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Biomass, metabolism and nutrition of zooplankton in the Gulf of Lions (NW Mediterranean) ArchiMer
Gaudy, R; Youssara, F; Diaz, F; Raimbault, P.
Zooplankton biomass was measured at 20 stations located along five coastal-offshore transects in the Gulf of Lions (NW Mediterranean) during spring 1998 and winter 1999, using two nets equipped with 200 and 80 Pm mesh. Biomass was twice as abundant in spring. It increased toward the coast and the west of the gulf and was positively correlated to chlorophyll, primary production and organic particulate matter and negatively to temperature and salinity. The enrichment effect of Rhone river input and the oligotrophic influence of the north Mediterranean current (NMC) were the main distribution factors of zooplankton biomass. Higher biomass was obtained in coastal stations with the 80 mum net, which sampled more efficiently young larval stages and nauplii....
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Zooplankton; Métabolisme; Cycle saisonnal; Golfe du Lion; Zooplankton; Metabolism; Seasonal cycle; Gulf of Lions.
Ano: 2003 URL:
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Caractérisation et modélisation des processus de bioaccumulation des PCB chez le merlu (Merluccius merluccius) du golfe du Lion ArchiMer
Bodiguel, Xavier.
Understanding bioaccumulation mechanisms of persistent organic pollutants (POPs) is a major issue for environmental risk assessment. In this work, polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs), a model contaminant family, has been studied in the European hake (Merluccius merluccius), a high trophic level species from the Gulf of Lions. High concentrations of PCBs were measured in hake from this area compared to those encountered in the population of the Bay of Biscay. PCB biomagnification was highlighted along its food web from marine phytoplankton, suggesting a strong influence of diet on contamination levels. The role of other biological processes was also apprehended in order to understand the high variability of observed levels. Thus, growth, sex, and also the...
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: DEB theory; Bioenergetic model; Gulf of Lions; Biomagnification; Food web; Hake; Bioaccumulation; Polychlorinated biphenyls; Organic contaminants; Théorie DEB; Modèle bioenergétique; Golfe du Lion; Bioamplification; Réseau trophique; Merlu; Bioaccumulation; Polychlorobiphényles; Contaminants organiques.
Ano: 2008 URL:
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Comparison of three Gobiidae (Teleostei) life history strategies over their geographical range ArchiMer
Bouchereau, Jl; Guelorget, O.
This article summarizes the latest knowledge on the ecology of three gobies. The authors compile data published by various scientists who carried out their research under different conditions, using a variety of methods for collecting data and processing the results. The relationship between population structure and different environmental conditions was considered for three goby species Pomatoschistus minutus (Pallas, 1770), P. microps (Kroyer, 1838) and Gobius niger Linnaeus, 1758, in different geographical areas, notably the Mediterranean (Gulf of Lions and Adriatic) and cold temperate Atlantic (north of the English Channel) parts. In the three species, the life cycles in the Mediterranean, favoured by the local hydroclimate, are "contracted" (growth is...
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Golfe du Lion; Atlantique; Cycles vitaux; Stratégies d'occupation; Gobiidæ; Gulf of Lions; Atlantic; Life cycle; Occupying strategy; Gobiidae.
Ano: 1998 URL:
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Contraintes de fond dans le Golfe du Lion générées par les houles et les courants ArchiMer
Dufois, Francois; Garreau, Pierre; Le Hir, Pierre.
Simulated data of both currents and waves for the entire year 2001 are used in order to assess their statistical contribution to the erodability power over the shelf of the Gulf of Lion. Bottom circulation patterns are also analysed in response to wind forcing. A method to compute the skin friction component of the total bottom shear stress is then proposed and compared with a classical method.
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: MARS 3D; Golfe du Lion; Contraintes de peau; Contraintes de fond; Courants; Houles.
Ano: 2006 URL:
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Deep crustal structure across a young passive margin from wide-angle and reflection seismic data (The SARDINIA Experiment) - I. Gulf of Lion's margin ArchiMer
Moulin, Maryline; Klingelhoefer, Frauke; Afilhado, Alexandra; Aslanian, Daniel; Schnurle, Philippe; Nouze, Herve; Rabineau, Marina; Beslier, Marie-odile; Feld, Aurelie.
