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Aires marines protégées et récifs artificiels : méthodes d'évaluation, protocoles expérimentaux et indicateurs ArchiMer
Claudet, Joachim.
Marine Protected Areas' (MPAs) and Artificial Reef's (ARs) management requires complex assessment and monitoring programmes, dealing with different sources of variability. We studied and developed experimental designs and analysis methods suited for the establishment of a monitoring of MPAs and ARs. This methodology is developed from existing data sets in the Northwestern Mediterranean. We build multi-criteria indicators allowing a statistically testable diagnosis of the impact of MPAs and ARs on reef fish assemblages. Using ecological performance indicators permits to monitor and to give an image of the assessed system to managers. It was possible to show the global response of the fish assemblages to the protection by a MPA. This response was evidenced...
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Management; Northwestern Mediterranean; Statistical Power; Monitoring; Habitat; Multivariate; Indicators; Temperate Fish; Impact Assessment; Artificial Reefs; Marines Protected Areas; Gestion; Méditerranée Nord Occidentale; Puissance Statistique; Suivis; Habitat; Multivarié; Indicateurs; Poissons Tempérés; Evaluation d'Impact; Récifs Artificiels; Aires Marines Protégées.
Ano: 2006 URL:
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Caractéristiques de dragues et pêcheries ArchiMer
Pitel, Mathilde; Berthou, Patrick; Fifas, Spyros.
Basically, a dredge is a bottom-towed gear and consists of a metal frame with a blade or teeth, to dig into the sediment and extract the shelled molluscs, and a mesh bag to collect the catch. Whereas hand dredging is observed on some intertidal beds (Donax trunculus in France), the use of dredge generally needs a fishing boat. There is a great diversity of dredge types, with specific designs used to target different species in particular beds: Manual dredges for Donax (Donax trunculus), Warty venus (Venus verrucosa) and clams (Venerupis pulastra, Ruditapes sp) Dredges for King scallops (Pecten maximus) Dredges for Warty venus (Venus verrucosa) Dredge for Queen scallops (black and white, Chlamys varia and Chlamys opercularia) Dredges for small...
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Management; Environmental impact; Spisula; Bittersweet palourdi; Fishing boat; Clam; Dredge; Brittany; Gestion; Impact environnemental; Spisula; Amande; Navire de pêche; Drague; Bretagne.
Ano: 2001 URL:
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De la biodiversité aux biotechnologies bleues : la caractérisation et l'exploitation des ressources marines sont-elles compatibles? ArchiMer
Goulletquer, Philippe.
L’exploitation de la biodiversité marine, notamment via les biotechnologies, offre un réel potentiel de valorisation comme le démontre l'accélération des dépôts de brevets utilisant des substances actives marines. Ce point est renforcé par les particularités uniques de la biodiversité marine. Le défi à l’heure actuelle est de définir les conditions d’exploitation durable dans un contexte de connaissances limitées des écosystèmes concernés. Si les activités actuelles tendent à privilégier la préservation de l’environnement marin, le développement de connaissances et la levée de verrous technologiques permettront probablement à l’avenir d’identifier les ressources d’intérêt puis de les exploiter par des approches industrielles innovantes (e.g.,...
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Biodiversité; Ressources Marines; Biodiversité marine; Biotechnologies; Gestion; Exploitation.
Ano: 2012 URL:
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Diagnostic technico-économique et aide à la gestion d'entreprise en aquaculture ArchiMer
Calleja, P; Paquotte, Philippe.
Formal accounting sheets usually turn out being unappropriate to identify the technical or managerial elements causing the financial situation of an enterprise and to imagine the future of that enterprise as well. That is the reason why, as it has been widely developed in agriculture, a technico-economic approach linking the physical flows related to the activity of the enterprise and the resulting financial flows should be a better answer to the need of vigilance on husbandery practices and to the need of projection in the future. The realization of a computerized simulation tool taking into account some relevant technical, biological and economic criteria makes it possible to assess the consequences of investment decisions on the cash-flow and on the...
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Simulation tool; Management; Economics; Aquaculture; SEM; Outil de simulation; Gestion; Économie; Aquaculture.
