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Genetic parameters for drought-tolerance in cassava PAB
Oliveira,Eder Jorge de; Aidar,Saulo de Tarso; Morgante,Carolina Viana; Chaves,Agnaldo Rodrigues de Melo; Cruz,Jailson Lopez; Coelho Filho,Maurício Antônio.
The objective of this work was to evaluate the effect of drought on genetic parameters and breeding values of cassava. The experiments were carried out in a completely randomized block design with three replicates, under field conditions with (WD) or without (FI) water deficit. Yield of storage roots (RoY), shoot (ShY), and starch (StY), as well as the number of roots (NR), and root dry matter content (DMC) were evaluated in 47 cassava accessions. Significant differences were observed among accessions; according to heritability, these differences had mostly a genetic nature. Heritability estimates for genotypic effects () ranged from 0.25±0.12 (NR) to 0.60±0.18 (DMC), and from 0.51±0.17 (NR) to 0.80±0.21 (RoY and StY) for WD and FI, respectively, as a...
Tipo: Info:eu-repo/semantics/article Palavras-chave: Manihot esculenta; Breeding; Drought stress; Germplasm..
Ano: 2015 URL:
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Synthesis of a base population of Habanero pepper Horticultura Brasileira
Nass,Luciano L; Souza,Karina RR; Ribeiro,Claudia SC; Reifschneider,Francisco JB.
ABSTRACT: The establishment of populations with ample genetic variability and their use in breeding programs are discussed based on the Capsicum breeding program at Embrapa. Thirty-one accessions of "Habanero" pepper from different origins present in the Capsicum Active Germplasm Bank (AGB) of Embrapa Vegetables were used to establish a base population. The base population of "Habanero" was formed by an equal mixture of F2 seeds from all crosses obtained, using a fixed weight (1 g) per cross, which is close to 150 seeds per genotype. This balanced population was introduced in theCapsicum AGB as CNPH 15,469. There are several possibilities to explore this variability, such as the use of base population as source of inbred lines; the use of base population...
Tipo: Info:eu-repo/semantics/article Palavras-chave: Capsicum chinense; Pre-breeding; Genetics; Germplasm..
Ano: 2015 URL:
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