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Does taste beat food safety? Evidence from the “Pera Rocha” case in Portugal AgEcon
Combris, Pierre; Pinto, Alexandra Seabra; Fragata, Antonio; Giraud-Heraud, Eric.
Until recently, fresh fruits such as pears were provided to markets as generic products. However, these products are now differentiated by cultivars, origins and appearances, as well as by companies’ production and processing methods. Therefore, we observe a lot of denominations of origin, retailers’ and private labels in order to signal the differentiation to the consumers, who are often willing to pay large price premiums for products with specific attributes. Indeed the value consumers put on fruits depends on the degree of product-information that are available to them and this information derives mainly from tasting and from the label of the products. In this paper, we used an experimental auction to investigate how quality attributes information...
Tipo: Conference Paper or Presentation Palavras-chave: Experimental auction; Willingness to pay; Quality signals; Food safety; Fruits.; Food Consumption/Nutrition/Food Safety.
Ano: 2007 URL:
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