Ano: 1995 URL:
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Dragages et environnement marin Etat des connaissances ArchiMer
Alzieu, Claude; Abarnou, Alain; Bassoullet, Philippe; Boutier, Bernard; Chiffoleau, Jean-francois; Crenn, Isabelle; Derrien, Annick; Erard-le Denn, Evelyne; Gourmelon, Michele; Guiliaud, Jean-françois; Silva Jacinto, Ricardo; Le Cann, Pierre; Le Guyader, Françoise; Le Hir, Pierre; L'Yavanc, Jacky; Mauvais, Jean-louis; Menard, Dominique; Michel, Pierre; Monbet, Yves; Pommepuy, Monique; Quiniou, Francoise.
Port activities require continuous or occasional dredging of considerable quantities of sediments : approximately 50 million m3 along the French coastline. A large proportion of the dredgings is authorized for dumping at sea in geographically delimited areas and following an impact evaluation of their potential harmfulness to the marine environment. The environmental risks assessment linked to dredging operations relies on knowledge related to several scientific disciplines contributing to changes in the regulations. This work, intended both for managers and for environmental scientists and engineers, is designed to take stock of the current state-of-the-art in the field of sediment contamination and related ecotoxicological hazards, along with a review of...
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Regulations; Management; Impact; Contaminants; Dredging; Réglementation; Gestion; Impact; Contaminants; Dragages.
Ano: 1999 URL:
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Dynamique des pêcheries traditionnelles d'anchois, de calmars et de poulpes du Sud-Ouest de Madagascar : utilisation d'outils océanographiques pour la gestion des ressources ArchiMer
Bemiasa, John.
Anchovy (Stolephorus indicus), squid (Loligo sp.) and octopus (Octopus cyanea) are among the main exploited halieutic resources in the south western region of Madagascar. Important year to year changes of their abundance (e.g. anchovy) could have drastic consequences on catches as well as for the economy of the local communities. Yearly environmental changes analysis on enrichment process in upwelling area (Chl-a), sea surface temperature, winds permitted to explain annual and seasonal variability of anchovy, squid and octopus abundance index as well as their seasonal reproduction strategy. Seasonally environmental cycle is taken in account by species for their reproduction strategy development. Results from this study show the first idea of factors and...
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Ressources halieutiques; Gestion; Facteur climatique; Upwelling; Environnement; Dynamique; Pêche traditionnelle; Octopus cyanea; Loligo sp.; Stolephorus indicus.
Ano: 2009 URL:
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Dynamique des populations de palourdes japonaises (Ruditapes philippinarum) dans le bassin d'Arcachon : conséquences sur la gestion des populations exploitées ArchiMer
Dang, Cecile.
The Manila clam Ruditapes philippinarum was introduced into Arcachon Bay at the beginning of the 1980s for aquaculture purposes. It rapidly naturalized in all intertidal flats of the lagoon. Nowadays, Arcachon Bay ranks at the first French place in terms of exploitable stock. However, recent stock assessments have shown an unbalance size structure with a deficit in juvenile and adult clams (> 38 mm shell length). These alarming patterns asked many questions on the sustainability of Manila clam populations within Arcachon Bay and have motivated the present thesis. This study aimed to better understand the population dynamics of this species and also some factors controlling this dynamic. The final objective was to improve the Manila clam fishing...
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Management; Trophic sources; Pathogens; Population dynamics; Ruditapes philippinarum; Gestion; Resources trophiques; Pathogènes; Dynamique de population; Ruditapes philippinarum.
Ano: 2009 URL:
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Etude des intermattes des herbiers à Posidonia oceanica. Analyse à différentes échelles spatiales de la structure des paysages sous-marins ArchiMer
Abadie, Arnaud.
Among Mediterranean marine ecosystems, Posidonia oceanica (L.) Delile seagrass meadows form a habitat playing an important ecological and economical role. They form heterogeneous seascapes influenced by the impact of natural and anthropogenic phenomenon (of which the anchoring of leisure ships). These impacts lead to the formation of sand and bare mat patches called ‘intermattes’. By describing and using intermatte characteristics observed in Calvi Bay and more widely around Corsica, these PhD works precisely described intermatte and P. oceanica seascape dynamics in order to develop new methods of analysis. On the one hand, natural sandy intermattes formed by bottom currents show two types of border. Each has its own characteristics at the level of the...
