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Mariani, Milton Pasquoto; Sorio, Andre Macieira.
A criação de ovinos está associada à ocupação do território de Mato Grosso do Sul desde o século XVIII. Esta característica foi reforçada posteriormente com a chegada de imigrantes que tinham a tradição de consumo desta carne. A gastronomia baseada em carne ovina tem potencial em se transformar em produto turístico complementar às atrações já existentes em Mato Grosso do Sul. Foi realizada uma pesquisa exploratória, com uso de dados secundários. Estes dados foram complementados com uma pesquisa de campo com os freqüentadores de bares noturnos de Campo Grande. A amostra foi composta por 341 questionários, com nível de confiabilidade de 95% e margem de erro de 4,8%. A percepção de que a carne ovina é ótima ou boa atingiu 82,5% dos entrevistados. Dos...
Tipo: Conference Paper or Presentation Palavras-chave: Ovinocultura; Carne ovina; Turismo; Gastronomia; Heep husbandry; Lamb meat; Tourism; Gastronomy; Livestock Production/Industries.
Ano: 2008 URL:
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Cooking effects on bioactive compounds and sensory acceptability in pumpkin (Cucurbita moschata cv. Leite) 124
Silva,Maria de Fátima Gomes da; Sousa,Paulo Henrique Machado de; Figueiredo,Raimundo Wilane; Gouveia,Sandro Thomaz; Lima,Jorgiane Silva Severino.
ABSTRACT The present study aimed to compare the changes in the bioactive compounds, color parameters and to determine consumer opinions through sensory analysis of the pumpkin using different cooking methods (boiling, steaming, microwaving and sous vide). The cooking methods reduced the ascorbic acid content (49.73-50.42%) and polyphenols (49.68-64.94%). Microwaving increased the carotenoid content by 24.58%. The brightness (L*), red color (a*) and yellow color (b*) were reduced and there was also the loss of vivid color (chroma). The color of samples was affected after cooking process. All cooking methods were well accepted by the tasters, representing different market niches and many consumers expressed the intention of purchasing these products. The...
Tipo: Info:eu-repo/semantics/article Palavras-chave: Curcubita moscata; Total polyphenols; Carotenoids; Sensorial acceptance; Gastronomy.
Ano: 2019 URL:
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Production of flour made from bullfrog’s meat and bone 116
SEIXAS FILHO,José Teixeira de; IDE,Laura Kiyoko; MELLO,Sílvia Conceição Reis Pereira; CAFIERO,Joyce Tarsia Garcia; RODRIGUES,Eliane.
Abstract Bullfrog meat marketed in Brazil has been gaining ground among the population due to its soft flavor, low calorie content, and high protein content. It is recommended for treating gastrointestinal and allergic diseases. This study aims to maximize the use of bullfrog carcass by applying a heating technology that enables the use of bones in gastronomy, which contain high calcium bioavailability, and represent about 40% of the product’s total weight. A meat-and-bone flour called Low Cost Alternative Food has been developed, which, in addition to being functional and rich in protein and calcium, presents similar flavor to that of unmixed bullfrog meat, allowing food enrichment. Dehydration of the skeleton was carried out in an oven, and the remaining...
Tipo: Info:eu-repo/semantics/article Palavras-chave: Frog meat; Diet; Functional food; Gastronomy; Good manufacturing practices.
Ano: 2020 URL:
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