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An investigation of human vs. technology-induced variation in catchability for a selection of European fishing fleets ArchiMer
Mahevas, Stephanie; Vermard, Youen; Hutton, Trevor; Iriondo, Ane; Jadaud, Angelique; Maravelias, Christos D.; Punzon, Antonio; Sacchi, Jacques; Tidd, Alex; Tsitsika, Efthymia; Marchal, Paul; Goascoz, Nicolas; Mortreux, Serge; Roos, David.
The impact of the fishing effort exerted by a vessel on a population depends on catchability, which depends on population accessibility and fishing power. The work investigated whether the variation in fishing power could be the result of the technical characteristics of a vessel and/or its gear or whether it is a reflection of inter-vessel differences not accounted for by the technical attributes. These inter-vessel differences could be indicative of a skipper/crew experience effect. To improve understanding of the relationships, landings per unit effort (lpue) from logbooks and technical information on vessels and gears (collected during interviews) were used to identify variables that explained variations in fishing power. The analysis was undertaken by...
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Catchability; Fishing power; GAM; GLM; Skipper skill; Technical characteristics.
Ano: 2011 URL:
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Corrigenda of ’Explicit wave-averaged primitive equations using a Generalized Lagrangian Mean’ ArchiMer
Ardhuin, Fabrice; Rascle, Nicolas; Belibassakis, K. A..
Ardhuin et al. (2008) gave a second-order approximation in the wave slope of the exact Generalized Lagrangian Mean (GLM) equations derived by Andrews and McIntyre (1978), and also performed a coordinate transformation, going from a from GLM to a ’GLMz’ set of equations. That latter step removed the wandering of the GLM mean sea level away from the Eulerian-mean sea level, making the GLMz flow non-divergent. That step contained some inaccuarate statements about the coordinate transformation, while the rest of the paper contained an error on the surface dynamic boundary condition for viscous stresses. I am thankful to Mathias Delpey and Hidenori Aiki for pointing out these errors, which are corrected below.
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Wave-current; GLM; Air-sea.
Ano: 2017 URL:
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Delineating recurrent fish spawning habitats in the North Sea ArchiMer
Lelievre, Stephanie; Vaz, Sandrine; Martin, C. S.; Loots, Christophe.
The functional value of spawning habitats makes them critically important for the completion of fish life cycles and spawning grounds are now considered to be “essential habitats”. Inter-annual fluctuations in spawning ground distributions of dab (Limanda Limanda), plaice (Pleuronectes platessa), cod (Gadus morhua) and whiting (Merlangius merlangus) were investigated in the southern North Sea and eastern English Channel, from 2006 to 2009. The preferential spawning habitats of these species were modelled using generalised linear models, with egg distribution being used as proxy of spawners’ location. Egg spatial and temporal distributions were explored based on six environmental variables: sea surface temperature and salinity, chlorophyll a concentration,...
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Egg Distribution; Spawning Grounds; North Sea; Temporal Variability; Habitat Modelling; GLM.
Ano: 2014 URL:
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Extended generalized linear models: Simultaneous estimation of flexible link and variance functions AgEcon
Basu, Anirban.
I describe a command that simultaneously solves the extended estimating equations estimator for parameters in the link and variance functions along with those of the linear predictor in a generalized linear model. The method addresses difficulties in choosing the correct link and variance functions in these models. It decouples the scale of estimation for the mean model, determined by the link function, from the scale of interest for the scientifically relevant effects. It also estimates a flexible variance structure from the data, leading to efficient estimation.
Tipo: Journal Article Palavras-chave: Pglm; Pglmpredict; EEE; GLM; Skewed; Costs; Estimating equations; Link functions; Variance functions; Research Methods/ Statistical Methods.
Ano: 2005 URL:
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Identification and characterisation of winter spawning ground in the English Channel and Southern North Sea ArchiMer
Lelievre, Stephanie.
A better knowledge and monitoring of principal commercial fish spawning grounds have become necessary in the North Sea. The efficiency of CUFES was proved by sampling pelagic fish eggs in winter in Eastern Channel and Southern North Sea. Fish egg taxonomic identification based on visual criteria cannot always be carried out effectively. In particular, cod (Gadus morhua), and whiting (Merlangius merlangus) or flounder (Platichthys flesus) and dab (Limanda limanda) have the same range of egg diameter and similar morphologies. Alternative identification methods using molecular techniques were developed to improve the accuracy of egg taxonomic identification. First, PCR-RFLP method, then, in order to accelerate egg identification, the use of a new laboratory...
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Oeufs de poissons; CUFES; VET; PCR-RFLP; Cyt b; 16S; ZooScan; Analyse d’images; Analyses géostatistiques; Interpolation; Modélisation d’habitat; GLM; RQ; Fish eggs; CUFES; VET; Image analysis; ZooScan; PCR-RFLP; Geostatistical analyses; Interpolated map; Habitat modelling; GLM; RQ.