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Paysage sous-marin; Plante sous-marine; Posidonia oceanica; Intermatte; Ancrage; Gestion; Indices; Seascape; Seagrass; Posidonia oceanica; Patch; Anchoring; Management; Indices.
Ano: 2016 URL:
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Flux et usages de l'eau de mer dans les marais salés endigués Charentais : Cas du marais salé endigué de l'île de Ré ArchiMer
Paticat, Francois.
The aim of the study is to determine how seawater is used in Ré island marine ponds (Charente-Maritime, France). Thus, we assessed the ecosystem functioning, estimated its historical evolution and determined the most suitable ways to improve current management processes. The knowledge of seawater management is essential to ensure wetland future and meet the numerous interests of wetland stakeholders, especially in term of seawater sharing. Consequently, it is necessary to consider the Ré island marine embanked wetland through its natural as well as human characteristics. Our work followed two research axes. First, a survey and a description of wetland activities were realized through their management types and their water use features, knowing that human...
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Ré Island; Activities; Management; Saltwater; Flows; Coastline; Île de Ré; Activités; Gestion; Eau de mer; Flux; Littoral.
Ano: 2007 URL:
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La gestion des ressources et des territoires : Application à la mise en oeuvre de projets de valorisation de sous-produits de poisson ArchiMer
Penven, Anais.
Beyond the technical and technological advances in the conversion of marine by-products into useful products, the territorial, economic, social, political and environmental parameters, which govern all forms of approaches for fish by-products upgrading, must be taken in account. This is essential to understand why and how bioconversion technologies are applicable. The fishery sector is facing several issues such as fish stocks weakening, recourse to imports, aquaculture rising or consumers behaviors which complicate the approach of fish by-products upgrading as it is linked to the raw material processing. Thanks to some projects addressed this thematic in recent years, several quantitative and qualitative data about by-products deposits are available....
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Sous-produits; Valorisation; Territoire; Pêche; Gestion; Transformation; Stratégie industrielle; Multi-filières; By-products; Upgrading; Territory; Fishing; Management; Processing; Industrial strategy; Agrowastes.
Ano: 2014 URL:
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Le développement durable des filières de la conchyliculture et de la pêche dans les Pertuis Charentais: évaluation et gestion du risque sanitaire lié à l'environnement ArchiMer
Bordage, Laëtitia.
Ce travail effectué sous la responsabilité de Gérard Thomas, s'est déroulé en deux grandes phases. Une première phase a été de rechercher la documentation relative à la conchyliculture et aux normes sanitaires. Ces recherches se sont principalement déroulées aux Archives Départementales de la Charente-Maritime, pour l'aspect historique, à la Bibliothèque Universitaire de La Rochelle et sur Internet, pour les textes juridiques relatifs aux normes sanitaires. Ensuite, il a fallu analyser l'ensemble de ces documents pour en ressortir une synthèse. Dans un second temps, il s'agissait de prendre contact avec les différents organismes intervenant dans la gestion du risque sanitaire pour la filière conchylicole. Pour cela, des rencontres des représentants des...
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Droit; Filières conchylicoles; Risque sanitaire; Evaluation; Gestion; Environnement; Pertuis Charentais; Département Charente-Maritime.
Ano: 2009 URL:
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Le merlu europeen (Merluccius merluccius L.). Bilan des connaissances biologiques. Evolution de l'exploitation. Evaluations des stocks et mesures de gestion ArchiMer
Guichet, Roger.
European hake is one of the most important commercial species of the North East Atlantic. Its biology is quite well known in spite of age reading problems. This report provides a review of the state of knowledge based on updated data, specially for parameters used in the working groups in charge of stocks assessments. The fisheries for hake are essentially sequential. In recent years fishing mortalities have been moderate and the over exploitation of the stocks is due to the excessive catches of young fish and to the fishing pattern of some fleets. The result of this inappropriate exploitation pattern is dangerous with a decrease of the spawning stock biomass and recrutrnent for the two stocks.
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Merlu; Nord Est Atlantique; Biologie; Exploitation; Gestion; Hake; North East Atlantic; Biology; Fisheries; Management.
