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Commonness and Rarity: Theory and Application of a New Model to Mediterranean Montane Grasslands Ecology and Society
Scheiner, Samuel M; National Science Foundation;; Levassor, Catherine; ;.
We examined patterns of commonness and rarity among plant species in montane wet grasslands of Iberia. This examination is set within two contexts. First, we expanded on an earlier scheme for classifying species as common or rare by adding a fourth criterion, the ability of that species to occupy a larger or smaller fraction of its potential suitable habitats, i.e., habitat occupancy. Second, we explicated two theories, the superior organism theory and the generalist/specialist trade-off theory. The data consisted of 232 species distributed among 92 plots. The species were measured for mean local abundance, size of environmental volume occupied, percentage of volume occupied, range within Iberia, and range in Europe and the Mediterranean basin. In general,...
Tipo: Peer-Reviewed Reports Palavras-chave: Commonness; Endangered species; Generalist/specialist trade-off; Geographic range; Habitat occupancy; Habitat specificity; Iberia; Local abundance; Montane grasslands; Rarity; Superior organism theory..
Ano: 1999
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Establishing species distributions in large tropical plant genera: insights from twelve new Thai records of Oberonia (Orchidaceae) Naturalis
Bunpha, K.; Pedersen, H.Æ.; Sridith, K..
Establishing species distributions is particularly challenging in large tropical genera of inconspicuous plants. One such genus is Oberonia (Orchidaceae) which we are currently revising for Thailand. When encountering material of a putatively new species, great care has been taken to make a wide geographic search for matching extra-Thai taxa. Against this background, we here record 12 species as new for Thailand: O. dissitiflora, O. evrardii, O. gracilis, O. insectifera, O. lotsyana, O. microphylla, O. orbicularis, O. semifimbriata, O. singalangensis, O. stenophylla, O. suborbicularis, O. wenzelii. Seven records are based (at least in part) on older collections, suggesting that many gaps in currently known species distributions can be filled through...
Tipo: Article / Letter to the editor Palavras-chave: Flora of Thailand; Geographic range; Occurrence; Orchids; Revision; Synonymy; Taxonomy.
Ano: 2013 URL:
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Geographic distribution's ampliation of Chiroderma doriae Thomas (Mammalia, Chiroptera) in Brazil Zoologia
Bordignon,Marcelo O..
The geographic distribution ampliation of Chiroderma doriae Thomas, 1891 is related in this note with a new record from Corumba City, in pantanal ecossistem of Mato Grosso do Sul State. This record extend the geographic range of C. doriae over 630 km westward in Brazil from literature last reccord.
Tipo: Info:eu-repo/semantics/article Palavras-chave: Bats from cerrado; Corumbá; Geographic range; Pantanal.
Ano: 2005 URL:
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Karyotypic characterization and new geographical record of Salinomys delicatus (Rodentia, Cricetidae, Sigmodontinae) Mastozool. neotrop.
Lanzone,Cecilia; Ojeda,Ricardo A.; Albanese,Soledad; Rodríguez,Daniela; Dacar,Mariana.
Tipo: Info:eu-repo/semantics/article Palavras-chave: Chromosomes; Geographic range; Phyllotini; South American drylands.
Ano: 2005 URL:
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Occurrence of the family Pinnotheridae De Haan (Crustacea, Decapoda, Brachyura) on the coast of Ceará State, Brazil Zoologia
Bezerra,Luis Ernesto A.; Almeida,Alexandre O. de; Coelho,Petrônio A..
This study reports the occurrence of Austinixa bragantina Coelho, 2005; A. leptodactyla (Coelho, 1997) and Zaops ostreum (Say, 1817) for the State of Ceará, Northeast Brazil. These records represent the first account of the family Pinnotheridae de Haan, 1883 for the coast of Ceará. A. bragantina was collected on May and June 1995 at Futuro Beach, municipality of Fortaleza (3°42'S, 38°27'W). This species was previously known only for the type locality, Canela Island, Bragança, Pará, Brazil. A. leptodactyla was collected on November 2004 at Baleia Beach, municipality of Itapipoca (3°08'S, 39°27'W) and Z. ostreum was obtained from the oyster Crassostrea rhizophorae Guilding, 1828, collected on November 2005 at the Jaguaribe River estuary, municipality of...
