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Microsatellite markers in candidate genes for wood properties and its application in functional diversity assessment in Eucalyptus globulus 69
Acuña,Cintia V; Villalba,Pamela V; García,Martín; Pathauer,Pablo; Hopp,H. Esteban; Marcucci Poltri,Susana N.
Background: Functional genetic markers have important implications for genetic analysis by providing direct estimation of functional diversity. Although high throughput sequencing techniques for functional diversity analysis are being developed nowadays, the use of already well established variable markers present in candidate genes is still an interesting alternative for mapping purposes and functional diversity studies. SSR markers are routinely used in most plant and animal breeding programs for many species including Eucalyptus. SSR markers derived from candidate genes (SSR-CG) can be used effectively in co-segregation studies and marker-assisted diversity management. Results: In the present study, eight new non reported SSRs were identified in seven...
Tipo: Journal article Palavras-chave: Functional markers; Genetic diversity; Lignin pathway; SSR; Wood density.
Ano: 2012 URL:
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Predicting leaf litter decomposability: an exploratory assessment of leaf traits, litter traits and spectral properties in six Mediterranean herbaceous species 67
Pérez-Harguindeguy,Natalia; Cortez,Jacques; Garnier,Eric; Gillon,Dominique; Poca,María.
Several studies attempted to find quick and easy methods to assess litter decomposability. We tested three frequently used methods on 6 Mediterranean herbaceous species from different plant families and life forms: (1) ‘green leaves traits’: traits of living leaves related to the strategies of living plants; (2) ‘litter traits’: litter respiration during in vitro incubation and initial litter properties; and (3) ‘leaf and litter spectral properties’: the spectral characteristics (NIR) of green leaves and litter. We analyzed the relationship between these methods and their consistency to assess litter decomposability in the field. Green leaves spectral properties were the most accurate to predict...
Tipo: Info:eu-repo/semantics/article Palavras-chave: NIRS; Forbs; Grasses; Litter decomposition; Litter quality; Functional markers.
Ano: 2015 URL:
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