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European Takeover Law: The Case for a Neutral Approach AgEcon
Enriques, Luca.
This paper argues that in revising the Takeover Bid Directive, EU policymakers should adopt a neutral approach toward takeovers, i.e. enact rules that neither hamper nor promote them. The rationale behind this approach is that takeovers can be both value-creating and value-decreasing and there is no way to tell ex ante whether they are of the former or the latter kind. Unfortunately, takeover rules cannot be crafted so as to hinder all the bad takeovers while at the same time promoting the good ones. Further, contestability of control is not cost-free, because it has a negative impact on managers’ and block-holders’ incentives to make firm-specific investments of human capital, which in turn affects firm value. It is thus argued that individual companies...
Tipo: Working or Discussion Paper Palavras-chave: Takeover Bid Directive; Board Neutrality; Mandatory Bid Rule; Market for Corporate Control; Financial Economics; K22; G34; G38.
Ano: 2010 URL:
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Financial Markets and Agricultural Credit at a Time of Uncertainty AgEcon
Ellinger, Paul N..
Tipo: Journal Article Palavras-chave: Agricultural Finance; G01; G21; G38.
Ano: 2009 URL:
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Sovereign Wealth Fund Investment Patterns and Performance AgEcon
Bortolotti, Bernardo; Fotak, Veljko; Megginson, William; Miracky, William.
This study describes the newly created Monitor-FEEM Sovereign Wealth Fund Database and discusses the investment patterns and performance of 1,216 individual investments, worth over $357 billion, made by 35 sovereign wealth funds (SWFs) between January 1986 and September 2008. Approximately half of the investments we document occur after June 2005, reflecting a recent surge of SWF activity. We document large SWF investments in listed and unlisted equity, real estate, and private equity funds, with the bulk of investments being targeted in cross-border acquisitions of sizeable but non-controlling stakes in operating companies and commercial properties. The average (median) SWF investment is a $441 million ($55 million) acquisition of a 42.3% (26.2%) stake in...
Tipo: Working or Discussion Paper Palavras-chave: Sovereign Wealth Funds; International Financial Markets; Government Policy and Regulation; Financial Economics; G32; G15; G38.
Ano: 2009 URL:
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The Deep-Pocket Effect of Internal Capital Markets AgEcon
Boutin, Xavier; Cestone, Giacinta; Fumagalli, Chiara; Pica, Giovanni; Serrano-Velarde, Nicolas.
This paper provides evidence that incumbents' access to group deep pockets has a negative impact on entry in product markets. Relying on a unique French data set on business groups, the paper presents three major findings. First, consistent with theoretical predictions, the amount of financial resources owned by incumbent-affiliated groups has a negative impact on entry in a market. This suggests that internal capital markets operate within corporate groups and that they have a potential anti-competitive effect. Second, the impact on entry of group financial strength is more important in markets where access to external funding is likely to be more difficult. Third, the more active are internal capital markets, the more pronounced the effect on entry of...
Tipo: Working or Discussion Paper Palavras-chave: Business Groups; Cash Holdings; Internal Capital Markets; Deep-Pockets; Market Entry; Financial Economics; G32; G38; L41.
Ano: 2009 URL:
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The minimis aid, a possible alternative for supplementing the budgets of SMEes for enhancing competitiveness through the capacity of innovation - the Romanian case AgEcon
Tudor, Florin.
The latest Scoreboard of the European Commission regarding the state aid shows that the Member States are using increasingly more opportunities offered by EU rules on state aid. This paper comes to clarify the benefits of accessing the minimis aid by traders, as capital contributions, guarantees, risk capital measures in the innovation process, to create a new product, introducing a new method of manufacturing, entering in a new market or creating a new market, calling for a new raw material.
Tipo: Journal Article Palavras-chave: Innovation; The minimis aid; Financial crisis; Competitiveness.; International Development; G38; O31.
Ano: 2010 URL:
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