Tipo: Info:eu-repo/semantics/article Palavras-chave: Austinixa; Geographic range; New records; Zaops.
Ano: 2006 URL:
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Rarity patterns and conservation priorities in Cactaceae species from the Southern Central Andes: a case study from the Calchaquíes Valleys, Salta, Argentina Ecología austral
Godoy-Bürki,Ana C.; Aagesen,Lone; Sajama,Jesús M.; Bravo,Silvia; Alonso-Pedano,Mariana; Ortega-Baes,Pablo.
In this study, 34 Cactaceae species from the Calchaquíes Valleys, Argentina, were studied to determine 1) species rarity level, 2) proportion of rare species among taxonomic and ecological groups and, 3) whether rareness is consistently distributed throughout the species geographical ranges. We used a model where rarity is defined by the geographic range and the local population size to define species rarity. Rareness was not concentrated in any particular taxonomic or ecological group of Cactaceae; however 28 species were rare at some level. In most species, rarity varied across the geographical range, only five species remained consistently rare in all the surveyed populations. Six species qualified as extremely rare, all from the Cactoideae subfamily,...
Tipo: Info:eu-repo/semantics/article Palavras-chave: Geographic range; Local abundance; Extinction risk; Endemism.
Ano: 2016 URL:
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The three phases of the ensemble forecasting of niche models: geographic range and shifts in climatically suitable areas of Utetheisa ornatrix (Lepidoptera, Arctiidae) Rev. Bras. entomol.
Diniz Filho,José Alexandre Felizola; Ferro,Viviane G.; Santos,Thiago; Nabout,João Carlos; Dobrovolski,Ricardo; De Marco Jr.,Paulo.
Species' geographic ranges are usually considered as basic units in macroecology and biogeography, yet it is still difficult to measure them accurately for many reasons. About 20 years ago, researchers started using local data on species' occurrences to estimate broad scale ranges, thereby establishing the niche modeling approach. However, there are still many problems in model evaluation and application, and one of the solutions is to find a consensus solution among models derived from different mathematical and statistical models for niche modeling, climatic projections and variable combination, all of which are sources of uncertainty during niche modeling. In this paper, we discuss this approach of ensemble forecasting and propose that it can be divided...
Tipo: Info:eu-repo/semantics/article Palavras-chave: Arctiidae; Climate change; Geographic range; Niche models; Uncertainty.
Ano: 2010 URL:
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Updated geographic range maps for giraffe, Giraffa spp., throughout sub‐Saharan Africa, and implications of changing distributions for conservation ArchiMer
O'Connor, David; Stacy‐dawes, Jenna; Muneza, Arthur; Fennessy, Julian; Gobush, Kathleen; Chase, Michael J.; Brown, Michael B.; Bracis, Chloe; Elkan, Paul; Zaberirou, Abdoul Razazk Moussa; Rabeil, Thomas; Rubenstein, Dan; Becker, Matthew S.; Phillips, Samantha; Stabach, Jared A.; Leimgruber, Peter; Glikman, Jenny A.; Ruppert, Kirstie; Masiaine, Symon; Mueller, Thomas.
Giraffe populations have declined in abundance by almost 40% over the last three decades, and the geographic ranges of the species (previously believed to be one, now defined as four species) have been significantly reduced or altered. With substantial changes in land uses, loss of habitat, declining abundance, translocations, and data gaps, the existing geographic range maps for giraffe need to be updated. We performed a review of existing giraffe range data, including aerial and ground observations of giraffe, existing geographic range maps, and available literature. The information we collected was discussed with and validated by subject‐matter experts. Our updates may serve to correct inaccuracies or omissions in the baseline map, or may reflect actual...
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Aerial survey; Africa; Decline; Endangered; Geographic range; Giraffe; Spatial ecology.
Ano: 2019 URL:
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