Ano: 2010 URL:
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Modelled distributions of ten demersal elasmobranchs of the eastern English Channel in relation to the environment ArchiMer
Martin, Corinne; Vaz, Sandrine; Ellis, J. R.; Lauria, Valentina; Coppin, Franck; Carpentier, Andre.
Generalised Linear Models, combined with a Geographic Information System, were used to map the habitats of ten demersal elasmobranch taxa (five skates, four sharks and a stingray) in the eastern English Channel, based on an annual fishery-independent bottom trawl survey conducted each October, and covering 21 years. Habitat models showing mean density levels were developed for the most frequently occurring species, whilst binomial occurrence habitat models were built for less frequent species. The main predictors of elasmobranch habitats in the eastern English Channel were depth, bed shear stress and salinity, followed by seabed sediment type and temperature. Habitat maps highlighted contrasting habitat utilisation across species. Raja clavata, and to a...
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Channel Ground Fish Survey; Chondrichthyes; Elasmobranchii; GLM; Grande Ouverture Verticale; Trawl survey.
Ano: 2012 URL:
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Programmable GLM: Two user-defined links AgEcon
Guan, Weihua; Gutierrez, Roberto G..
With the release of Stata 7, the glm command for fitting generalized linear models underwent a substantial overhaul. Stata 7 glm contains an expanded array of variance estimators, regression diagnostics, and other enhancements. The overhaul took place to coincide with the release of Hardin and Hilbe (2001). With the new glm came a modular design that enables users to program customized link functions, variance functions, and weight functions to be used if Newey-West covariance estimates are desired. Because cases requiring customized link functions are the more prevalent in the literature, only those are considered here. We give two examples where a nonstandard link function is required: the relative survival model of Hakulinen and Tenkanen (1987) and a...
Tipo: Journal Article Palavras-chave: GLM; Survival analysis; Cox regression; Programming; Research Methods/ Statistical Methods.
Ano: 2002 URL:
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Survival of discarded Nephrops norvegicus after trawling in the Bay of Biscay ArchiMer
Mehault, Sonia; Morandeau, Fabien; Kopp, Dorothee.
The new Common Fisheries Policy may exempt some species from the landing obligation if a high survival rate can be demonstrated among discards. This study focuses on the survival capacity of Nephrops norvegicus discarded from trawlers of the Bay of Biscay (France). Three sea trials were conducted on board 3 commercial trawlers and 15 fishing operations were sampled. The vitality of Nephrops was classed into three categories (healthy, moribund or dead) before release at sea and samples of healthy and moribund individuals were kept in captivity on Nephrops grounds for three days. A Generalised Linear Model was used to examine the variability in the proportion of healthy Nephrops discarded, which was significantly influenced by tow duration, duration of air...
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Vitality; Captivity; South western waters; Bottom trawl; GLM.
Ano: 2016 URL:
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The influence of temperature and humidity on abundance and richness of Calliphoridae (Diptera) Iheringia, Sér. Zool.
Azevedo,Rodrigo R.; Krüger,Rodrigo F..
The blowfly species are important components in necrophagous communities of the Neotropics. Besides being involved in the degradation of animal organic matter, they may serve as vectors for pathogens and parasites, and also cause primary and secondary myiasis. The occurrence pattern of these species is well defined, yet it is still not very clear which of these environmental factors determine the structure of the assemblies. This paper was developed to evaluate the influence of mean temperature and relative humidity variation in the abundance and richness of blowflies in the Brazilian southernmost state, Rio Grande do Sul, where temperature variation is well marked throughout the year. To evaluate this objective, WOT (Wind Oriented Trap) were installed...
Tipo: Info:eu-repo/semantics/article Palavras-chave: Blow flies; Diversity; GLM; Models.
Ano: 2013 URL:
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Trophic ecology of the European Hake in the Gulf of Lions, Northwestern Mediterranean Sea ArchiMer
Mellon, Capucine; Harmelin-vivien, Mireille; Metral, Luisa; Loizeau, Veronique; Mortreux, Serge; Roos, David; Fromentin, Jean-marc.
The European hake, Merluccius merluccius, is an important resource for Mediterranean fisheries. This study focuses on juvenile and adult hake feeding ecology in the Gulf of Lions, using information from scientific surveys carried out during two seasons and three years (2004-2006). Stomach content and stable isotope (ä15N, ä13C) analyses were performed, and the main factors explaining variations in ä15N were investigated using GLMs. In the Gulf of Lions, hake mostly fed on crustaceans and fish and a dominant piscivorous regime was reached at 15 cm total length. Pelagic fish (sardine, anchovy and small blue whiting) were the main source of prey (40%-80%) and cannibalism was low (<5%). The results confirmed that hake is an opportunistic feeder and also...
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Foodweb; GLM; Habitat; Merluccius merluccius; Predator-prey relationships; Stable isotopes; Stomach contents.
Ano: 2017 URL:
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