The conjugate margins system of the Gulf of Lion and West Sardinia (GLWS) represents a unique natural laboratory for addressing fundamental questions about rifting due to its landlocked situation, its youth, its thick sedimentary layers, including prominent palaeo-marker such as the MSC event, and the amount of available data and multidisciplinary studies. The main goals of the SARDINIA experiment, were to (i) investigate the deep structure of the entire system within the two conjugate margins: the Gulf of Lion and West Sardinia, (ii) characterize the nature of the crust, and (iii) define the geometry of the basin and provide important constrains on its genesis. This paper presents the results of P-wave velocity modelling on three coincident near-vertical...
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Marge continentale passive; Structure crustale; Réfraction; Golfe du Lion; Croûte océanique; Domaine transitionnel; Continental passive margin; Crustal structure; Wide-angle seismic; Gulf of Lion; Oceanic crust; Transitional domain.
Ano: 2015 URL:
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Distribution des microplastiques dans les eaux de sub-surfaces, en Méditerranéenne nord-occidentale ArchiMer
Martinot, Pauline.
Between April and November 2018, 20 microplastic (MPs) samples were collected at 8 sampling stations in French Mediterranean coast from Port-Cros to Banyuls as well as upstream the Rhône River. MPs were found in every sample with variable concentrations, size range and colors. Concentrations ranged from 11 items (Port-Cros) to 15 178 items (Port-Saint-Louis low salinity, PS). The samples with the highest MPs count originate from PS and the Bay of Marseille. MPs count in Spring and Autumn results in 217 (± 12,3) and 351 (± 4,3) respectively for the Bay and particles >1 000 μm dominated sampling stations during both seasons, while PS samples showed greater variability in size distribution. The site PS, near the Rhône River, has the most fiber and the...
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Débris marins; Microplastiques; Mer Méditerrannée; Golfe du Lion; Fleuve du Rhône.; Marine litter; Microplastics; Mediterranean Sea; Gulf of Lion; Rhône River.
Ano: 2019 URL:
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Echanges côte-large à moyenne échelle au niveau de la pente continentale du Golfe du Lion. Processus et Modélisation ArchiMer
Andre, Gael.
Dynamics of water mass exchanges between the Gulf of Lions (GoL) and the open sea are driven by several physical processes, which influence circulation at several spacio-temporal scales. This study, based on a realistic modelling during two years, aims to bring a better knowledge of circulation and hydrodynamics processes occurring in the NW Mediterranean Sea and in the GoL. Firstly, the NW Mediterranean Basin circulation modelled during the year 2001 is compared with Sea Surface Temperature (SST) satellite measurements (AVHRR) and with the MEDATLAS climatology. These comparisons show a good agreement concerning surface patterns and seasonal variability of the large scale circulation. At lower scale, several processes influence circulation over the shelf...
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Instabilities; Meso scale variability; Slope current; Hydrodynamical modelling; Gulf of Lions; Mediterranean Sea; Instabilité; Variabilité méso échelle; Courant de pente; Modélisation hydrodynamique; Golfe du Lion; Mer Méditerranée.
Ano: 2007 URL:
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Écologie trophique des juvéniles de merlu (Merluccius merluccius) dans le golfe du Lion : Implications biologiques de la variabilité spatio-temporelle des ressources alimentaires exploitées dans les zones de nourricerie ArchiMer
Ferraton, Franck.
European hake (Merluccius merluccius) is a commercial and ecological important species in the Gulf of Lions. Juveniles are mainly located on the continental shelf, and abundance of smaller individuals (< 15 cm) is highest during spring in deeper areas principally. Juvenile hake (5 to 24 cm) density, relative condition factor, food resources and food web structure were investigated in four locations of the continental shelf (distributed with depth : shallow-deep, and distance from the Rhone river mouth : Rhone-Agde) during three springs (2002-2003-2004). Changes of food resources were identified with hake length, spatio-temporal variations were also observed for smaller juveniles (< 15 cm). Despite of hake prey diversity, the same organic source is at...
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Zone de nourricerie; Réseau trophique; Isotopes stables; Facteur de condition relative; Ressources alimentaires; Juvéniles; Merluccius merluccius; Golfe du Lion.
Ano: 2007 URL:
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Effets de l'exploitation par la pêche sur la dynamique de diversité des peuplements de poissons démersaux : analyse comparée du rôle des interactions entre espèces dans le golfe de Gascogne et dans le golfe du Lion ArchiMer
Blanchard, Fabian.
This work deals with the fishing effects on the diversity dynamics of demersal fish communities, focusing on the biotic interactions. Multispecies indices are used in order to characterize the demersal fish community dynamics of the Bay of Biscay and of the Gulf of Lions. These are the diversity indices, the temporal variability of the total biomass and of the slope of the number size spectra and the slope of the species-area curves (spatial segregation). The yearly bottom trawl surveys EVHOE, CHALIST and MEDITS, carried out in these two areas since 1983 by IFREMER for the stocks assessment provide the data. The differences between areas are related to a fishing index (mean value of the annual landings of demersal fish per surface area). Other areas are...
