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Adaptation et essai d’un chalut pélagique a très grandes mailles a quatre faces egales pour une puissance de 650 c.v. OceanDocs
Bdioui, M.; M'Rabet, R..
Le présent travail concerne l’adaptation et l’essai d’un chalut pélagique japonais de très grandes mailles et à quatre faces égales dans les pêcheries tunisiennes. Le fil élémentaire composant les alèzes de filets est en Dyneema. Les essais de ce modèle de chalut, conçu pour un bateau d’une puissance motrice de 650 C.V, ont montré qu’il est adapté aux pêcheries de la région nord de la Tunisie et qu’il est efficace pour la capture des petits poissons pélagiques de grande profondeur notamment la sardine et l’anchois. Par ailleurs, les rendements de ce modèle de chalut sont importants grâce à ses ouvertures, horizontale et verticale, d’environ 35mètres. Les captures sont composées à plus de 99% d’espèces pélagiques.
Tipo: Journal Contribution Palavras-chave: Trawl nets; Gear research; Marine fisheries; Mesh selectivity; Pelagic fisheries; Trawlers; Pelagic fisheries.
Ano: 2009 URL:
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Efficiency of the bottom trawl used for the Mediterranean international trawl survey (MEDITS) ArchiMer
Fiorentini, Loris; Dremiere, Pierre-yves; Leonori, Iole; Sala, Antonello; Palumbo, Vito.
The aim of the work presented in this paper was to assess the relative efficiency of the GOC 73 sampling trawl used for the Mediterranean international trawl survey programme (MEDITS) compared with that of a typical Italian commercial trawl. The latter was chosen because it is commonly used by fishermen in the central Adriatic, where the experiment was conducted, and therefore appeared as the best possible sampler of the commercial species present in those areas. Moreover, this trawl is similar to the various trawls used for the Italian national survey programme (GRUND). Four fishing trips were conducted between 1996 and 1997 in different areas and seasons to sample different species. Each trip was conducted in the same fishing area. A codend cover mounted...
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Efficacité du chalut; Chalut de fond; Pêche expérimentale; Technologie des engins; Chalutage; Méditerranée; Trawl efficiency; Bottom trawls; Experimental fishing; Gear research; Trawl survey; Mediterranean.
Ano: 1999 URL:
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Evaluation des intercations entre les dauphins et les filets de pêche des sardiniers de la région de Mahdia et réduction de leur impact par l'utilisation des ondes acoustiques générées par le "tube dauphin". OceanDocs
Ben Naceur, L.; Bdioui, M.; M'rabet, R..
ن ارتفاع تكلفة صيانة الشباك الدائرة و العينية جراء هجمات الدلافين،يؤثر كثيرا علي مرد ودية وحدات الصيد. و للحد من هذه الهجمات، ابتكر المعهد الوطني لعلوم وتكنلوجيا البحار آلة ميكانيكية سميت "انبوب الدلفين"، تبعث عند طرقها، ذبذبات صوتية قادرة علي إجبار الدلافين علي مغادرة مكان تواجد شباك الصيد . بعد مدة استعمال ناجحة نسبيا طفت المشكلة علي الساحة من جديد وبأكثر حدة. لهذا الغرض أنجز برنامج عمل، مكن من تقييم التفاعل بين الدلافين والشباك الدائرة لصيد الأسماك الصغيرة العائمة بجهة المهدية ومن إدخال بعض التحسينات علي "أنبوب الدلفين" الذي أثبتت التجارب الميدانية بأنه أصبح قادرا علي تشويش جهاز الرصد عند الدلافين مع بعث حدة صوتية لا يتحملها الجهاز الحسي السمعي لهذا الحيوان.
Tipo: Journal Contribution Palavras-chave: Gillnets; Gear research; Interactions; Interactions; Marine mammals; Pelagic fisheries; Seine nets; Sound waves; Gillnets; Sound waves; Pelagic fisheries; Http://; Http://; Http://
Ano: 2007 URL:
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Experiencias de selectividad en los copos de las redes de arrastre y desarrollo en dispositivos selectivos con grillas en la pesquería Argentina. OceanDocs
Ercoli, R.; Izzo, A.; Salvini, L.; Garcia, J.C.; Bartozzetti, J.D.; Roth, R.R..
Major results and difficulties which resulted from experiences in species and per size selectivity for the Argentine fishery are described. Codend selectivity and grid sorting devices trials were carried out. The use of grids not only reduced by-catch of hake in the shrimp fishery but also improved juveniles selectivity in the hake fishery as compared to mesh selectivity. No changes in fishing gears or in fishing manoeuvres were necessary. It was concluded that, to achieve a better rational exploitation of fishing resources, it is necessary to enhance selectivity of fishing gears. Deeper knowledge and further training of crews on Argentine fleets is also encouraged.
Tipo: Book Section Palavras-chave: Gear selectivity; Trawl nets; Mesh selectivity; Gadoid fisheries; Gear research.
Ano: 2001 URL:
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Relación entre la longitud mínima de cable de arrastre a filar y la profundidad de pesca en función de las variables más representativas OceanDocs
Ercoli, R..
A practical and simple technique which gives an aproximate solution to the determination of minimum length of warp payed out durin a demersal or botto,m trawl operation es proposed. The method takes into account such variables as: weight in the water of warp payed out, of the otter board an the maximum trawling speed determined for each vessel in particular. The FRS "Dr. E.L. Holmberg" of the National Institute for Scientific Research and Development (INIDEP, Mar del Plata)was used to test the method.
Tipo: Journal Contribution Palavras-chave: Fishing gear; Gear research; Fishing gear; Http://
Ano: 1986 URL:
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