Ano: 1996 URL:
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Les enjeux de la recherche en économie maritime ArchiMer
Abric, M; Weber, Jacques.
In September 1989, Mr Pierre Papon, Chairman of the IFREMER, expressed his wish for a study on the issues of research in marine economy. Carried out under the direction of Jacques Weber, this document is the result of this study. Dealing with marine economy equals, mutatis mutandis, dealing with terrestrial economy: the uniqueness of the subject, economy, as that of the marine element, hides a wide heterogeneity and a multiplicity of research questions. This is the reason why eight different fields were chosen to be investigated. It was decided to take an inventory, for each field, of all the specialised research centres, and to interview their directors or some specialists. Interviews were thus carried out by sector.
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: SEM; Economie travail; Aménagement; Gestion; Recherche; Economie maritime.
Ano: 1990 URL:
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Les réseaux d'épidémio-surveillance REPANUI et REPAMO ArchiMer
Joly, Jean-pierre; Cochennec, Nathalie; Fougerouse, Angélique; Francois, Cyrille.
Created in 1992, the French network REPAMO is in charge of the surveillance and monitoring of the mollusc health status along the French coast according to European legislation. The missions of the network are the following: (1) the surveillance of notifiable diseases present in France, (2) the study of abnormal mortalities, (3) the surveillance of health status of cultivated and natural mollusc populations. The more recent network REPANUI has similar goals mainly focused on the pearl oyster health status to support the oyster farming industry in French Polynesia.
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: REPAMO; REPANUI; Perspective; Gestion; Organisation; Epidémiologie; Réseaux surveillance.
Ano: 2007 URL:
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Pêcheries bigoudenes. Bilan des connaissances Activités de pêche, Ressources, Gestion ArchiMer
Biseau, Alain; Maguer, Cedric; Sanz Aparicio, Céline.
Located at the far south-west of Brittany, the pays bigouden is the first of the French maritime regions in terms of landed value and the second one in weights. The bigouden fishing practices are characterised by a large diversity of target species and métiers. Studying the fishing practises leads to a description of the various métiers and fishing strategies together with their trends over the last ten years. Identification of métiers is based on multifactors analysis. Using a classification method based on thresholds of species landings then allows a more objective analysis and leads to a more quantitative characterisation of the trawl métiers, which represent more than 80% of the total fishing activity of this region. Two métiers are based on Nephrops...
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Sole; Cardine; Baudroie; Merlan; Morue; Merlu; Langoustine; Reglementation; Gestion; Évaluation de stock; Métiers; Pays Bigouden; Sole; Medrim; Lophius; Monk; Blue whiting; Gadus; Cod; Hake; Nephrops; Prawn; Regulation; Fishing management; Stock assessment; Metiers; South West Brittany.
Ano: 1999 URL:
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PECHTRAD 2018. Bilan synthétique des actions de soutien scientifique, de suivi des pêches traditionnelles à pied, de collecte de paramètres biologiques et de la caractérisation des peuplements ichtyologiques au sein de la Réserve Naturelle Marine de La Réunion. ArchiMer
Roos, David.
Ce rapport constitue une synthèse des livrables des 4 actions de la convention PECHTRAD 2018 (n°18/2216680F). Ainsi, un soutien scientifique par une contribution aux réunions de mediation et de vulgarisation de la connaissance scientifique auprès des pêcheurs, des gestionnaires et des organismes d’Etat a été realisée.  Les résultats des analyses de l’évolution des efforts de pêche et des captures des différents métiers pratiqués par les usagers sur les platiers récifaux gérés par la RNMR en 2018 y ont été presentés. L’évolution des indices annuels de captures par unité d’effort a montré, selon les pêches pratiqués, une augmentation des abondances de capucins nains pêchés au filet, une relative stabilité pour la pêche à la gaulette ainsi qu’une diminution...
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: PECHTRAD; Gestion; Connaissance; Pêche récréative; Pêcheur; Suivi scientifique; Senne de plage; Capucin; Gaulette; Baton; Zourite; Aire marine protégée; AMP; Réserve Naturelle Marine de La Réunion; RNMR; Vidéo; STAVIRO; Peuplement ichtyologique; Habitat récifal; Pente externe.