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Gulf of Lions; Bay of Biscay; Medits; Chalist; Evhoe; Fishing effect; Diversity; Demersal fish; Golfe du Lion; Golge de Gascogne; Medits; Chalist; Evhoe; Descripteurs; Diversité des peuplements; Poissons démersaux.
Ano: 2000 URL:
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Enregistrements stratigraphiques des cycles climatiques et eustatiques du Quaternaire terminal - Modélisations de la marge continentale du Golfe du Lion. ArchiMer
Jouet, Gwenael.
Earth's climate oscillated during the Late Quaternary following the major glacial-interglacial cycles. These well-known variations influenced continental and marine sedimentary records worldwide. However, the associated changes of global sea-level and of environmental factors are not precisely documented, neither are their stratigraphic signatures. The extensive geophysical and sedimentological investigations carried out in the Gulf of Lions (Western Mediterranean) since the early 90's allow us to explore the expanded sedimentary records preserved on this continental margin during the Late Quaternary. The combination of high sediment supply (largely from Alpine glaciers) and significant subsidence favoured an almost continuous record, at the shelf edge, of...
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Late Quaternary; Lithology; Seismic; Gulf of Lions; Stratigraphic modelling; Glacio Eustatic cycles; Climate; Deltaic margin; Sequence Stratigraphy; Quaternaire terminal; Lithologie; Sismique; Golfe du Lion; Modélisations stratigraphiques; Cycles Glacio Eustatiques; Climat; Marge deltaïque; Stratigraphie Séquentielle.
Ano: 2007 URL:
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Etude du risque d’effet des espèces halieutiques à l’éolien flottant dans le Golfe du Lion: rapport technique et méthodologique ArchiMer
De Rock, Pauline; Hattab, Tarek; Vaz, Sandrine.
Dans le cadre du sixième appel d'offres (AO6) pour l'éolien en mer en France, Ifremer réalise l’étude pour identifier les zones de moindre contrainte pour les espèces halieutiques (poissons, mollusques, crustacés, invertébrés benthiques sensibles) dans le Golfe du Lion à la demande de la Direction Générale de l'Energie et du Climat (Ministère de la Transition Ecologique et Solidaire). La méthodologie pour calculer le risque d’effet a été adaptée à partir de la méthode proposée pour l’étude des compartiments granulats et avifaune au sud de la Bretagne afin de maintenir une similitude de concepts et de terminologies entre les différents appels d’offres. Les données des campagnes scientifiques MEDITS et PELMED ont été utilisées dans un premier temps pour...
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Energies marines renouvelables; Eolien en mer; Eolien flottant; Golfe du Lion; Mer Méditerranée; Espèces halieutiques; Ichtyofaune; Mollusque; Crustacé; Invertébré benthique; Risque d’effet; Incertitude.
Ano: 2021 URL:
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Evolution oligo miocène des marges du micro océan Liguro-Provençal ArchiMer
Bache, François.
The Gulf of Lion margin has been created by an Oligo-Aquitanian rifting followed by oceanic accretion in the Provencal basin during the Burdigalian. Two main periods have been detailed in this thesis: • The Messinian event that needs to be differentiated from earlier strata deposition. The event also represents a clear marker (between 7 and 5,3 Ma) within the history of the basin. • The initial period of margin formation, from the beginning of continental extension (35-30 Ma) to oceanisation (around 20 Ma) The database for this study has been built using all available data (seismic and wells from industry) on the shelf, the slope and the deep basin of the Gulf of Lion. The gathering of this huge database occurred in the framework of the French GDRMarges...
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Thermal anomaly; Passive Margins; Subsidence; Rifting; Detritism; Erosion; Salinity Crisis; Miocene; Messinian; Mediterranean; Gulf of Lion; Anomalie thermique; Marges passives; Subsidence; Rifting; Détritisme; Érosion; Crise de salinité; Miocène; Messinien; Méditerranée; Golfe du Lion.
Ano: 2008 URL:
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Facteurs de contrôle sur le fonctionnement du système turbiditique du Rhône depuis le Dernier Maximum Glaciaire ArchiMer
Lombo Tombo, Swesslath.
