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Agricultural subsidies in the United States and their effect on two annual Chilean crops: corn and wheat 123
Osorio,José Díaz; Rojas,Roberto Jara.
The development strategies for Chile have been oriented toward a greater commercial openness. Chile and the United States signed a Free Trade Agreement (FTA) that has triggered controversies between producers directed to the internal market due to the production and export subsidies that this country carries out. This study analyzed the effect of subsidies granted by the United States to wheat (Tritricum aestivum) and corn (Zea mays) growers (Farm Bill 2002). For the study, Technical Standard sheet were drawn up, from which were determined the direct production costs and the gross margins. The variables used (market prices, subsidies, freight costs and tariffs) and determining the average variable costs allowed us to do a sensitivity analysis, thus...
Tipo: Info:eu-repo/semantics/article Palavras-chave: Subsidies; Protectionism; Traditional Crops; Free Trade Agreement; Competitiveness.
Ano: 2006 URL:
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Albania and Trade Liberalization Using our trade advantages in the Free Trade Agreement with EU 31
Tabaku, Irma.
According to the World Trade Organization agreements frameworks, individual countries can agree to lower customs tariffs and other trade barriers, in order to open and keep service markets open. In this context, Albania has already concluded free trade agreements with nine countries of the region: Macedonia, Croatia, Bosnia & Herzegovina, Yugoslavia, Moldova, Turkey, Kosovo, Romania, Bulgaria (the last two are EU members now) and by January 2009 the ratification process from the European members’ countries finished. What this means is free exchange of goods and services between these countries by better exploiting their competitive advantages. To better exploit the advantages from free trade at first we need to find out which the Albanian sectors that...
Tipo: Conference Paper or Presentation Palavras-chave: Trade Policy; Free Trade Agreement; Competitive Advantage; Trade Performance.; Agricultural and Food Policy.
Ano: 2009 URL:
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Preferential Trade Agreements: The Case of EU-Mexico 31
Busse, Matthias; Huth, Matthias; Koopmann, Georg.
The paper evaluates the political and economic incentives to conclude the EU-Mexico Free Trade Agreement (FTA). It discusses EU and Mexican trade policy as well as the multilateral context for FTAs. In addition, using a disaggregated approach at the three-digit Standard International Trade Classification, it identifies the commodities that will be particularly affected by the FTA. The results show that considerable trade effects can be expected in a narrow range of products and that the EU is likely to gain much more than Mexico. In diesem Papier werden die politischen und ökonomischen Anreize zur Vereinbarung des Freihandelsabkommens zwischen der EU und Mexiko bewertet. Dafür werden die europäische und mexikanische Handelspolitik analysiert und der...
Tipo: Working or Discussion Paper Palavras-chave: Free Trade Agreement; European Union; Mexico; International Relations/Trade; F15; F17.
Ano: 2000 URL:
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