechnology likely to be introduced is simply an extension of that being utilized in agriculture, such as herbicide-tolerant genes. However, biotechnology in forestry also is developing applications unique to forestry,...
Tipo: Working or Discussion Paper Palavras-chave: Biotechnology; Breeding; Forestry; Tree plantations; Timber; Fiber; Genes; GMOs; Industrial wood; Economics; Benefits; Costs; Resource /Energy Economics and Policy; Q21; Q23; Q16; O32; L73.
Ano: 2001 URL:
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Can Permanence Be Insured? Consideration of Some Technical and Practical Issues of Insuring Carbon Credits from Afforestation and Reforestation AgEcon
Wong, Jenny L.P.; Dutschke, Michael.
Greenhouse gas (GHG) removals by afforestation and reforestation project activities under the Kyoto Protocol's Clean Development Mechanism (CDM) are vulnerable to a variety of risks and uncertainties, resulting in the partial or total reversal of such removals. Hence, GHG removals from these sink activities are considered to be of temporary nature and non-permanent. Specific modalities related to non-permanence will need to be developed in order to include afforestation and reforestation project activities under the CDM and for a decision on modalities to be reached at COP 9 in December 2003. Two main options on how to address non-permanence have been proposed, these being temporary credits and insurance of emission reduction credits. This paper discusses...
Tipo: Working or Discussion Paper Palavras-chave: Clean Development Mechanism; Forestry; Insurance; Permanence; Environmental Economics and Policy; Q23; Q25; Q13.
Ano: 2003 URL:
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Carbon Leakage with Forestation Policies AgEcon
de Gorter, Harry; Drabik, Dusan; Just, David R..
This paper analyzes carbon leakage due to reduced emissions from deforestation (RED). We find that leakage with RED is good because the policy induces afforestation that contributes to a further carbon sequestration. By ignoring the domestic component of carbon leakage, the literature can either overestimate or underestimate leakage, depending on the magnitudes of the numerator and the denominator of the leakage formulas. Unlike the literature, we include the land and agricultural markets in the analysis of carbon leakage with forestation policies. In this model, carbon leakage depends on: (1) supply and demand elasticities of timber production and consumption, respectively in the country introducing a RED policy (Home country) and in the rest of the...
Tipo: Conference Paper or Presentation Palavras-chave: Carbon leakage; Forestry; Reduced emissions from deforestation; Afforestation; Agricultural and Food Policy; Environmental Economics and Policy; Land Economics/Use; Q23; Q24; Q54.
Ano: 2011 URL:
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Coastal Ecosystems OceanDocs
The coastal forest communities of Kenya exist mainly as isolated blocks which show high levels of species endemism and comprise a total of about 83,800ha in a narrow belt which extends inland for about 30km. The forests are characterized by dense or moderately dense stands of tall trees, species of the genera Sterculia, Chlorophora and Memecylon. The drier woodlands include stands of Cynometra, Manilkara and Afzelia. Centuries of human occupation have reduced the forest element which was originally more extensive. Mangrove swamps occur in tidal estuaries and lagoons while coconut palms are common above high tide. A complex of many bush types occur in the high bush area. Scattered baobab trees present a striking appearance while the prevalence of mango...
Tipo: Report Palavras-chave: Coastal zone; Ecosystems; Forestry; Http://
Ano: 1995 URL:
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Comparação de modelos de crescimento em altura de duas espécies de eucalipto em sistemas agrossilvipastoris. Infoteca-e
Tipo: Folhetos Palavras-chave: Modelos de crescimento em altura; Sistema agrossilvipastori; Agrosilvopastoral system; Forest height growth modelling; Eucalipto; Eucalyptus Grandis; Eucalyptus Urophylla; Forestry.
Ano: 2014 URL:
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Comparing the profitability of farming and forestry AgEcon
Evison, David.
This paper updates an analysis of returns from major productive land uses in New Zealand carried out in 2008. Trends in profitability over time are shown, and a preliminary investigation of the relationship between land-use change towards forestry (new land planting) and forestry profitability is described.
Tipo: Conference Paper or Presentation Palavras-chave: Profitability; Farming; Forestry; Land use; Land-use change; Agricultural and Food Policy; Community/Rural/Urban Development; Crop Production/Industries; Environmental Economics and Policy; Farm Management; Land Economics/Use; Livestock Production/Industries.
Ano: 2010 URL:
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Comportamento de espécies de eucalipto em Pedro Avelino, RN. Infoteca-e
Consiste em selecionar especies de Eucalyptus para o semiárido norte-riograndense. Foi instalado um ensaio de competição de especies deste gênero, na Estação Experimental de Terras Secas, em Pedro Avelino- RN, área pertencente a EMPARN. Em avaliação realizada aos 48 meses de idade, constatou-se índices de sobrevivência das espécies que variaram entre 67 a 100%. E. polycarpa foi a especie que apresentou o maior índice de sobrevivência, enquanto que E. citriodora apresentou o menor valor.
Tipo: Folhetos Palavras-chave: Rio Grande do Norte; Pedro Avelino; Species; Eucalipto; Espécie; Floresta; Eucalyptus; Forestry.
Ano: 1990 URL:
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Conservacao de recursos geneticos florestais: estrategias e parametros geneticos e ecologicos para a conservacao in situ de recursos geneticos. Infoteca-e
Tipo: Folhetos Palavras-chave: Conservation; Genetic; Resource; Floresta; Germoplasma; Germplasm; Forestry.
Ano: 1997 URL:
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Diagnóstico da produção agrícola, pecuária e da silvicultura à montante da represa de Furnas no estado de Minas Gerais. Infoteca-e
NEVES, M. C.; LUIZ, A. J. B.; SALGADO, M. P. G..
Resumo: O objetivo deste trabalho é apresentar um diagnóstico rápido da produção da agricultura, pecuária e silvicultura existente dentro das duas sub-bacias hidrográficas que alimentam o reservatório de Furnas, buscando assim, identificar as principais atividades rurais, de modo a servir como um subsídio na escolha do local para a instalação da plataforma de coleta de dados, auxiliar o levantamento dos sistemas de produção rurais e oferecer dados iniciais e complementares para o mapeamento do uso do solo e cobertura vegetal das duas sub- bacias.
Tipo: Folhetos Palavras-chave: Uso do solo; Represa de Furnas; Produção agrícola; Produção florestal; Pecuária; Uso da terra; Bacia hidrográfica; Cobertura vegetal; Análise estatística; Forestry; Agriculture; Surveys; Watersheds.
Ano: 2014 URL:
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