Turbidite systems are accumulations of fluvial sediment on the continental margins. They are mainly made of « turbidites » deposited after the flow of turbidity currents inside submarine canyons and channels. Their structure and composition are controlled by global and regional environmental changes such as sea level and climate. The two fundamental parameters that govern their functioning are the production of sediment in the river watersheds and the capability and reactivity of the transfer to the turbidite system. In this work we show that for the last 24,000 years the functioning of the Rhone turbidite system has shown rapid changes under the control of sea level and sediment production fluctuations. Our results are based on a millennial time-scale...
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Hyperpycnite; Turbidites; Système turbiditique du Rhône; Facteurs de contrôle; Niveau marin; Climat; Morphologie; Golfe du Lion; Méditerranée occidentale; Hyperpycnites; Turbidites; Rhone turbidite system; Control factors; Sea level; Climate; Morphology; Gulf of Lions; Western Mediterranean.
Ano: 2015 URL:
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Le mercure en Méditerranée nord occidentale. Mercure naturel et anthropique dans l'écosystème du Golfe du Lion et de ses marges : niveaux, apports et tendances dans l'atmosphère, les eaux, les sédiments et les organismes vivants ArchiMer
Cossa, Daniel.
Le présent rapport, intitulé « Le mercure en Méditerranée Nord occidentale » traite du cycle du mercure naturel et anthropique dans l’écosystème du Golfe du Lion, ses marges et la plaine abyssale adjacente. Il y aborde les niveaux de concentrations de différentes espèces chimiques du mercure, les apports de sources externes, les transformations internes et les tendances spatio-temporelles dans l’atmosphère, les eaux, les sédiments et les organismes vivants. Ce rapport a pour objectif de répondre aux attentes managériales en matière de gestion des eaux. Il fait la synthèse des connaissances et propose des actions en matière de surveillance et de recherche pour la zone considérée.
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Mercure; Méditerranée; Golfe du Lion.
Ano: 2012 URL:
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Modélisation bioénergétique de la variabilité des traits d’histoire de vie de l’anchois et de la sardine entre le golfe du Lion, le golfe de Gascogne et la Manche ArchiMer
Menu, Clara.
Small pelagic fish show a general decrease in size and body condition over the past two decades in the North-East Atlantic. The underlying factors are still not well understood, however recent studies point to a bottom-up control. In order to understand how the environment impacts the main biological functions, i.e. growth, reproduction and maintenance, we adopted a bioenergetic modelling framework based on the Dynamic Energy Budget theory. To improve the robustness of our study, we chose a comparative approach between two species, Engraulis encrasicolus and Sardina pilchardus, both living in three areas, namely the English Channel, the Bay of Biscay and the Gulf of Lion. Our model is calibrated over the Bay of Biscay and then applied to the other areas,...
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Engraulis encrasicolus; Sardina pilchardus; Théorie Dynamic Energy Budget; Traits d'histoire de vie; Manche; Golfe de Gascogne; Golfe du Lion; Engraulis encrasicolus; Sardina pilchardus; Dynamic Energy Budget theory; Life history traits; English Channel; Bay of Biscay; Gulf of Lion.
Ano: 2020 URL:
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Modélisation du transport particulaire dans le Golfe du Lion en vue d'une application au devenir des traceurs radioactifs issus du Rhône ArchiMer
Dufois, Francois.
Among the contaminants introduced into the environment, the artificial radionuclides appear particularly important to take into account because of their chemical toxicity and/or of their radiotoxicity. Some radionuclides present a high affinity with particles so that the study of the sediment dynamics is a useful preliminary to the study of their dispersion on the open sea. This thesis is focused on the fate of sediments in the Gulf of Lions (NW Mediterranean) and in particular on the impact of the Rhone River, which is the main source of particulate matter in the Gulf of Lions. In order to study the sediment transport mechanisms on various space and time scales, this thesis is based on mathematical modelling. The hydro-sedimentary model set up in the Gulf...
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Waves; MARS 3D; Hydrodynamic; Radionuclides; Modelling; Sediment; Rhône prodelta; Gulf of Lions; Vagues; MARS 3D; Hydrodynamique; Radioéléments; Modélisation; Sédiment; Prodelta du Rhône; Golfe du Lion.
Ano: 2008 URL:
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Paleo sea levels reconsidered from direct observation of paleoshoreline position during Glacial Maxima (for the last 500,000 yr) ArchiMer
Rabineau, Marina; Berne, Serge; Olivet, Jean-louis; Aslanian, Daniel; Guillocheau, François; Joseph, Philippe.
