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Analyse technico-économique de projets d'élevage d'ombrine (Sciaenops ocellata) en cages flottantes à la Martinique 5
Houel, S; Falguiere, Jean-claude; Paquotte, Philippe.
The availability in interesting sites and the zootechnical performances of tropical fish are two impo rt ant assets in favor of the development of fish farming in the Caribbean islands. This repor presents a technical and financial analysis of red drum farming projects in floating cages in Martinique(French West Indies). This project analysis makes it possible to compare the economic feasability of a small-scale production system with that of a semi-industrial one submitted to different technical constraints. The main criteria of the project analysis are the profitability of the funded capital, the financial feasability during the buildup period, the profitability at a steady state and the cost price. Production costs are hi gher in the the small-scale...
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Caribbean; French West Indies; Martinique; Financial analysis; Production costs; Finfish; Aquaculture; Sciaenops ocellata; SEM; Caraïbes; Antilles Françaises; Martinique; Analyse économique; Coûts de production; Poissons; Aquaculture; Sciaenops ocellata.
Ano: 1996 URL:
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Chlordecone in the marine environment around the French West Indies: from measurement to pollution management decisions 5
Bertrand, Jacques; Bodiguel, Xavier; Abarnou, Alain; Reynal, Lionel; Bocquene, Gilles.
Chlordecone is a very persistent insecticide used in banana plantations of the French West Indies between 1972 and 1993. Chlordecone residues were found in inland water, in agricultural and freshwater products, and in marine organisms. This pollution has become of great concern in 2007. Therefore, a governmental action Plan was launched to better assess the pollution and to improve the consumer’s protection. Within this plan, 1048 samples from 69 different species of marine fishes and crustaceans were collected all around both the Guadeloupe and the Martinique Islands and analyzed. The results confirm the presence of chlordecone in marine organisms, with highly variable concentrations (from the detection limit to 1000 μ In 17.9 % of the samples,...
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Chlordecone (Kepone); French West Indies; Fishes; Crustaceans; Organochlorinated contaminant; Risk assessment; Pollution management.
Ano: 2010 URL:
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Premiers essais d'élevage larvaire de l'ombrine subtropicale (red fish) Sciaenops ocellatus dans les conditions intensives en Martinique 5
Soletchnik, Patrick; Thouard, Emmanuel; Goyard, Emmanuel; Baisnee, D; Yvon, C; Baker, P.
Two batches of red drum larvae were air shipped from hatcheries in the U.S.A. and stocked in two intensive tank experiments at densities oc 7 :.nd 2-3 larvae per liter. Food items include live rotifers, copepods, brine shrimps. squid and commercial fish pellets. Growth rates were similar in both experiments up to day 20 (12-1" mm) but differences in feeding schedules and an infestation by the dinoflagelate Amyloodinium sp. affected the growth from day 20 to 43 in the second trial. Significant mortalities occurred in the tanks during the first feeding period (days 2 to 7) and again from days 17 to 20 as the result of cannibalism. Survival between day 2 and day 44 was 44% in the first trial. Abnormal inflation of the swim bladder and infection with...
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: French West Indies; Martinique; Sciaenops ocellatus; Larval rearing.
Ano: 1988 URL:
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