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Hope and reality: EU accession’s impact on Hungarian agri-food trade AgEcon
Kiss, Judit.
The principal aim of this article is to examine how Hungary’s agricultural trade has changed since EU accession and whether the country has managed to retain its position as a net exporter. After analysing the Eurostat database’s latest statistical data we concluded that Hungary’s agri-food trade position has deteriorated regarding both old and new EU member states. The central causes for this are not so much insufficient exports but rather a sharp rise in imports. Future prospects hinge on further EU enlargement, changes in the EU’s Common Agricultural Policy, the outcome of the WTO Doha Round, and trends in world agriculture. To adapt to expected changes and to capitalise on emerging opportunities, Hungary should alter its agricultural export commodity...
Tipo: Journal Article Palavras-chave: EU accession; Hungarian agricultural trade; Trade balance; Commodity structure; Geographical structure; Agribusiness; International Relations/Trade.
Ano: 2008 URL:
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The role of facultatively nectarivorous birds as pollinators of Anarthrophyllum desideratum in the Patagonian steppe: a geographical approach Ecología austral
Paiaro,Valeria; Cocucci,Andrea A; Oliva,Gabriel E; Sérsic,Alicia N.
The endemic shrub Anarthrophyllum desideratum appears to be the only ornithophilous plant offering nectar as reward in the extensive Patagonian steppe. The identity of its floral visitor assemblage and to what extent this species depends on bird pollination for sexual reproduction is yet unknown. A. desideratum's vast distribution includes climatic gradients, which may promote geographical shifts in its floral visitors. The aims of this study were to determine the species dependence on pollinators to set fruits, to identify its floral visitor assemblages, to document possible geographical and environmental variation of these assemblages across the species range and to assess their temporal constancy. We conducted different pollination treatments in several...
Tipo: Info:eu-repo/semantics/article Palavras-chave: Bird assemblage composition; Breeding system; Climatic factors; Floral visitors; Geographical structure; Passerines; Phrygilus gayi; Zonotrichia capensis.
Ano: 2017 URL:
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Variability patterns of microphytoplankton communities along the French coasts ArchiMer
Gailhard, Isabelle; Gros, Philippe; Durbec, Jp; Beliaeff, Benoit; Belin, Catherine; Nezan, Elisabeth; Lassus, Patrick.
Microalgal populations along French coasts (English Channel, Bay of Biscay and Mediterranean Sea) have been sampled twice a month since 1987 within the context of the French Phytoplankton and Phycotoxin Monitoring Network (REPHY). This study used these data to characterize the large-scale geographical structures of microphytoplankton communities and to determine whether 'homogeneous' geographical areas exist in which microalgal populations display similar temporal variability schemes. Once the temporal variability component shared by all sampled coastal sites was identified, the 'residual' site-specific component was analyzed. Multivariate ordination methods were used to determine seasonal and inter-annual variability. The expected-temporal pattern common...
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Microphytoplankton; French coast; Geographical structure; Temporal variability; RV coefficient; Multidimensional scaling.
Ano: 2002 URL:
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