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Processing and physical and physiological quality of the native forest seeds of Vernonanthura discolor 1
Grzybowski, Camila Ribeiro de Souza; Silva, Rosemeire Carvalho da; Vieira, Elisa Serra Negra; Panobianco, Maristela.
  The objective was to study the processing of Vernonanthura discolor seeds, evaluating their physical and physiological qualities and defining parameters for purity analysis and determine the weight of one thousand seeds. The seeds extracted from the infructescences were processed in a blower, testing combinations of openings of the calibration valve and the side air passage. After processing, the seeds went through water content determination, germination tests, first count of the germination test, purity analysis, weight of one thousand seeds and percentage of full seeds. Compared to the control, seeds processed in a regulated blower with the calibrator valve in position 10 plus three 360° turns of side air passage obtained an approximately three-fold...
Tipo: Info:eu-repo/semantics/article Palavras-chave: Vassourão-preto; Post-harvest; Purity analysis; Weight of one thousand seeds; Seeds blower; Germination.; Produção e Beneficiamento de Sementes; Vassourão-preto; Pós-colheita; Análise de pureza; Peso de mil sementes; Produção e Beneficiamento de Sementes.
Ano: 2018 URL:
Registros recuperados: 1
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