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Cytogenetic and teratological effects of mancozeb pre natal exposure on rats 52
Castro,V. L.; Tambasco,A. J.; Paraíba,L. C.; Tambasco,D. D..
Studies were conducted on the dam’s fertility and pup viability, litter physical and motor development and chromosomal analysis with female rats exposed to different concentrations of mancozeb, at initial and organogenesis periods of pregnancy. The exposure did not interfere with the pregnant females or their estrous cycle but resulted in retarded physical development, with exception of the vaginal opening and tests descent; which were in advance. The litter body weight was not affected. The examination of swimming performance indicated an initial impairment and a posterior recovery. The observed chromosome damage in dams and pups was found to enhance with the fungicide’s concentration. The results obtained led to the conclusion that even in the absence of...
Tipo: Info:eu-repo/semantics/article Palavras-chave: Mancozeb; Rats; Postnatal development; Prenatal exposure; Genetic evaluation.
Ano: 1999 URL:
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Estimation of genetic parameters for growth traits in Tabapuã cattle using a multi-trait model 96
Menezes,Gilberto Romeiro de Oliveira; Torres,Robledo de Almeida; Torres Júnior,Roberto Augusto de Almeida; Silva,Luiz Otávio Campos da; Gondo,Andrea; Euclydes,Ricardo Frederico.
To provide information that can contribute to the genetic evaluation and selection in Tabapuã cattle, genetic parameters were estimated for growth traits using a multi-trait animal model. (Co)variance components were estimated by a Bayesian approach using the Gibbs Sampler. Moderate and similar responses to selection are expected when selecting for weights at the four ages evaluated, since the direct heritability estimates were similar and of average magnitude (0.18 to 0.19). The direct and maternal additive genetic correlations between all pairs of weights were higher than 0.70, indicating a high degree of association between the four traits. This suggests that using any of them as selection criteria will result in correlated response in the others and...
Tipo: Info:eu-repo/semantics/article Palavras-chave: Bayesian; Beef cattle; (co)variance components; Genetic evaluation; Selection.
Ano: 2013 URL:
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Genetic evaluation for persistency of lactation in Holstein cows using a random regression model 74
Cobuci,Jaime Araujo; Euclydes,Ricardo Frederico; Costa,Claudio Napolis; Torres,Robledo de Almeida; Lopes,Paulo Sávio; Pereira,Carmen Silva.
A model for analyzing test day records including both fixed and random coefficients was applied to the genetic evaluation of first lactation data for Holstein cows. Data comprising 87045 test-day milk yield records from calving between 1997 and 2001 from Holstein herds in 10 regions of the Brazilian state of Minas Gerais. Six persistency of lactation measures were evaluated using breeding values obtained by random regression analyses. The Wilmink function was used to model the additive genetic and permanent environmental effects. Residual variance was constant throughout lactation. Ranking for animals did not change among criteria for persistency measurements, but ranking changes were observed when the estimated breeding value (EBV) for persistency of...
Tipo: Info:eu-repo/semantics/article Palavras-chave: Genetic evaluation; Persistency of lactation; Rank correlation; Random regression models.
Ano: 2007 URL:
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Genetic parameters and phenotypic and genetic trends for weight at weaning and visual scores during this phase estimated for Angus-Nellore crossbred young bulls 96
Araújo,Ronyere Olegário de; Rorato,Paulo Roberto Nogara; Weber,Tomás; Everling,Dionéia Magda; Lopes,Jader Silva; Dornelles,Mariana de Almeida.
Genetic parameters and genetic and phenotypic trends were estimated for weight at weaning (WW) and visual scores (VS) of conformation (C), precocity (P), musculature (M) and navel (N) for Angus × Nellore crossbred calves. It was used 39,676 records from pre-weaning phase of animals born from 1992 to 2002 in mid-western, southeastern and southern Brazil. The components of covariance were estimated using REML, in animal model, considering as random the maternal and direct additive genetic effects, and as fixed, the effects of contemporaneous group, the genetic group of the animal and of the cow, and as covariates the age of the calf at weaning and the age of the cow at calving, both on days and with linear and quadratic effects, besides direct (DH) and...
