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Scénarios d'aménagement des activités de pêche dans la bande cotière bretonne : rapport 2004 ArchiMer
Talidec, Catherine; Daures, Fabienne; Leblond, Emilie; Berthou, Patrick; Guyader, Olivier; Thebaud, Olivier; Peronnet, Isabelle; Boncoeur, J.; Curtil, O.; Martin, A.; Le Floc'H, P.; Travers, M.; Le Lec, G..
This document is the progress report, for the year 2004, of the research programme "Scenarios for Development of Fishing Activity in the Breton Coastal Strip". This programme, co-financed by the Brittany Region within the framework of the XII State/Regional Planning Contract, teams up scientific partners from IFREMER, ENSAR, and UBO (CEDEM). This report consists of four parts: 1. Introduction of the Breton fishing fleet, its characteristics, its activity and its recent history 2. Spatial management of fishing economic activity in the Breton coastal strip 3. Measuring of economic results of Breton professional fishing: Comparison of methods based on accounting data and local surveys 4. Assessment of the economic weight of professional fishing: analysis of...
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Allotments; Trawl survey; Database; Spatial assessment; Coastal fishing; Brittany; Cantonnement; Chalutage; Enquêtes; Bases de données; Gestion spatiale; Pêche cotière; Bretagne.
Ano: 2005 URL:
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Seafloor habitat definition for spatial management in fisheries: a case study on the continental shelf of southeast Australia ArchiMer
Bax, N; Kloser, R; Williams, A; Gowlett-holmes, K; Ryan, T.
The importance of habitat to Fisheries production on Australia's southeast continental shelf is part of a five-year study of ecosystem functioning and its implications for a sustainable fishery. Benthic habitats from 40 m to similar to 200 m were studied, based on identification of suitable sites from local fishers' information. Results presented here concentrate on data from a single mesohabitat at 40-60 m depth collected over two days. Macrohabitats within this mesohabitat were discriminated as soft, hard and rough from visual inspection of acoustic echograms. Subsequent analysis of the return echoes using roughness and hardness indices did not significantly improve real-time visual discriminations. Macrohabitats were sampled with an underwater video...
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Habitat benthique; Acoustique; Communauté biologique; Vidéo sous-marine; Gestion spatiale; Seafloor habitat; Acoustics; Biological communities; Underwater video; Spatial management.
Ano: 1999 URL:
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