The drastic climatic changes which characterise the cooling trend of the last few million years of Earth history led to variations in eustatic sea level that had tremendous impact on the geology and ecology of continental margins. Reconstructing a sea-level curve back in time is not an easy task. Observations of shoreline positions are always a local measurement of Relative Sea Level that needs to be corrected from the effect of tectonic and thermal subsidence, sediment loading, compaction and glacio-hydro isostasy. Extensive studies have been done for the last deglaciation and for the last 100,000 yr cycle. But very few studies deal with position of sea level during earlier cycles, simply because conditions are very rarely favourable for the preservation...
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Mediterranean Sea; Gulf of Lions; Golfe du Lion; Subsidence; Glacial maxima; Climatic cycles; Shoreline position; Glacioeustatism; Sea level amplitudes; Sea level changes.
Ano: 2006 URL:
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Particulate matter and organic carbon budgets for the Gulf of Lions (NW Mediterranean) ArchiMer
Durrieu De Madron, X; Abassi, A; Heussner, S; Monaco, A; Aloisi, Jc; Radakovitch, O; Giresse, P; Buscail, R; Kerherve, P.
An analysis of sedimentological, sediment trap and hydrological data was performed to investigate the transport and fate of particulate matter in the Gulf of Lions. The sedimentological properties outline the major sedimentary units of the shelf (Rhone prodelta, mid-shelf mud belt, outer shelf) and slope. The geometry of these sedimentary units and the southwestwards increase of particulate fluxes on the slope highlight the influence of the general cyclonic circulation on the dispersion of land-derived particulate matter. Considering the known input and output terms, budgets of particulate matter and organic carbon in the Gulf of Lions are proposed. Inputs were river supply, atmospheric deposition and primary production; outputs were sediment burial and...
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Méditerranée; Golfe du Lion; Sédiment; Flux; Bilans de masse et de carbone organique; Mediterranean Sea; Gulf of Lions; Sediment; Flux; Organic carbon and mass budgets.
Ano: 2000 URL:
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Post-rift evolution of the Gulf of Lion margin tested by stratigraphic modelling ArchiMer
Leroux, Estelle; Rabineau, Marina; Aslanian, Daniel; Gorini, Christian; Bache, Francois; Moulin, Maryline; Pellen, Romain; Granjeon, Didier; Rubino, Jean-loup.
The sedimentary architecture of basins and passive margins is determined by a complex interaction of parameters, including subsidence, eustasy, and sediment supply. A quantification of the post-rift (20 Ma-0 Ma) vertical movements of the Gulf of Lion (West Mediterranean) is proposed here based on the stratigraphic study of sedimentary paleomarkers using a large 3D grid of reflection seismic data, correlations with existing drillings, and refraction data. Post-rift subsidence was measured by the direct use of sedimentary geometries analysed in 3D and validated by numerical stratigraphic modelling. Three domains of subsidence were found: on the continental shelf and slope, subsidence corresponds to a seaward tilting with different amplitudes, whereas the...
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Modélisations stratigraphiques; Stratigraphie sismique; Golfe du Lion; Post-Rift subsidence; Crise de salinité messinienne; Processus profonds et superficiels; Stratigraphic modelling; Seismic stratigraphy; Gulf of Lion; Post-rift subsidence; Messinian salinity crisis; Deep and surface processes.
Ano: 2015 URL:
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Processus et enregistrements sédimentaires dans les canyons sous-marins Bourcart et de Capbreton durant le dernier cycle climatique. ArchiMer
Gaudin, Mathieu.
Submarine canyons cutting continental shelves and slopes are considered to be erosive features allowing continental derived sediment to reach the deep sea. In order to better understand their sedimentary dynamic and morphologic evolution through time, two submarine canyons, the Bourcart canyon in the Gulf of Lion and the Capbreton canyon in the Bay of Biscay have been studied. The Bourcart canyon, located at the shelf break at 110 m water depth, is disconnected from direct sediment supply during sea-level highstand and is considered as inactive. The Capbreton canyon's head is located 400 m off the coastline, and is disconnected from the Adour river since the 16th century. Bathymetric, core, radioisotopic and current data showed that these canyons are...
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Seal level variations; Last climatic cycle; Gravity currents; Dense water cascading; Coarse grained sedimentation; Gulf of Lion; Bay of Biscay; Submarine canyon; Variations du niveau marin; Dernier cycle climatique; Courants gravitaires; Plongées d'eau dense; Sédimentation sableuse; Golfe du Lion; Golfe de Gascogne; Canyon sous marin.
Ano: 2006 URL:
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