Tipo: Info:eu-repo/semantics/article Palavras-chave: Beef cattle; Cross-breeding; Genetic evaluation; Genetic progress; Morphologic evaluation.
Ano: 2010 URL:
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Genetic parameters for egg production in meat quails through partial periods 65
Ribeiro,Jeferson Corrêa; Silva,Luciano Pinheiro da; Soares,Aline Camporez Crispim; Caetano,Giovani da Costa; Leite,Carla Daniela Suguimoto; Bonafé,Cristina Moreira; Sousa,Mariele Freitas; Torres,Robledo de Almeida.
ABSTRACT: We estimated genetic and phenotypic parameters for egg production in meat-type quails aiming to propose an optimal age for selection through partial record egg production. Data of 3,503 female quails from two strains (namely, UFV1, with 1,811 and UFV2 with 1,692 females) were used. Egg production was assessed by the number of eggs recorded after 42 days of age and each partial period consisted on 35 days of egg production forward. Covariance components were estimated by using single and bivariate animal model, comprising each partial period of egg production and full egg production period (one year of egg laying). Regarding strain UFV1, heritability estimates ranges from 0.03 to 0.16, and for strain UFV2 0.20 to 0.25. The highest genetic...
Tipo: Info:eu-repo/semantics/article Palavras-chave: Coturnix coturnix; Genetic correlation; Genetic evaluation; Heritability; Variance components.
Ano: 2017 URL:
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Genetic parameters for test day milk yield of first lactation Holstein cows estimated by random regression using Legendre polynomials 96
Costa,Claudio Napolis; Melo,Claudio Manoel Rodrigues de; Packer,Irineu Umberto; Freitas,Ary Ferreira de; Teixeira,Nilson Milagres; Cobuci,Jaime Araujo.
Data comprising 263,390 test-day (TD) records of 32,448 first parity cows calving in 467 herds between 1991 and 2001 from the Brazilian Holstein Association were used to estimate genetic and permanent environmental variance components in a random regression animal model using Legendre polynomials (LP) of order three to five by REML. Residual variance was assumed to be constant in all or in some classes of lactation periods for each LP. Estimates of genetic and permanent environmental variances did not show any trend due to the increase in the LP order. Residual variance decreased as the order of LP increased when it was assumed constant, and it was highest at the beginning of lactation and relatively constant in mid lactation when assumed to vary between...
Tipo: Info:eu-repo/semantics/article Palavras-chave: Covariance components; Dairy cattle; Genetic evaluation; Heritability; Selection.
Ano: 2008 URL:
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Hierarchical Bayesian models for genotype × environment estimates in post-weaning gain of Hereford bovine via reaction norms 96
Cardoso,Leandro Lunardini; Braccini Neto,José; Cardoso,Fernando Flores; Cobuci,Jaime Araújo; Biassus,Igor de Oliveira; Barcellos,Júlio Otávio Jardim.
It was evaluated statistical models with different assumptions to define the one that best describes the presence of genotype × environment interaction on adjusted post-weaning weight gain (PWG345) of Hereford cattle, through the study of reactions norms to the environment, obtained by random regression using a Bayesian approach. Four reaction norms hierarchical models (RNHM) were used through the INTERGEN program. The RNHM K uses the solutions of contemporary groups previously estimated by the standard animal model (AM) and considers them as environmental level for predicting the reaction norms and the RNHM S, which jointly estimate these two sets of unknowns. For both models, two versions were considered, one with a homogeneous (hm) and another with a...
Tipo: Info:eu-repo/semantics/article Palavras-chave: Adaptability; Bayesian inference; Environmental sensitivity; Genetic evaluation; Random regression.
Ano: 2011 URL:
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Modeling the effect of the age of dam at calving on the weaning weight of Charolais-Zebu crossbred calves 96
Toral,Fábio Luiz Buranelo; Torres Júnior,Roberto Augusto de Almeida; Lopes,Paulo Sávio; Silva,Luiz Otávio Campos da; Reis Filho,João Cruz.
