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Modelling the non Fickian water absorption in polyamide 6 5
Arhant, Mael; Le Gac, Pierre-yves; Le Gall, Maelenn; Burtin, Christian; Briancon, Christophe; Davies, Peter.
This paper investigates the water absorption of polyamide 6. The high amount of absorbed water in the polymer and the large resulting decrease in the glass transition temperature (Tg) leads to a non Fickian water diffusion when samples are immersed, which is a significant difficulty when trying to model the water profile in thick specimens. The aim of this study is to be able to model this particular behaviour based on physical considerations. First, it is shown that the non Fickian water diffusion is caused by an increase in the diffusivity during water absorption. Two cases are then identified; one below Tg where the diffusivity is described using an Arrhenius law and one above Tg based on the free volume theory. Then, these two laws are implemented in a...
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Water absorption; Free volume; Polyamide 6; Sea water; Modelling.
Ano: 2016 URL:
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Water diffusivity in PA66: Experimental characterization and modeling based on free volume theory 5
Broudin, M.; Le Gac, Pierre-yves; Le Saux, V.; Champy, C.; Robert, G.; Charrier, P.; Marco, Y..
Diffusion of water in polyamide 6.6 has been characterized for a wide range of temperatures (from 25 to 80 °C) and various humidities using dynamic vapor sorption machine. The decrease in glass transition temperature (Tg) has also been measured using DMA tests. As usually observed, PA66 absorbs a large amount of water (up to 5% at 90%RH) with a Fickian behavior with a diffusion coefficient that depends on water activity for all temperatures. Moreover, it appears that the diffusion coefficient for tests performed below Tg is almost independent of the water activity whereas a strong dependency is observed above Tg. This behavior is to be compared to a large decrease of Tg with the absorption of water. The increase of the water diffusion can therefore be...
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Water absorption; Free volume; Polyamide; Modeling.
Ano: 2015 URL:
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