Ano: 2019 URL:
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Rapport sur l'exercice de la pêche dans la zone côtière de la France ArchiMer
Bolopion, Jacques; Forest, Andre; Sourd, Louis-julien.
The maritime fisheries and mariculture guidance law passed in 1997 specifies that with the perspective of renegotiation of the common fisheries policy in 2002, a report on the special conditions of inshore fisheries be drawn up by the Government. To do so, the Minister of Agriculture and Fisheries entrusted this task to three experts, who are the authors of this report. In accordance with their remit, the situation of fisheries in territorial waters and estuaries of metropolitan France and the four DOM overseas departments ( counties) was examined, in the framework of meetings with professional fishermen, administrations, elected officials and scientific organisations. The first part situates fishing activities in coastal areas within the overall context...
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Gestion; Manche; Méditerranée; Gascogne; DOM; Conflits d'usages; Pêche côtière; Management; Channel; Mediterranean; Biscay; DOM; Conflicting uses; Coastal fisheries.
Ano: 2000 URL:
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Relations entre l’état d’une ressource et son exploitation via la compréhension et la formalisation des interactions de socio-écosystèmes. Application à la palourde japonaise (Venerupis philippinarum) du bassin d’Arcachon. ArchiMer
Caill-milly, Nathalie.
Significant component of the marine benthic ecosystem, exploited bivalves are mainly located inside the coastal area, which temporal and spatial features generate natural population fluctuations and contribute to considerable biomass and demographic structure changes added to anthropogenic activities’ effects (fishing, pollution,…). Understanding of the relationships between the species, its environment and its exploitation is crucial and their formalization, including for management purposes, requires development of mathematical models that aim at describing the functioning of the system, to explain the observed phenomenon in terms of cause and effect or predict effects of new causes. Originating from venerid culture trials carried out in France in the...
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Bivalve; Morphométrie; Allométrie; Dynamique des populations; Système dynamique; Gestion; Palourde japonaise; Venerupis philippinarum; Bivalve; Morphometry; Allometry; Population dynamics; Dynamic system; Management; Manila clam; Venerupis philippinarum.
Ano: 2012 URL:
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Réseau de Suivi Lagunaire du Languedoc-Roussillon. Bilan des résultats 2002 ArchiMer
Laugier, Thierry; Fiandrino, Annie; Souchu, Philippe; Benau, Laurent.
The numerous coastallagoons lining the Languedoc-Roussillon mediterranean coast undergone high anthropic pressure. The Lagoon Monitoring Network as a result of partnership between Ifremer, the Languedoc- Roussillon Regional Council and the Rhône Méditerranée Corse Water Agency, apply to provide yearly a diagnostic of the environmental quality of21lagoons. This network has two main goals: • The monitoring of the state of the lagoon with regards to eutrophication and sorne specifie survey in coordination with local managers. • Management support (model simulation, synthetic infonnation, scientific support) towards local managers. This annual report gathers results of the actions planned in 2002 within the Network : • For each lagoon excosystem, results of...
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Lagunes littorales; Méditerranée; Eutrophisation; Diagnostic; Surveillance; Gestion; Coastal lagoon; Mediterranean; Eutrophication; Diagnostic; Monitoring; Management.
Ano: 2003 URL:
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Simulation de la dynamique de pêcherie : modélisation, complexité et incertitude ArchiMer
Mahevas, Stephanie.
Fisheries are defined by a set of fishermen and of marine populations impacting each other in a spatial-limited marine ecosystem. Within the over-exploitation context and according to ratified sustainable management objectives, my research has been focused on the development and a caution use of a mechanistic model describing fisheries dynamics. This model allows for integrating existing knowledge of fisheries. It aims at improving the understanding of fisheries functioning and at investigating the impact of fishing regulations on fisheries dynamics. This modelling exercise has supported many methodological developments for its parametrisation and its use in uncertainty context. Concerned with promoting a correct use of a complex model (that ambiguity link...
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Statistics; Spatial; Management; Optimal complexity; Sensitivity; ISIS Fish; Statistiques; Spatial; Gestion; Complexité optimale; Sensibilité; ISIS Fish.
Ano: 2009 URL:
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