The objective of this study was to evaluate alternatives for modeling the age of dam at calving (AOD) effect on the weaning weight of Charolais-Zebu crossbred calves. Data from 56,965 calves were analyzed, using statistical models considering the fixed effects of the contemporary groups, sire and dam genetic groups, and AOD. The AOD effect was fitted to models using annual age classes, and ordinary quadratic to quintic-ordered polynomials (OP) or segmented polynomials (SP) with two, three, four, six and twelve evenly spaced intervals. In the case of segmented polynomials, general linear and quadratic effects and only one quadratic additional term from each knot were considered. The AOD effects were nested within sex of calf in all cases. According to the...
Tipo: Info:eu-repo/semantics/article Palavras-chave: Beef cattle; Environmental effects; Genetic evaluation; Least square.
Ano: 2009 URL:
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Relationship between genetic abilities of Japanese Black sires predicted from Japanese Black and crossbred population 19
中橋 良信; 増田 豊; 口田 圭吾; MASUDA, Yutaka; KUCHIDA, Keigo.
黒毛和種×ホルスタイン種による交雑種(F1)は,わが国の牛肉需要を満たす上で重要な品種である.しかしF1に対する種雄牛の遺伝評価に関する調査はほとんどなく,高品質の枝肉生産を目的とした場合,黒毛和種種雄牛の育種価を参考にするしかない.本研究では,黒毛和種種雄牛と母の品種間の交互作用を調査し,F1に対する種雄牛評価の必要性について検討した.分析には黒毛和種(4,415頭)およびF1 (3,211頭)の枝肉格付記録を使用した.各品種から得られた値の遺伝相関係数によって交互作用を評価した.分散成分の推定にはAIREMLF90プログラムを用いた.BMSの遺伝相関係数は0.91と推定された.また黒毛和種のデータから推定された期待後代差(EPD)と,F1データから推定されたEPDとの順位相関係数を求めたところ,高い値となり(0.96-0.99),大きな交互作用がないことが示された.よって黒毛和種種雄牛のEPDはF1後代の肉質を予測するための指標となり得ることが示された.
Palavras-chave: Crossbred; Genetic evaluation; Interaction; Japanese Black cattle.
Ano: 2012 URL:
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Moreira,Heverton Luis; Buzanskas,Marcos Eli; Munari,Danisio Prado; Canova,Érika Breda; Lôbo,Raysildo Barbosa; Paz,Claudia Cristina Paro de.
Genetic breeding programs of beef cattle in Brazil are including new features, mainly related to reproductive efficiency.Thus, it is necessary to study the effectiveness of selection and quantify genetic gain for these traits in herds. This study estimated genetic and phenotypic parameters and genetic trends for reproductive traits used in breeding programs for Nelore beef cattle. The traits studied were the scrotal circumference (SC) at 365 and 450 days of age (SC365 and SC450), age at first calving (AFC) and gestation length, as a cow trait (GLcow) and a calf trait (GLcalf). The (co)variance components were obtained with the Restricted Maximum Likelihood Methodology in a single and double-trait analysis of the animal model. For scrotal circumference...
Tipo: Info:eu-repo/semantics/article Palavras-chave: Reproductive efficiency; Genetic evaluation; Precocity.
Ano: 2015 URL:
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Using actual and ultrasound carcass information in beef genetic evaluation programs 96
Bertrand,Joseph Keith.
Increased movement toward alliances and grid pricing in the U.S. has led to an increase interest in genetic values for carcass traits. The literature suggests that carcass genetic values are an effective tool to enhance selection for carcass traits, and that it is possible to select sires within a breed that can increase marbling score without adversely affecting external fat thickness or percent retail product relative to the breed mean. Ultrasound has been investigated as a cheaper means of collecting carcass information. The literature indicates that carcass traits measured via ultrasound on yearling seedstock will respond to selection. Although the literature is variable on the subject, there are reported genetic correlation (r g) estimates between...
Tipo: Info:eu-repo/semantics/article Palavras-chave: Beef carcass traits; Genetic evaluation; Multi-breed models; Ultrasound.
Ano: 2009 URL:
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การประเมินพันธุกรรมความคงทนของการให้นํ้านมในโคนมลูกผสมโฮลสไตน์-ฟรีเชียนที่ให้ลูกครั้งแรกโดยใช้โมเดลรีเกรซชันสุ่ม 106
Phakphume Saowaphak; Monchai Duangjinda; Pongchan Na-Lampang; Pakanit Kuppitayanant; Choak Bulakul.
