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Continuity, focus and impact: a commented historical perspective on Embrapa Vegetables' extended Capsicum breeding program Horticultura Brasileira
Reifschneider,Francisco JB; Lopes,Carlos A; Ribeiro,Cláudia SC.
ABSTRACT The article describes the origin, development and main results of Embrapa Vegetables' Capsicum breeding program, a continuous activity for more than three decades. The article points out and highlights how partnerships, both in Brazil and abroad, both with the public and the private sectors, were vital to the success of the program. The article also glosses over the development of the Capsicum germplasm bank and its importance to the breeding program, concluding with a set of faced challenges and lessons learned which might be of interest to other similar programs.
Tipo: Info:eu-repo/semantics/article Palavras-chave: Capsicum annuum; C. baccatum; C. frutescens; C. chinense; Hot pepper; Sweet pepper; Chili pepper; Genetics..
Ano: 2016 URL:
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