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Birth weight patterns by gestational age in Brazil Anais da ABC (AABC)
Pedreira,Carlos E.; Pinto,Francisco A.; Pereira,Silvia P.; Costa,Elaine S..
BACKGROUND AND OBJECTIVES: We present an updated birth weight-for-gestational-age portrait, based on nearly 8 million observations of an ethnic-mixed population. It comprises the first comprehensive charts with Brazilian data. This contribution intends to assist clinicians in classifying fetal growth, to provide a reference for investigations of predictors and to show the consequences of small and large patterns for gestational age delivery. Most of the reference data for assessing birth weight for gestational age deal with insufficient sample size, especially at low gestational age. Population-based studies with considerably large sample size refer to data collected more than 15 years ago. METHODS: We accomplished a population-based study on births in all...
Tipo: Info:eu-repo/semantics/article Palavras-chave: Birth weight; Newborn; Gestational age; Fetal growth; Preterm; Postterm.
Ano: 2011 URL:
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Immunological Distribution of the Placental Lactogene and IGF-1 Receptor on Free-chorionic Villi of the Newborns Small for Gestational Age Placentae International Journal of Morphology
Prieto,Ruth; Matamala,Fernando; Rojas,Mariana.
The aim of this study was observe differences in the immunological distribution of the placental lactogene and IGF-1 receptor on free-chorionic villi, between studied groups and to relate the neonatal diagnosis of PEG with morphometric and immunohystochemical characteristics of the placenta. A total of, twelve placentas from AEG newborn and twelve from PEG newborn were obtained from the Maternity Ward of Temuco, Chile. H&E, Alcian blue and Masson's trichromic stains, as well as Hematoxilyn-PAS. In the immunoperoxidase technique, were used: 1) placental lactogen (polyclonal, dilution 1:200, NCL-PLP, Novocastra) 2) Insuline-1 like growth factor (monoclonal, dilution 1:200, NCL-GHR, No vocastra). Differences between PEG and AEG placentae in the...
Tipo: Journal article Palavras-chave: IGF-1 receptor; Free-chorionic villi; Newborns; Gestational age.
Ano: 2008 URL:
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Twinning rate trend in a population sample from the city of São Paulo, Brazil Genet. Mol. Biol.
Colletto,Gloria M.D.D..
A retrospective study was carried out on a sample consisting of 89,491 deliveries occurred from 1979 through 1998, in the city of São Paulo, SP, Brazil. These deliveries included 935 twin and 26 triplet births. The mean incidence per 1,000 deliveries was estimated at 10.45 for twins (5.34 for dizygotic and 5.11 for monozygotic twins) and 0.29 for triplets. The average maternal age increased significantly during this period for both twins and singletons. The temporal variation in years significantly influenced the increase of monozygotic twins and of triplets. Temporal variation and maternal age significantly influenced the dizygotic twinning rate increase. An increased proportion of monozygotic twins born to mothers aged 31 - 35 years was also detected.
Tipo: Info:eu-repo/semantics/other Palavras-chave: Dizygotic twinning rate; Monozygotic twinning rate; Maternal age; Gestational order; Gestational age.
Ano: 2003 URL:
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