Objectives of this study were to 1) determine the appropriate Covariance Function Coefficient (CFC) number of Modified Normalized Legendre Polynomial (MNLP) using in Random Regression Models (RRLP) and 2) mathematical equation for calculate Persistency of Lactation (PL) value. All 9 RRLPs with different 3 to 5 CFC number nested within additive genetics and permanent environmental random effects were used to analyze total 25,845 test-day milk yield records of primiparous crossbred Holstein-Friesian dairy cattle from Chokchai farm. Variance components were estimated by average information-restricted maximum likelihood algorithm and predicted random effects with best linear unbiased prediction method. The results found that RRLP using 3 and 4 CFC numbers...
Tipo: Collection Palavras-chave: Persistency of lactation; Genetic evaluation; Random regression model; Primiparous crossbred Holstein-Friesian dairy cattle; โคนม; พันธุ์ลูกผสมโฮลสไตน์-ฟรีเชียน; การประเมินพันธุกรรม; โมเดลรีเกรซชันสุ่ม; ความคงทนของการให้นํ้านม; ค่าการผสมพันธุ์.
Ano: 2011 URL:
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การประเมินพันธุกรรมและกราฟพันธุกรรมของการให้ผลผลิตไข่ในไก่พื้นเมืองไทย (ประดู่หางดำ) โดยใช้โมเดลวันทดสอบรีเกรซชั่นสุ่ม 106
Wuttigrai Boonkum; Monchai Duangjinda; Banyat Laopaiboon; Thevin Vongpralub.
Objective of this research was to investigate an appropriate random regression test-day model from various egg production functions for genetic evaluation and genetic curve construction for egg production in the first generation (G1) of Thai native chickens (Pradu Hang Dam). Data included 1,669 monthly egg production records of 203 Thai native chickens between September, 2007 and June, 2009. Data were obtained from the Research and Development Network Center for Animal Breeding (Native Chicken), Faculty of Agriculture, Khon Kaen University. An average (+SD) of yearly egg production was 140+36 eggs and average (+SD) age at first egg was 187+22 days. Considering to -2logL, AIC, and MSE, random regression test-day model with egg function of Koops and Grossman...
Tipo: Collection Palavras-chave: Egg production; Genetic evaluation; Thai native chicken; Random regression test-day model; Pradu Hang Dam; ไก่; พันธุ์พื้นเมืองไทย; พันธุ์ประดู่หางดำ; พันธุกรรม; โมเดลวันทดสอบรีเกรซชั่นสุ่ม; ผลผลิตไข่; กราฟพันธุกรรม.
Ano: 2012 URL:
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การประเมินพันธุ์อ้อยโคลนดีเด่นภายใต้สภาพอาศัยน้ำฝน 106
Nattapat Khumla; Pracha Thumthong; Kanokthip Lertprasertrat; Raweewan Chuekittisak; Sarewat Jattupornpong; Somnuk Kongtian; Manit Suknimit.
Experiment was carried out to test the performance of new promising sugarcane clones series 2008 under rainfed conditions. The objective was to evaluate yield potential and quality of 19 promising sugarcane clones compare with 6 checked cultivars, U-Thong 3, Suphanburi 80, Khon Kaen 3, LK92-11, K84-200 and K99-72 at Nakhon Sawan Field Crops Research Center during Mar 2011- Jan 2012. The trial was laid out in RCBD with 2 replications. Plant cane of 25 cultivars/clones was evaluated. Cane yield and yield attributing characters i.e. cane height, number of internode/cane, number of plant/stool and number of millable cane were recorded. Juice quality viz percent juice extraction and commercial cane sugar (%CCS) in juice were determined at harvesting....
Tipo: Collection Palavras-chave: Sugarcane; Genetic evaluation; อ้อย; โคลนพันธุ์; การทดสอบพันธุ์; สภาำพอาศัยน้ำฝน; ผลผลิต; ซีซีเอส.
Ano: 2012 URL:
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