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Better Rich, or Better There? : Grandparent Wealth, Coresidence, and Intrahousehold Allocation AgEcon
Quisumbing, Agnes R..
This paper uses three-generation retrospective data from the rural Philippines to examine the role of the extended family, proxied by alternative measures of grandparent coresidence, on investments in children. An extension of the wealth model of intergenerational transfers shows that extended family resources may affect transfers to children if parents are credit constrained. Family-level unobservables are important in determining the allocation of education and land between sons and daughters. Both parent and grandparent pre-marriage wealth affect children’s completed schooling levels. Grandparent wealth, however, does not seem to affect the distribution of education between sons and daughters, although it affects the allocation of land. Grandparent...
Tipo: Working or Discussion Paper Palavras-chave: Resource Allocation; Gender issues; Education; Gender; Property rights; Household Resource Allocation; Education; Consumer/Household Economics.
Ano: 1997 URL:
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Human Capital Productivity, and Labor Allocation in Rural Pakistan AgEcon
Fafchamps, Marcel; Quisumbing, Agnes R..
This paper investigates whether human capital affects the productivity and labor allocation of rural households in four districts of Pakistan. The investigation shows that households with better-educated males earn higher off-farm income and divert labor resources away from farm activities toward nonfarm work. Education has no significant effect on productivity in crop and livestock production. The effect of human capital on household incomes is partly realized through the reallocation of labor from low-productivity activities to nonfarm work. Female education and nutrition do not affect productivity and labor allocation in any systematic fashion, a finding that is consistent with the marginal role women play in market-oriented activities in Pakistan. As a...
Tipo: Working or Discussion Paper Palavras-chave: Female Labor; Income distribution; Gender issues; Labor productivity; Pakistan; Gender; Childcare; Work; Labor and Human Capital; Productivity Analysis.
Ano: 1998 URL:
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The Extended Family and Intrahousehold Allocation: Inheritance and Investments in Children in the Rural Philippines AgEcon
Quisumbing, Agnes R..
This paper examines the role of the extended family on investments in children, using data from a retrospective survey of three generations in the rural Philippines. Econometric results show that interactions between grandparent characteristics and child gender significantly affect the distribution of proposed land bequests between sons and daughters. However, grandparents significantly affect gender-specific investments in children's education only in resource-constrained families. Family-specific effects are more important in determining the pattern of investment in children within the nuclear family, while individual heterogeneity rather than family-specific unobservables dominates the extended family results. Interactions between parent characteristics...
Tipo: Working or Discussion Paper Palavras-chave: Family; Economic Aspects; Philippines; Social Conditions; Gender issues; Land tenure; Gender; Property rights; Education; Consumer/Household Economics; Labor and Human Capital.
Ano: 1995 URL:
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