Penha Filho,Rafael Antonio Casarin; Ferreira,Joseane Cristina; Kanashiro,Ana Maria Iba; Darini,Ana Lúcia da Costa; Berchieri Junior,Angelo. |
ABSTRACT: Salmonella Gallinarum (S. Gallinarum) and Salmonella Pullorum (S. Pullorum) are poultry host-specific, agents of fowl typhoid and pullorum disease, respectively. These biovars cause septicemic infections, resulting in high mortality. Outbreaks are frequently reported worldwide, causing losses due to the elimination of infected flocks and treatments. The use of antimicrobial agents is frequent in poultry farms to prevent or treat gastrointestinal infections. In the present research it was evaluated the antimicrobial susceptibility of 50 S. Gallinarum and S. Pullorum isolates, from outbreaks that occurred between 1987 to 1991 and 2006 to 2013. The comparison of the susceptibility profiles showed that all isolates were susceptible to β-lactams. All... |
Tipo: Info:eu-repo/semantics/article |
Palavras-chave: Quinolones; Chicken; Fowl typhoid; Antimicrobial susceptibility; Salmonella.. |
Ano: 2016 |
URL: http://www.scielo.br/scielo.php?script=sci_arttext&pid=S0103-84782016000300513 |
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Garcia,KO; Berchieri-Júnior,A; Santana,AM; Freitas-Neto,OC; Fagliari,JJ. |
The aim of the present study was to evaluate white blood cell counts and serum protein profiles of commercial layers experimentally infected with Salmonella Gallinarum (SG) in order to better understand the pathophysiology of the disease caused by this bacterium. 180 five-day-old commercial layers were divided into 3 groups (G); G1 and G2 received 0.2 mL of inoculate containing 3.3x10(8) CFU or 3.3x10(5) CFU SG resistant to nalidix acid (Nal r)/mL, respectively, directly into their crops. G3 group did not receive the inoculum. Birds were sacrificed 24 hours before (T1) and 24 hours after the infection (T2), and three (T3), five (T4), seven (T5), and ten (T6) days after the administration of the inoculum. White blood cell counts were carried out in a... |
Tipo: Info:eu-repo/semantics/article |
Palavras-chave: Fowl typhoid; Serum protein profile; White blood cell count. |
Ano: 2009 |
URL: http://www.scielo.br/scielo.php?script=sci_arttext&pid=S1516-635X2009000400008 |
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Garcia,KO; Berchieri Jr.,A; Santana,AM; Alarcon,MFF; Freitas Neto,OC; Fagliari,JJ. |
The aim of the present study was to comparatively evaluate hemogram, blood serum components and anatomopathologic alterations in commercial layers experimentally challenged with an attenuated vaccine candidate strain (SG∆cobS∆cbiA) and other two pathogenic strains (SGDcobS and SGNalr) of Gallinarum (SG). In total, 280 commercial layers were randomly divided into 4 groups (G1, G2, G3 and G4). At five days of age, birds from groups G1 received approximately 107 colony forming units (CFU) of SGDcobS; meanwhile birds from group G2 and G3 received the same dose of SGNalr and SG∆cobS∆cbiA, respectively. Birds from G4 were not infected. At 24 hours before (DBI) and 24 hours after (1 DAI), and three (3 DAI), five (5 DAI), seven (7 DAI) ten (10 DAI), and fifteen... |
Tipo: Info:eu-repo/semantics/article |
Palavras-chave: Acute-phase proteins; Attenuation; Fowl typhoid; Histopathology; Leukogram. |
Ano: 2013 |
URL: http://www.scielo.br/scielo.php?script=sci_arttext&pid=S1516-635X2013000200004 |
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Alves,Lucas Bocchini Rodrigues; Freitas Neto,Oliveiro Caetano de; Batista,Diego Felipe Alves; Barbosa,Fernanda de Oliveira; Rubio,Marcela da Silva; Souza,Andrei Itajahy Secundo de; Almeida,Adriana Maria de; Barrow,Paul Andrew; Berchieri Junior,Angelo. |
Abstract Salmonella Gallinarum is a host-restrict pathogen that causes fowl typhoid, a severe systemic disease that is one of the major concerns to the poultry industry worldwide. When infecting the bird, SG makes use of evasion mechanisms to survive and to replicate within macrophages. In this context, phoPQ genes encode a two-component regulatory system (PhoPQ) that regulates virulence genes responsible for adaptation of Salmonella spp. to antimicrobial factors such as low pH, antimicrobial peptides and deprivation of bivalent cations. The role of the mentioned genes to SG remains to be investigated. In the present study a phoPQ-depleted SG strain (SG ΔphoPQ) was constructed and its virulence assessed in twenty-day-old laying hens susceptible to fowl... |
Tipo: Info:eu-repo/semantics/article |
Palavras-chave: Mutation; Virulence; Fowl typhoid; Adaptation; Chickens. |
Ano: 2018 |
URL: http://www.scielo.br/scielo.php?script=sci_arttext&pid=S1517-83822018000300601 |
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Freitas Neto,OC; Arroyave,W; Alessi,AC; Fagliari,JJ; Berchieri,A. |
This study aimed at evaluating the susceptibility of commercial laying hens to Salmonella Gallinarum (SG). Two experiments were carried using a mutant strain of Salmonella Gallinarum resistant to nalidix acid (SGNALr). In the first trial, the resistance of birds was evaluated based on clinical signs, faecal shedding, and mortality. It was carried out with six lines of commercial layers being three light white layers, considered to be resistant to SG (W1, W2, W3), and three semi-heavy brown varieties (B1, B2, B3), considered susceptible to SG. Each group contained 15 one-day-old birds. Hens were inoculated in the crop at 5 days of age with 0.2 mL of SGNALr neat culture. In addition, to each brown variety, a new group of 15 birds was challenged with 0.2mL of... |
Tipo: Info:eu-repo/semantics/article |
Palavras-chave: Fowl typhoid; Hematology; Laying hens; Salmonella Gallinarum; Susceptibility. |
Ano: 2007 |
URL: http://www.scielo.br/scielo.php?script=sci_arttext&pid=S1516-635X2007000200010 |
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Okamoto,AS; Menconi,A; Gonçalves,GAM; Rocha,TS; Andreatti Filho,RF; Savano,EN; Sesti,L. |
The live vaccine Cevac S. Gallinarum, made from a rough strain of Salmonella enterica subspecies enterica serotype Gallinarum is used for preventing fowl typhoid, a disease that still causes considerable economic losses in countries with a developing poultry industry. The objective of this paper was to evaluate a possible reversion to virulence of the strain used in a vaccine in commercial brown layers. Only Salmonella-free chicks were utilized. One hundred twenty (120) 12-day-old Dekalb brown layers divided in two trials were used. The first trial had six groups of 15 birds each. Birds of group 1 were vaccinated with 10 doses of Cevac S. Gallinarum subcutaneously and 10 doses orally, in a total of 20 doses of vaccine. Then the birds of groups 2, 3, 4, and... |
Tipo: Info:eu-repo/semantics/article |
Palavras-chave: 9R strain; Fowl typhoid; Reversion to virulence; Salmonella Gallinarum; SG9R vaccine. |
Ano: 2010 |
URL: http://www.scielo.br/scielo.php?script=sci_arttext&pid=S1516-635X2010000100007 |
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