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A snapshot of gene therapy in Latin America Genet. Mol. Biol.
Linden,Rafael; Matte,Ursula.
Gene therapy attempts the insertion and expression of exogenous genetic material in cells for therapeutic purposes. Conceived in the 1960s, gene therapy reached its first clinical trial at the end of the 1980s and by December 2013 around 600 genuine open clinical trials of gene therapy were registered at NIH Clinical Trials Database. Here, we summarize the current efforts towards the development of gene therapy in Latin America. Our survey shows that the number of scientists involved in the development of gene therapy and DNA vaccines in Latin America is still very low. Higher levels of investment in this technology are necessary to boost the advancement of innovation and intellectual property in this field in a way that would ease both the social and...
Tipo: Info:eu-repo/semantics/article Palavras-chave: Gene therapy; Gene transfer; Gene delivery; Viral vector; South America.
Ano: 2014 URL:
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Cholesterol improves the transfection efficiency of polyallylamine as a non-viral gene delivery vector BJPS
Oskuee,Reza Kazemi; Ramezanpour,Mahdieh; Gholami,Leila; Malaekeh-Nikouei,Bizhan.
ABSTRACT Cationic polymers such as polyallylamine (PAA) having primary amino groups are poor transfection agents and possess a high cytotoxicity index when used without any chemical modification. In this study, PAA was modified with cholesterol in order to improve transfection efficiency and to reduce cytotoxicity. PAA polymers with molecular weights of 15 and 65 kDa were selected and grafted with cholesterol at percentages of 5, 10, 15, 30, and 50. After purification, the efficacy of the synthetic vectors was evaluated in terms of DNA condensation using the ethidium bromide test, buffering capacity, particle size, zeta potential, transfection efficiency, and cytotoxicity assay in Neuro2A cell lines. According to the ethidium bromide test, these vectors...
Tipo: Info:eu-repo/semantics/article Palavras-chave: Cholesterol/ efficiency; Gene delivery; Non-viral vectors/evaluation; Polyallylamine Transfection efficiency; Cytotoxicity/study.
Ano: 2017 URL:
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